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Friday 29 December 2023


Before Starting The New Year

Check The Gains & Losses

And Mark The Lessons Learned!

Don’t Forget The Hereafter

While Chasing The Illusion!

(M. Javed Naseem)


"Evil has become rife on the land and at sea
because of men's deeds; so He (Allāh) may
let them taste part of what they have done that
perhaps they will turn back (from evil)."
(al-Quran 30:41)

Man is a social animal who cannot live alone – by himself. He needs others and that makes us a community and a society. It is up to us if we want to make it a material society or balance it with spiritual and sentimental feelings. For that, the rules and regulations have been laid out. There are man-made rules and then there are God-made rules or laws that the Almighty Creator has conveyed to us through His Messengers or the Prophets. While a man judges other people’s success on material wealth, the Almighty has declared His own criterion. God judges us on the scale of righteousness or piety and commands us to do the same.

If we look around, we find evil and misery everywhere. Man is not happy with what he's got, so he tries to amass as much wealth, property or material things as possible. We have forgotten that this world is a test for us. This is an opportunity to work on our next life in the Hereafter which is everlasting. We commit sins and crimes, without any regret. And then we don't repent or ask Allah for forgiveness. This attitude merits punishment.

Today’s world is full of misery, injustice, hate, wars, death and destruction. The powerful and rich are corrupt. They are using the poor to make their lives successful and comfortable. They have lost compassion, sympathy and sense of justice. It is their greed and temptation of this material world that is creating all sorts of problems. And they are not even in a healthy state of mind to realize what they are doing to the world. They are destroying their own world in trying to get rid of the poor and the minorities. Man has become an evil animal in pursuit of his lusts and temptations. He does not remember God nor does he want to read the Scriptures. The obvious result is chaos, injustice, misery and discontentment. Allah commands us to maintain justice, peace and to help the poor. That will curtail the disparity, injustice and eventually the crimes too. It will encourage the righteousness and that’s what is needed today.

The Word of God, the Holy Quran, tells us what is liked by our Creator and what merits God's punishment. We all commit sins but those sinners are better in the eyes of Allah who repent and beg for Allah's forgiveness and mercy. That's the way to move forward. Allah the Most Merciful never closes the door of mercy. It's up to us how we benefit from it.

Say, "O My servants who have transgressed
against themselves [by sinning], do not despair
of the mercy of Allāh. Indeed, Allāh forgives
all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving,
the Merciful."
(al-Quran 39:53)

In today’s material world, success is measured with money. Anybody who is wealthy and who owns buildings, is considered ‘successful’ while the poor are labeled as losers or failures. Money is the yardstick used to measure people’s success. But, as they say, money is not everything. And it is true too. You can buy a lot of things with money and make your life more comfortable with wealth, but the true wealth is not measured with the yardstick of money or material. You righteousness, your love, your sincerity, your honesty, your wisdom, your knowledge and your sense of justice are a lot more valuable than money.

Allah has drawn the line between winners and losers; and success and failure. Believers with good deeds, who follow and promote the Truth and Patient Perseverance, are the winners or the successful. Everybody else is a loser!

"And those whose scales are heavy
(with good deeds), it is they
who are the successful."
(al-Quran 23:102)

At the end of the day, it is your good conduct or righteousness or piety that counts. Allah loves righteousness and rewards it with mercy, blessings and forgiveness. That's the way which leads us to Paradise and protects us from the Hellfire. 


Before the turning over the page, from 2023 to 2024, we should look at the balance sheet of our deeds. We should analyze what we gained and what we lost during the last 12 months. If we are wise people, we won’t repeat the same mistakes that we committed in the past. If we are intelligent, we’ll underline the important lessons we learned from our failures and mistakes. We need honesty, sincerity, compassion and determination to pursue our noble goals for the future and leave our children in a world worth living. Good luck!


Friday 22 December 2023

25th DECEMBER: TIME TO REFLECT. Honor Jesus and Jinnah by fulfilling their mission.


25th of December:
Time To Reflect!

Honor Jesus By Following
His Teachings:
Faith, Prayer, Love, Kindness
& Forgiveness!

Honor M.A. Jinnah
By Fulfilling His Mission!

(M. Javed Naseem)
“But realize this, that in the last days difficult
times will come. For men will be lovers of self,
lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers,
disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy!”
(The Bible: 2-Timothy 3:1-2)
Happy holidays everybody! It is holiday season as 25th of December is approaching. The world knows this day as the birthday of Jesus Christ (although most people and scholars agree that it is not the correct date). In Asia, the people of the sub-continent (Pakistan & India) know it as the birthday of Mohammad Ali Jinnah (the Quaid-e-Azam), the founding father of Pakistan (and they know that it’s the correct date).

A Christian activist asks:
Santa Claus: The Ultimate in Fake News
(a.k.a. What The F… Are We Celebrating?)

“Why do we persist with the Santa Claus mythology? Do we really need all the lies and ‘naughty/nice’ behavioral rewarding to have a meaningful annual midwinter celebration? Instead of fiction, it is time instead to celebrate the true magic and wonder around us”, says Ethan Indigo Smith (a writer/activist at the Wake Up World).

“For children who have just learned or realized the truth, the lie is everywhere we look at Christmas time. It’s at home, in schools, on the news; even the local weather forecasters cooperate with powerful military institutions like NORAD (the North American Aerospace Defense Command) lie to us! And we play along without a moment to process our loss, lest we poop the party for younger, still-ignorant children. (Never mind that ours is the only culture on Earth to base its major holy-day on a foundation of pure fictional fabrication, forgoing reality to celebrate the bounty of a deliberately false patriarch.)
In a sense the Santa Claus story is the biggest series of lies on the planet — the mother of all ‘fake news’ — because most of the white western world eats up and regurgitates it all cyclically. We all know it’s a lie, but most of us don’t question its effect on our children’s psychological and spiritual development. The Santa Claus story is not the worst of the big lies, not by far; especially when compared to the lies that underpin the financial, political and education systems, energy and resources, nuclear experimentation, and countless other industries that destroy our Earth Mother; or to the lies that inspire people to kill on behalf of religious or national institutions. But it is one of the big lies in our lives, and it does have an effect– and arguably, a purpose.”
Jesus gave his followers the direction with the Divine support as he was a Prophet of God. People were so impressed that, out of love and respect, they falsely proclaimed him as ‘son of God’ and then as ‘God’, and worshiped him.

25th of December:
Commemorating the occasion, it is only befitting that I share with you some beautiful quotes of the above mentioned great personalities of human history – Jesus Christ and Mohammad Ali Jinnah (the founding father of Pakistan).

Jesus Christ said:

Matthew 5:1-10
“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
    for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
    for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
    for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
    for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
    for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
    for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

1-Corinthians 10:24
“None of you should be looking out for your own interests, but for the interests of others.”

Romans 12:13
“Share your belongings with your needy fellow Christians, and open your homes to strangers.”

1-John 3:17
“Rich people who see a brother or sister in need, yet close their hearts against them, cannot claim that they love God.”

Luke 4:18-19
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has chosen me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind; to set free the oppressed and announce that the time has come when the Lord will save his people.”

James 2:15-16
“Suppose there are brothers or sisters who need clothes and don’t have enough to eat. What good is there in your saying to them, ‘God bless you! Keep warm and eat well!’ – if you don’t give them the necessities of life?”

Luke 18:29
"You know the commandments: 'Do not commit adultery; do not murder; do not steal; do not bear false witness; honor your father and mother!’”

James 4:1
“What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your members?”

1-Peter 2:17
“Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king!”
Jinnah of Pakistan:
Born on 25th of December, 1876, Mohammad Ali Jinnah was not a prophet but he did show the world his miracle. He single-handedly carved Pakistan out of the world map – a homeland for millions of Muslims of India. And that also happened with the Divine support as many Mullahs of India opposed him for one reason or the other. But most Muslims adored him and were so impressed that, out of love and respect, they called him “Quaid-e-Azam” (the great leader), and justly so! 

Quaid-e-Azam (Mohammad Ali Jinnah) said:

 “Brotherhood, equality, and fraternity of
man – these are all the basic points of our
religion, culture and civilization and we
fought for Pakistan because there was a
danger of the denial of these human rights
in the Subcontinent.”
-- M.A. Jinnah

“No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you.
No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with men.”

“If we want to make this great State of Pakistan
happy and prosperous, we should wholly and
solely concentrate on the well-being of the people,
and especially of the masses and the poor.”
-- Quaid-e-Azam


“Think 100 times before you take a decision, but once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man.”

“With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.”

“Expect the best, prepare for the worst.”
“You have to stand guard over the development
and maintenance of Islamic democracy, Islamic
social justice and the equality of mankind
in your own native soil.”
-- Quaid-e-Azam

“Islam expect every Muslim to do this duty, and if we realize our responsibility time will come soon when we shall justify ourselves worthy of a glorious past.”
“You will no doubt agree with me that the first duty of a government is to maintain law and order, so that the life, property, and religious beliefs of its subjects are fully protected by the State…..…if we want to make this great State of Pakistan happy and prosperous we should wholly and solely concentrate on the well-being of the people, and especially of the masses and the poor.”
“The adoption of Western economic theory
and practice will not help us in achieving our
goal of creating a happy and contented people.
We must work our destiny in our own way
and present to the world an economic system
based on the true Islamic concept of equality
of manhood and social justice”
-- Quaid-e-Azam


“Yet this is a truth people so easily seem to forget and begin to prize local, sectional or provincial interests above and regardless of the national interests. It naturally pains me to find the curse of provincialism holding sway over any section of Pakistan. Pakistan must be rid of this evil.”
“The Government can only have for its
aim one objective – how to serve the people,
how to devise ways and means for their
welfare, for their betterment.”
-- Quaid-e-Azam



Friday 15 December 2023

GROUND IS BEING PREPARED To Establish Dajjal's Regime.


Empire Of Dajjal (The Anti-Christ)

Ground Is Being Prepared

To Establish Dajjal’s Regime.

Covid Was A Test

(M. Javed Naseem)

"And never think that Allah is unaware of what

the wrongdoers do. He only gives them respite

till a Day when eyes will stare (in horror)."

(al-Quran 14:42)

We are going through the End Times. The apocalypse is approaching; the Armageddon is knocking at our doors. Be prepared for the final show-down; and if you are not prepared, you’ll be slaughtered like sheep and cattle. You have seen the trailers in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and other countries. Covid was the latest stunt to test the operation ‘obedience & control’.

The dishonest and propaganda-oriented mainstream media has built a shell around us and we are living an illusion inside that shell. Does anybody has the power to break that shell and face the reality? It doesn’t look like so. That means we are going to suffer more for our inefficiency and carelessness. We didn’t do anything when it was time to do and chalk out own lives. We let the corrupt powerful Zionists rule us, control us and decide for us. They are now telling us what to do, what to eat/drink, what to wear, what vaccination should we take, how we travel, how we handle our finances, education and how to live under their patronage. That’s slavery – modern slavery.

The life of this world is temporary and full of temptations. The illusion is not going to last forever. The Truth will shatter it one day and if we are not prepared for that encounter, we'll be hurt a lot. We'll lose everything that we have accumulated by violating others' rights and breaking all laws/rules, trying to satisfy our desires through injustice. As Muslims, we have pledged our faithfulness and fidelity to Allah (via the first pillar of Islam: Tawheed). But in real life, most of us fail to deliver. We have become slaves to our desires and we fall for every temptation, despite the fact that we are warned by Allah in the Quran about that. Why do we ignore Allah's warnings? Can we really afford this rebellion?

"And the companions of Paradise will call out

to the companions of the Fire, "We have already

found what our Lord promised us to be true.

Have you found what your Lord promised to be

true?" They will say, "Yes." Then an announcer

will announce among them, "The curse of Allah

shall be upon the wrongdoers."

(al-Quran 7:44)

The Evil Empire is preparing you for the rule of Dajjal (anti-Christ). We are in a transition right now. Some are feeling it and protesting against by crying foul; while most others have already accepted the evil hegemony. They have already got chains around their necks. Still they are not doing anything to get rid of this menace. On the contrary, they are criticizing those who are fighting for freedom.

Covid was the recent test. The string-pullers got the encouragement to go forward, although the results of the vaccine experiment were not 100% to their satisfaction. Most people don’t even know who is running the show. The evil-spirited Zionists are going to wage all-out war to achieve their goals. No opposition or criticism will be allowed. The fake Khazarian Zionist Jews, pretending to be the real Jews, are manipulating the weak nations, plundering their natural resources and economic wealth. Those who resist, are facing with death & destruction. Here’s just one example of Covid vaccine project. Who was behind that and who is implementing the heinous agenda. Look at the chart below to understand the whole game!

That’ just a partial list. The Zionist fake Jews are placed and planted in every department of the governments in America and Europe. Hundreds of American Congress members and Senators hold dual nationality – US and Israeli. They all have two passports. Similarly, most, if not all, of Israeli politicians and Knesset members also hold American passports, including Netanyahu. Most of the Europe, including UK, is controlled by the Zionist fake Jews who are installed in every parliament. Even Canada is controlled by the Zionists.

Ukraine and Palestine have exposed all bigots and hypocrites of the world. They follow double-standards. They chant the slogans and hymns of justice, freedom, democracy and human rights but in their heart of hearts, they are utter fascists. They don’t know what humanity is. Billions of dollars worth of arms/ammunition and war equipment is pouring into Ukraine while Palestinians are targeted for genocide. They are deliberately deprived of water, food, electricity, medicines, hospital treatment of injured and shelters to protect them from biting cold, rain and falling debris. The Zionists are showing their cruel and ugly face as butchers and oppressors.

It is the white man’s world. The other nations (the Chinese, Africans, Asians and Latinos) are being used as lab rats for experiments. The Evil Empire is a precursor of the future Dajjal (anti-Christ) regime. The leaders of most countries of the world are with the Zionists for their own political and financial gains. They have become collaborators in this heinous crime against humanity. They are worse than the Nazis.

The poor Palestinians know now that only Allah is their true Friend as no nation – Muslim or non-Muslim – came to help them. Man has become a beast. He is shouting empty slogans and false promises. He does anything and everything to gain power and then remain in power by hook or by crook. All the talk of humanity, decency, fairplay/justice, civil rights, freedom and democracy is simply bullshit, a lie, a deception.

But that doesn't mean you stop doing good to others. As human beings, it's our obligation to help other human beings and animals. Every good deed, no matter how small, will bring you many rewards; and that will make your 'capital' in the Hereafter. On the other hand, every injustice and evil deed will bring you to the Divine court of justice; and you will be held accountable. The guilty will be punished. The best way to please Allah is to please mankind; help those who cannot help themselves; lift the downtrodden and show mercy to people and the animals.


Friday 8 December 2023


 The Plight of Muslims
Practicing Hypocricy And
Preaching Islam Is Our
Way Of Life!

There's a leadership crisis
in the Muslim World.
The Evil Empire has installed
bigots and puppets in
Muslim countries!

(M. Javed Naseem)


“There will be people who will recite the
Quran but it will not go beyond their throats,
and they will go out of Islam as an arrow
goes out through the game, and they will
kill Muslims and leave the idolaters.”
--- Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)

We are going backwards, very fast, to the point where Islam was first introduced to the Unbelievers and idolaters. That was the culture of pagans, sinners, robbers and killers. They didn’t want to hear anything about Allah or Islam or equal rights, and those who tried to convey the Message of Allah, they were attacked, injured and even killed.

Today, it’s almost the same situation but with one exception. During Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)’s time, the people who delivered the Message were staunch Muslims with conviction and didn’t hesitate to sacrifice their lives. Today, the people who claim to be Muslims are not even close to Islam. They are neither sincere nor honest, and lack conviction. They are opportunists. They love comfortable luxury life of this world and don’t want to be bothered. So they compromise with evil. And that’s the exception!

We have abandoned Islam, the Quran, and are going against the teachings of the Prophet (s.a.w.). Allah had given us plenty of time to correct our ways but we revolted and continued following the Devil. And now, when the evil is dancing in every Muslim household of every Islamic country, we are faced with destruction, aggression and bloodshed. We are crying ‘foul’ but don’t look into the mirror! The Devils are kicking our asses and we are screaming. Does anybody care? No, nobody! The world is just watching you suffer. There is a serious lesson and warning in it: You did it to yourselves, now you fix it yourselves!

Friends of ISIS, followers of Daesh, Salafi extremists, radicals, fundamentalists, killers of innocent Muslims – they are all fuel of Hellfire. They are NOT Muslims nor have they anything to do with Islam. They are using the name of Islam and the Zionists are using them to make an excuse for attacking Muslims and invade Islamic countries. They are the opportunists, friends of the cruel Zionists who are fighting for the control of the world to plunder its wealth.

وَمِنَ ٱلنَّاسِ مَن يَقُولُ آمَنَّا بِٱللَّهِ وَبِٱلْيَوْمِ ٱلآخِرِ وَمَا هُم
بِمُؤْمِنِينَ يُخَادِعُونَ ٱللَّهَ وَٱلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَمَا يَخْدَعُونَ إِلاَّ أَنْفُسَهُم
وَمَا يَشْعُرُونَ فِى قُلُوبِهِم مَّرَضٌ فَزَادَهُمُ ٱللَّهُ مَرَضاً
وَلَهُم عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ بِمَا كَانُوا يَكْذِبُونَ
“And of mankind are some who say: We
believe in Allah and the Last Day, when
they believe not. They think to beguile
Allah and those who believe, and they
beguile none save themselves; but they
perceive not. In their hearts is a disease,
and Allah increases their disease. A painful
doom is theirs because they lie.”
(al-Quran 2:8-10)

The forces of evil have formed fake Islamic groups with catchy names. They can use any fancy words and phrases to define themselves and fool people. Their biggest propaganda weapon is the media that is running a campaign of lies and deceptions. They are corrupt, hateful, biased and prejudiced. They are responsible for Muslim genocide but they blame Muslims for every evil they themselves do. They are killing the innocent children, women and the elderly; slaughtering the mankind and claiming to be the peace-makers.

وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ لاَ تُفْسِدُواْ فِى ٱلأَرْضِ قَالُوۤاْ إِنَّمَا نَحْنُ مُصْلِحُونَ
أَلاۤ إِنَّهُمْ هُمُ ٱلْمُفْسِدُونَ وَلَـٰكِن لاَّ يَشْعُرُونَ
“And when it is said unto them: Make not
mischief in the earth, they say: We are
peace-makers only. Beware! They indeed are
the mischief-makers. But they perceive not.”
(al-Quran 2:11-12)
The promoters of the White World are destroying all other ethnic groups and nations. The Evil Empire (US-UK-EU) is controlling the world. They don't want any opposition or criticism. It is their way or no way. They are blackmailing other nations, especially the weaker nations, to manipulate and exploit them. They want their natural resources but not their people. Therefore, the game of 'death & destruction' is being played all over the world. The population of the world hates those evildoers and racist Zionists who present themselves as globalists and peace-makers. In fact, they are the real trouble-makers.



Friday 1 December 2023

ONLY GOOD DEEDS CAN HELP YOU In This World & In The Hereafter!

 Only Good Deeds Can
Help You In This World
And In The Hereafter!

(M. Javed Naseem)


"Every soul will taste death, and you will only
be given your [full] compensation on the Day
of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from
the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained
[his desire]. And what is the life of this world
except the enjoyment of delusion."
(al-Quran 3:185)

This world is an illusion. The life of this world is temporary and full of temptations. The illusion is not going to last forever. The Truth will shatter it one day and if we are not prepared for that encounter, we'll be hurt a lot. We'll lose everything that we have accumulated by violating others' rights and breaking all laws/rules, trying to satisfy our desires through injustice.

As Muslims, we have pledged our faithfulness and fidelity to Allah (via the first pillar of Islam: Tawheed). But in real life, most of us fail to deliver. We have become slaves to our desires and we fall for every temptation, despite the fact that we are warned by Allah in the Quran about that. Why do we ignore Allah's warnings? Can we really afford this rebellion?

"These are people who buy the life of this
world at the price of the Hereafter.
Their punishment shall not be lightened
nor shall they be helped."
(al-Quran 2:86)

Time flies and you won't even notice the end of your life in front of you. Only then you'll realize that you haven't done enough for the Hereafter – your real and eternal life. Therefore, the time to do good to others and accumulate good deeds is now! Allah's commands are very clear in the Quran and the Bible: 'Enjoin good and forbid evil! Don't spread corruption in the earth! And stand up for justice!'

"Call upon your Lord in humility
and privately! Indeed, He does not
like transgressors."
(al-Quran 7:55)

Only the Hereafter matters because that is the real and everlasting life. A kind and generous man, Qais bin Saad Khazarji, once fell ill. To his surprise nobody came to see him nor did anybody send a slave to wish him speedy recovery. All the time, when he was healthy and active, he used to receive a lot of visitors, friends and well-wishers. He asked his family what could be the reason? The family said that almost everybody owed him money. Unless they paid back his debt, they were embarrassed to come and visit him.

Qais bin Saad started cursing the money because of which he had lost all his friends and well-wishers. He hired a man to make announcement in all parts of the city that whosoever owed him money, was relieved of his debt. He forgave everybody and no one owed him anything. After hearing that announcement, so many people came to visit him. It was so crowded at his doorstep that people broke the threshold of the door.

Moral of the story: When you are wealthy and kind, people will flock around you to get some benefit. You'll have plenty of friends. But when you are in trouble, you'll be all alone. All 'friends' will disappear. Only Allah is your true Friend. But that doesn't mean you stop doing good to others. As human beings, it's our obligation to help other human beings and animals. Every good deed, no matter how small, will bring you many rewards; and that will make your 'capital' in the Hereafter. On the other hand, every injustice and evil deed will bring you to the Divine court of justice; and you will be held accountable. The guilty will be punished.

"And the companions of Paradise will call out
to the companions of the Fire, "We have already
found what our Lord promised us to be true.
Have you found what your Lord promised to be
true?" They will say, "Yes." Then an announcer
will announce among them, "The curse of Allah
shall be upon the wrongdoers."
(al-Quran 7:44)

Here is the key to success: Don't fall in love with this world, nor with money! Our stay in this world is but temporary. The greed and accumulation of wealth or material things can bring only the temporary pleasure or smiles. In fact, it will bring wrath of Allah upon us, unless we spend that wealth in Allah's way. The best way to please Allah is to please mankind; help those who cannot help themselves; lift the downtrodden and show mercy to people and the animals.

The life of this material world is beautiful for those who don't care about the Hereafter – mostly unbelievers and evil-doers. But for a believer and a righteous person, the life of the Hereafter is a lot more beautiful than the life of this world. The Almighty says that the life of this world is just an illusion. We should not become slaves to our desires and temptation while, at the same time, losing sight of our goal – the Hereafter! This life is just a test for us.

"Beautiful is the life of the world for
those who disbelieve; they make
a jest of the believers."
(al-Quran 2:212)

Be nice and kind to people! Every good thing you do for others, is 'Sadaqah' and 'Hasanah' – it brings you rewards. If you can't do anything, at least give them a good piece of advice! Give them a smile, that's Sadaqah too and you will be rewarded for that. We can help others by making things easier for them; facilitating the procedures; and giving lift when we have a ride. When you care about mankind, Allah will take care of you! It's guaranteed.


Friday 24 November 2023


'The US is the biggest cause
of global instability, but it
pretends to be the solution!

Arab Regimes Are Funding
Israel’s War on Gaza

(M. Javed Naseem)

The evil Zionist occupying forces of Israel are raising hell in Palestine. The game of death & destruction is being played to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians from Palestine. The Evil Empire (US & EU) are patronizing the genocide. As per The Economist, deaths in Gaza surpass 14,000, according to its authorities; more than a third of the dead are children.

On November 21st the Gaza Media Office rather than the health ministry reported new numbers. According to them, the latest death toll is 14,532. The Gaza Health Ministry has announced it will resume its count. 200 medical personnel have also died as a result of Israeli artillery, airstrikes or ground offensives. Around 1.6 million people, or about 70% of Gaza’s 2.3 million residents, have also been displaced, the European Council on Refugees and Exiles has said.

The entire world is watching the bombing and killing like spectators and still there are those shameless politicians, with no integrity and principles, who are siding with the apartheid Israeli regime in their crimes against humanity. In the midst of its ongoing war against the Gaza Strip, the occupation state has enjoyed considerable latitude, thanks in no small part to western support, notably from Washington, which proudly touts itself as a champion of global human rights whereas in reality, they are mere hypocrites.

The glaring double standards of this western policy are exemplified by decades of documented abuses and war crimes in countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, and beyond.

Human rights appear to be the last thing on the American mind. As Israeli behaviors worsen, the US is doubling down on its unwavering support for the Israeli war machine and its settler-colonial project, which has resulted in the loss of tens of thousands of Palestinian lives over the past seven decades.

Meanwhile, the Iranian news agency 'Tasnim' has reported that 5,000 US troops are involved in Gaza offensive. Israel’s ground operation of ethnic cleansing in Gaza is supported by 5,000 US troops. 

"Surely, they themselves are the mischief makers, 
but they do not perceive." - (al-Quran 2:12)

The US is the biggest cause of global instability, but it pretends to be the solution!
The Israel-Hamas war shows that Washington is the single most disruptive force in the world.
By Tarik Cyril Amar (For

A halfway even-handed international community would have to step in and protect the victims of the disproportionate Israeli retaliation, which multiple international voices have called a genocide and an ethnic cleansing. Failure to do so reveals profound bias and dysfunction. That much is obvious.

Yet there is another aspect of this catastrophic crisis, which receives less attention than it should. The global failure to hold back Israel’s aggression is due to only one part of the world, the West. And the West follows the lead of the US. Ethically, those who fail to stand up for the victims of a genocide or, even worse, side with the perpetrators are responsible for their own failure. Yet, in terms of power, US behavior is decisive. Just imagine a world in which Washington had reacted differently and restrained Israel. Its allies and clients would, of course, have fallen into line.

Whether in nominal terms or adjusted for purchasing power, America outdistances other nations, with 40% of all money spent on the military worldwide in 2022.

There is clear, again quantitative, evidence that Washington’s influence is highly disruptive. According to the conservative journal The National Interest, between 1992 and 2017, the US has been involved in 188 “military interventions.” This list is incomplete; it does not include, for instance, the Gulf War of 1990 or the pivotal role Washington played in provoking and then waging a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. Moreover, as you would expect, given the source, these are conservative figures. By 2022, Ben Norton, a well-informed critic of US politics on the left found 251 military interventions after 1991.

The US has not only shown a high propensity to pursue its perceived interests abroad by military force – instead of diplomacy or even “merely” economic warfare, i.e. sanctions. What is at least equally concerning is that this preference for direct violence as a tool of policy is accelerating. The National Interest finds that – again between 1992 and 2017 – America was engaged in four times as many military interventions as between 1948 and 1991 (“only” 46 times). Likewise, the Military Intervention Project at Tufts University’s Center for Strategic Studies has found that the US “has undertaken over 500 international military interventions since 1776, with nearly 60% undertaken between 1950 and 2017” and “over one-third” of these missions occurring after 1999. US bellicosity has grown over time (though not evenly) and, recently, after the end of the Cold War and the former Soviet Union, that growth has sped up.

These wars, moreover, have been extremely destructive. According to exhaustive research conducted by the Costs of War project at Brown University, the so-called “Global War on Terror” after 2001 alone produced between 905,000 and 940,000 “direct war deaths.” The same research project notes that the “destruction of economies, public services, infrastructure, and the environment” by these wars has caused an additional “3.6-3.8 million indirect deaths in post-9/11 war zones.” The fact that most of these deaths were “indirect” shows that, even without engaging in violence directly, Washington has an extraordinary knack of spreading lethal disruption.

The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft is explicit about the “practical and moral failures of US efforts to unilaterally shape the destiny of other nations by force,” and seeks to promote “a fundamental rethinking of US foreign policy assumptions.”  

The most important challenge of international security, therefore, is to manage a US that is especially dangerous now, by historical standards, and, even in decline, remains extremely powerful. It is sad to say, but in terms of achieving global stability, America is precisely not what it imagines itself to be: an “indispensable” part of the solution. In reality, it is the single worst problem.

Palestinians believe they can’t coexist with Israel – poll
Many Palestinians say they will “never forgive” Israel for its military action in Gaza, according to a survey

According to a poll of Palestinians conducted by the Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD), some 90% of respondents believe that “coexistence [with Israel] is increasingly impossible” given the scale of its military action in Gaza.

The poll, conducted between October 31 and November 7, also found that 98% reported they will “never forget and never forgive” Israel.

Elsewhere in the AWRAD poll, 100% of respondents said that there is no “safe space” in Gaza, while 65% view Israel’s offensive as a “war against all Palestinians” and not solely against Hamas.

It also found that almost half of people, 48%, said that their homes had been destroyed or partially damaged and that 90% supported a ceasefire. A total of 91% of respondents said that they had no trust in information provided to them by the Israeli military.

How Arab Regimes Fund Israel’s War on Gaza

Arab states that have normalized relations with Tel Aviv are among the leading cash contributors to Israel’s military-industrial complex. These Arab billions are now flowing into the Occupation state’s senseless war on Palestinians in Gaza, Jerusalem, and the West Bank.

Over the course of its short history, Israel has instigated atrocities against both the Palestinian people and neighboring Arab states, often using internationally banned chemicals such as White Phosphorus which has been deployed against Gaza and Lebanon in recent days.

Arab states funding Israel’s war economy

A report released by the Israeli Ministry of Defense reveals the financial windfalls that normalization created for the occupation state’s arms industry: in 2022 alone, 24 percent (equivalent to $3 billion) of Israeli military exports found their way to Arab countries that had formalized relations with Tel Aviv.

This marked a notable increase from 16.5 percent in the previous year. In 2021, Bahrain and the UAE alone accounted for 7.5 percent ($853 million) of Israel’s arms exports.

Geographically, the Arab signatory states to the Abraham Accords emerge as the third-largest group of countries importing Israeli weapons, following those in Asia-Pacific (30 percent) and Europe (29 percent).

This illustrates the significant role these Arab states play as major contributors to both Israel’s military-industrial complex and its economy.


Friday 17 November 2023

PALESTINE IS BLEEDING And The World Is Watching The Genocide.


Palestine Is Bleeding And

The World Is Watching The Genocide.

Evil Empire Is A Party To The Conflict.

You Have No Friends Or

Helper But Allah!”

(M. Javed Naseem)

 “… and Fitnah (tumult and oppression) is

worse than killing. And they will never cease

fighting you until they turn you back from your

religion (Islamic monotheism) if they can.”

(al-Quran 2:217)

The Believers, especially Muslims, should know and understand how the Unbelievers are trying to wipe them out. They are bringing death and destruction to their dwellings. Even the schools and the hospitals are not spared. The hypocrites got united for Ukraine but they are not doing anything to help the oppressed Palestinians. Therefore, in response, Muslims should also get united, put their act together and start a concerted effort to thwart all oppressive campaigns. Allah has commanded them:

“The Unbelievers are protectors, one of another.

Unless you do this (protect each other), there

would be tumult and oppression (Fitnah) on

earth, and great mischief.”

(al-Quran 8:73)


The fake Zionist Jews of Khazaria, who are settled on the Palestinian stolen land (they were put there by the Evil Empire), are a very racist and evil group of people. They want to kill all Palestinians and confiscate their territory which they claim is a part of the “promised land”. The Evangelist Christians are with the Zionists and are helping them in the genocide. The Believers (Muslims) should bear in mind that they cannot count on the support or help of the Unbelievers. Nobody would be with them in the fight against injustice and oppression – except Allah. If they have faith, they will succeed. Here’s what Allah the Almighty promised to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.):

“O Prophet! Rouse the Believers to the fight.

If there are twenty amongst you, patient and

persevering, they will vanquish two hundred;

if a hundred, they will vanquish a thousand

of the Unbelievers; for these are a people

without understanding.”

(al-Quran 8:65)

O Muslims! Count on yourselves, on your Faith and the Mercy & Grace of Allah in your noble mission. Don’t count on any help from the Unbelievers (America and Europe). They have the same agenda to control the entire world, and they are pursuing it as one nation. They consider Islam and Muslims as an obstacle, therefore, they are doing their best to remove that obstacle. Allah has already told you clearly in the Quran that you have no friends in this world but Him.

“They will not find that they have any

friend or helper other than Allah.”

(al-Quran 33:17)

”You cannot escape in the earth, for

besides Allah you have no protecting

friend nor any helper.”

(al-Quran 42:31)

Allah declared in the Quran: “Fitnah (tumult or oppression) is worse than killing!” But that Fitnah (killing and oppression) has been going on in Palestine and many other Muslim countries for more than 70 years. It is about time that Muslims put an end to it and enforce justice. They need to get together and fight the evil jointly so that justice prevails in Palestine and in all other Muslim countries under Western invasion. There cannot be peace without justice!

Tumult and oppression can only be eliminated by force. It demands sacrifices but it can be done. It’s a long process though. The blacks in South Africa and in the United States have shown that it is possible. But it depends on the minorities as to how bold and courageous they are; and how much they want to sacrifice. If they are afraid of the majority or the numbers, they’ll never achieve success. They must have courage, resolve and fighting ability to take on the armed state goons. They should bear in mind that death comes only once and the time for it is fixed. Why fear then? If they don’t fight back for justice and their own survival, they would be killed anyway – as is being done for the last 70 years or so!

The Muslim believers should get the inspiration from the Quran and from the first war of Islam – Badr – when 313 devoted believers destroyed more than 1000 oppressors. Injustice should be fought back with all the force. Allah commands them.

“And fight them on until there is no more

tumult or oppression (Fitnah) , and there

prevails justice and faith in Allah altogether

and everywhere; but if they cease,

verily Allah does see all that they do.”

(al-Quran 8:39)

It is time for Jihad and the Commandments of Allah are very clear in situations or the conditions like today. Unfortunately, Muslim leaders of today are not Muslims in the true sense. They are plain hypocrites (Munafiqeen). They are corrupt, crooks and are playing puppets in the hands of their colonial masters just to stay in power. They are responsible for bringing misery, destruction, bloodshed and civil wars in many Muslim countries. They are helping the Zionists to destroy Muslim countries. Their pay-back time will be coming soon.

The prevailing question for the fake and coward Muslim leaders of the world is:

On The Day Of Judgment

How Would You Answer Allah?

Did you enjoin what is right?

Did you forbid what is wrong?

Did you fight injustice, oppression?

Did you help the victims of aggression?

Don’t you know that silent spectators

are partners of the oppressors?

You better prepare some answers now!

You can't simply blame the unbelievers or non-Muslims for the cruel game of 'death & destruction' being played in Palestine and Syria. Muslims leaders of the world are equally responsible for these atrocities. Allah commanded them to fight evil, maintain peace & justice and enjoin righteousness. Similarly, the Jews and the Christians were also commanded by the Almighty God to stand up for justice and obey God's commands. Unfortunately, they also failed mankind.

The Bible says:

They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny Him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.” – (Titus 1:16).


Friday 10 November 2023

ISLAM ITSELF IS DESTINY And Will Not Suffer Destiny!


Remembering Iqbal (Nov. 9)

"Islam Itself Is Destiny

And Will Not Suffer Destiny"

--- Allama Iqbal

(M. Javed Naseem)



Nations are born in the hearts

of poets; they prosper and die

in the hands of politicians”

Allama Iqbal


An independent state (Pakistan) for the Muslims of South-Asia was the brain-child of Muhammad Iqbal, (commonly known as Allama Iqbal), the spiritual disciple of Rumi. I cannot find words to pay him enough tribute worthy of his contribution not only to the creation and history of Pakistan but also towards the motivational and inspirational poetic literature of Urdu and Persian languages.

9th of November was the day when Iqbal was born in 1877. And I would like to take this opportunity to remember this great personality of the East, and, at the same time, remind the new generation of Muslims about the legacy of Iqbal. His message is universal and alive. He wanted you to wake up and take charge of your own destiny. You and only you can change the plight of the Muslim Ummah!


The Open University, UK, adds:

Mohammad Iqbal was born in 1877 in Sialkot, Punjab, to father Sheikh Nuruddin Mohammad, a tailor by profession and of Kashmiri background, and mother Imam Bibi. He was educated at the Scotch Mission College, where he also took up poetry, and later, in 1895, at Government College, Lahore, where he would come into contact with Sir Thomas Arnold. In 1903, he published a treatise on economics entitled “Ilmul-Iqtesad”, and in 1904, he wrote the Indian patriotic song “Sare Jahan se Achccha Hindostan Hamara”.

He would once again work with Thomas Arnold when he was admitted to Trinity College, Cambridge, as a student of Philosophy in 1905. He obtained his degree at Cambridge and went on to Munich University where he obtained a doctorate; his thesis was entitled, ‘The Development of Metaphysics in Persia’.

He later qualified as a barrister. In London, he delivered a series of lectures; his lecture at Caxton Hall was widely reported in the papers. While in Europe, Iqbal became influenced by Kant, Bergson and especially Nietzsche.


In August 1908 he returned to Lahore where he joined the Government College as a part-time professor of philosophy and English literature while also practicing as a lawyer in Lahore High Court. After a while, he resigned from the College and focused on law. Besides law he found time to develop his poetry in the 1920s, but he was also drawn into politics by his friends, Jogendra Singh, Zulfikar Ali Khan and Khawaja Shahabuddin.

His Persian ‘masnavi’ sequence ‘Asrar-i-Khudi’ (1915), (‘Secrets of the Self’, 1920), and ‘Rumuz-i-Bekhudi (1918), ('The Mysteries of Selflessness', 1920) were the foundation of Iqbal's philosophical poetry. In them he combined his ideas of the ego striving to achieve freedom and to develop a fuller personality with the moral, spiritual and intellectual values of Islam. He continued to develop these ideas in his poetry for the rest of his life. It is on the basis of these that he is known as the poet-philosopher of Pakistan.

From 1926 to 1930 he served on the Punjab Legislative Council and was President of the All-India Muslim League in 1930. That same year, he gave evidence before the Simon Commission, and in 1931-2 he was a delegate to the Second and Third Round Table Conferences, visiting London again.

By the mid-1930s, his health had deteriorated so much that he had to decline to give a series of Rhodes lectures at Oxford in 1935. He continued to write poetry but died on 21 April 1938. He is buried near the Shahi Mosque in Lahore.


(Allama Iqbal's memorial plaque in a garden near Heidelberg
University, Germany, where he lived in 1907)

Muhammad Iqbal studied at two German Universities – Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, and the Heidelberg University at Heidelberg. He received his Ph.D degree in philosophy. Heidelberg city has named a boulevard after his him. It is called “Iqbal Ufer”.


As per Iqbal Academy, Pakistan, Iqbal is the best articulated Muslim response to Modernity that the Islamic world has produced in the 20th century. His response has three dimensions:

1. A creative engagement with the conceptual paradigm of modernism at a sophisticated philosophical level through his prose writings, mainly his ‘The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam’, which present his basic philosophic insights.


The main purpose of the Quran is to awaken

in man the higher consciousness of his manifold

relations with God and the universe.”

--- Allama Iqbal

(From: The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam.)


2. His Urdu and Persian poetry which is the best embodiment of poetically meditated thought, squarely in the traditional continuity of Islamic literature and perhaps the finest flowering of wisdom poetry, or contemplative poetry or inspired poetry in the modern times.

3. As a political activist/social reformer – rising up to his social responsibility, his calling at a critical phase of history.


Why have You made me born in this country,

The native of which is content with being a slave?’

--- Iqbal


Iqbal on Western Democracy:

“Woe to the constitution of the democracy of Europe!

The sound of that trumpet renders the dead still deader;

Those tricksters, treacherous as the revolving spheres,

Have played the nations by their own rules, and swept the board!”

“Robbers they, this one wealthy, that one a toiler,

All the time lurking in ambush one for another;

Now is the hour to disclose the secret of those charmers –

We are the merchandise, and they take all the profits.”

-- Muhammad Iqbal

(From: Divine Government, Javid-Nama)

Iqbal's ‘Magnum Opus’: Javid-Nama

‘Iqbal’s magnum opus’, writes his biographer S. A. Vahid, ‘is the Javid Namah. Within a few years of its publication the poem became a classic, and. one great scholar proclaimed that the poem will rank with Firdausi’s Shah Namah, Rumi’s  ‘Mathnawi’, Saadi’s ‘Gulistan’ and the ‘Diwan’ of Hafiz. Nor was this tribute an exaggeration, as subsequent criticism showed ... In judging a poem we have to consider two things: the style and the substance.

So far as the style is concerned, Javid Namah belongs to the very first rank of Persian verse. It is unsurpassed in grandeur of expression, in beauty of diction and in richness of illustration.

As regards theme, the poem deals with the everlasting conflict of the soul, and by telling the story of human struggle against sin, shows to mankind the path to glory and peace. In every line the poet makes us feel that he has something to say that is not only worth saying, but is also fitted to give us pleasure. Thus, as regards style as well as theme the poem is a masterpiece.’
The ‘Javid-Nama’, having been frequently reissued in lithograph – the edition on which the present translation is based was published in 1946 at Hyderabad (Deccan) – was first translated, into Italian, by Professor Alessandro Bausani under the title II Poema Celeste (Rome, 1952).

A version in German verse, Buch der Ewigkeit (Munich, 1957), has come from the pen of Professor Annemarie Schimmel.

A French version, by E. Meyerovitch and Mohammed Mokri, has the title Le Livre de l’Éternité (Paris, 1962).

In 1961 a translation in English verse was published in Lahore, ‘The Pilgrimage of Eternity’, by Shaikh Mahmud Ahmad. The poem has thus reached a truly international public, and has already taken its rightful place amongst the modern classics of world literature.

