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Friday, 31 January 2025

GOD'S WAY OR DEVIL'S WAY! You'll Be Rewarded For Your Own Choices.


God’s Way Or Devil’s Way!

You’ll Be Rewarded For Your

Own Choices Accordingly!

(M. Javed Naseem)

Those who reject Faith and do wrong,

Allah will not forgive them nor guide them

to any way – except the way of Hell, to

dwell therein for ever. And this

to Allah is easy.”

(al-Quran 4:168-169)

Allah sent His Messengers to the world to guide humans to choose the right path. They all promoted and preached the faith Allah chose for the mankind – submission to God (i.e., Islam). Those who after receiving the true guidance from the Prophets and Messengers, knowingly make the wrong choices and defy Allah and His Messengers/Prophets, they earn the wrath of Allah. All those people who follow the pagan teachings and customs, make that category. They are not true believers. The Almighty had already warned us:

If anyone contends with the Messenger

even after guidance has been plainly

conveyed to him, and follows a path

other than that becoming to men of Faith,

We shall leave him in the path he has

chosen, and land him in Hell – what

an evil refuge!”

(al-Quran 4-115)

Here’s a clear choice: Either the way of Allah or the way of the Devil! One path leads to Heaven and the other leads to Hell. You become the friend of Allah or the friend of Satan. There is no middle way; there is no gray area. It is all clear in black and white – very clear! It is up to us to choose the ‘light’ or the ‘dark’. When we make our own choices, we have no right to complain or whine. Everything has been fully explained to us. It is our duty to investigate and research before making a choice. Still, if we call on our Creator for help, He guides us and helps us while Satan does not – and cannot – help us in any situation. Allah tells us clearly:

They invoke in His stead only females;

they pray to none else than Satan, a rebel

whom Allah cursed, and he said: ‘Surely

I will take of your bondsmen an appointed

portion, and surely I will lead them astray;

and surely I will arouse desires in them;

and surely I will command them and they

will cut the cattle’s ears; and surely I will

command them and they will change Allah’s

creation.’ Whoso chooses Satan for a patron

instead of Allah, is verily a loser and

his loss is manifest.”

(al-Quran 4:117-119)

When man gets wealth, power and authority, he becomes an evil beast. He forgets humanity, civility, compassion and even justice. He rules by lies and deceptions. Remember those scientists and politicians who developed ‘atom bomb for peace and service to humanity’; and then destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki to ‘serve’ humanity? Exactly the same thing is being repeated today. We are being lied to everyday, we are being fooled with deceptions and we are tortured with betrayals. The game of ‘death & destruction’ is being played in our world and thousands are being killed or crippled everyday in the name of peace.

Man behaves like a monster when befriended with the Devil. He kills humans to ‘serve’ humanity and destroys God’s creation to ‘establish’ God’s kingdom on earth. What a freaking psychopathic hypocrite using moronic logic and reason!


Make your choices wisely

and don’t become a loser

in the Hereafter!


Allah chose a faith for mankind and that faith was Islam – submission or surrender to God. All Prophets and Messengers of God promoted, preached and practiced the same religion. But man produced many religions or variations from the one religion originally given to him. The natural result was chaos and confusion.

Faith brings discipline, order and peace in our lives and helps in creating a just and compassionate society. The purpose of our lives is not to amass wealth by hook or by crook. We are here in this world to live peacefully together; take care of each other; and gratefully obey the Commands of our Lord God so that we flourish and succeed. Allah has promised us that He will give us more if we remain grateful to Him for all the bounties and blessings we are enjoying.

It is the faith alone that can save humanity from destruction. Only faith can bring peace and justice. And once again, the only faith acceptable to Allah is Islam – submission to God. Islam was chosen for us by God, therefore, He is not going to accept anything else in the name of religion. Islam is the Truth from Allah and it has been declared as the faith of the universe. Allah has warned us:

And whoever seeks a religion other

than Islam, it will never be accepted

of him, and in the Hereafter he will be

one of the losers!”

(al-Quran 3:85)


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