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Friday 29 March 2024



Afraid of Corrupt Rulers

But Not Afraid of God!

Allah Is Severe in Punishment But

Oft-Forgiving And Most Merciful Too!


(M. Javed Naseem)

They are those who, upon committing an evil deed

or wronging themselves, remember Allah and seek

forgiveness for their sins—and who forgives sins

except Allah?—and they do not knowingly persist

in wrongdoing. Their reward is forgiveness from

their Lord and Gardens under which rivers flow,

staying there forever. How excellent is the

reward for those who work righteousness!”

(al-Quran 3:135-136)

When a calamity or natural disaster hits mankind, people change and remember Allah. But as soon as that calamity or disaster subsides, man forgets Allah and goes back to evildoing. Generally speaking, man is so stubborn and naive that he cannot stand up to evil. He is weak and seeks strength from the sources that force him to obey the Devil. He is never consistent in obeying Allah, Who has created him and Who is the Most Merciful, Oft-forgiving.

In the face of an affliction, man cries to God because he is afraid of dying. He panics but does not change his ways and character. He still lies; he still steals; he still commits adultery; he still practices dishonesty, and he remains unjust in his dealings; and above all he still acts like the biggest hypocrite on the face of earth. He lectures others on ethics and morals but he himself does everything contrary to that. Corruption and evil-doing continues in the earth as a result of man’s actions and so do the death and destruction.

The most ridiculous thing one can notice today is that Man is afraid of Coronavirus or a corrupt govt. official or even a dog but he is not afraid of the Almighty God Who created him and prescribed for him the rules of conduct. What a shameless and ungrateful creature – Man! The Bible says:

"Woe to the one who quarrels with his

Maker – An earthenware vessel among the

vessels of earth! Will the clay say to the

potter, 'What are you doing?' Or

the thing you are making say,

'He has no hands'?”

(Isaiah 45:9).

When God sent Man to live on the earth, He gave him a lot of freedom, a lot of liberty and a lot of choices; and also warned him of the bounds and limits prescribed for him. But man, being so ungrateful, hasty and Devil-friendly, abused that liberty and freedom of choice to the fullest extent. So much so that he became disobedient and rebellious to God – the Almighty Who created him in the first place. He ignored all warnings (he still does that) and kept doing what he ‘liked’ to do while bending and twisting the laws/rules prescribed by God to cover or justify his evil deeds. But the Lord God is watching! The Quran says:

Lord of the heavens and of the earth, and”

of all that is between them; so worship Him,

and be constant and patient in His worship!

Know you of any who is worthy of the

same Name as He?”

(al-Quran 19:65)

And the Bible says:

"The God who made the world and all things in it,

since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not

dwell in temples made with hands.”

(Acts 17:24)

Today, man doesn’t even like to hear the word ‘God’ (or religion) in his daily affairs. Using the silly excuse of separating the Church from the State, or fancy terms like ‘secular’, he has dumped religion and with that God too. For him, it is very old fashioned and annoying to talk of God and applying His laws on his life. He does not care that to God belongs everything in the heaven and on earth.

The Bible says:

"Behold, to the Lord your God belong heaven and

the highest heavens, the earth and all that is in it.”

(Deuteronomy 10:14):

The Quran says:

Glorify the name of your Guardian-Lord the

Most High, Who has created, and further, given

order and proportion; Who has ordained laws;

and granted guidance.”

(al-Quran 87:1-3)

Allah says in the Quran: “Remember Me, I'll remember you!” In other words, if you ignore God, He will ignore you too. Simple as that! We should acknowledge the sovereignty of God in the universe. He is the Supreme Creator and the Supreme Commander. He is running the universe and we have the obligations to fulfill His commands. That's the only way that can guarantee the smooth running of affairs. Otherwise, there will be chaos all over because every powerful man wants his own way. And we are all suffering from arrogance.

The solution of today's problems is repentance and return to God. We need to bring God back into our lives because we cannot survive without Him. We should enforce His laws and glorify His name for our own success in this world as well as in the Hereafter. We should have learned the lesson by now, but unfortunately we are making the same mistakes the people before us made and we are going to meet the same fate if we don't mend our ways. The Most Merciful is ever ready to forgive our mistakes and bless us again. Let's invoke Him tonight. Under the present circumstances, He is our only hope and our last resort.

The Blessed Night

We are going through the month of Ramadan in which there’s a blessed night. As a matter of fact, there are blessings every night; and every night is like the Blessed Night. It is narrated that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “In the last third of every night our Rabb (Cherisher and Sustainer – Allah) descends to the lowest heaven and says: 'Who is calling Me, so that I may answer him? Who is asking Me, so that I may grant him? Who is seeking forgiveness from Me, so that I may forgive him?'”

Allah tells us in the Quran:

Those who show patience, firmness and

self-control; who are true (in word and deed);

who worship devoutly; who spend (in the way

of Allah); and who pray for forgiveness in the

early hours of the morning.

(al-Quran 3:17)

May Allah guide us (but only seekers are guided), have mercy on us and bless us with protection from evil and disaster! -- Amen.


Friday 22 March 2024

THE BATTLE OF BADR: A Turning Point In Islamic History.


The Battle of Badr,

A Turning Point In

Islamic History!

Truth, righteousness and steadfastness

always prevail (with Allah's help)

over evil and oppression

(M. Javed Naseem)


And let not those who disbelieve think

they will escape. Indeed, they will not

cause failure (to Allah).”

(al-Quran 8:59)

If your faith is strong and you are a true believer in God, you can shatter the mountains and conquer every tyrant and evil-doer. The size and numbers don’t matter; only hearts matter! The biggest lesson we learn from the Battle of Badr – the war between Good and Evil – is that the Truth and its followers, the true believers of God – the just and the righteous – always prevail. The true believers of God have Faith and Trust in God that gives them tremendous confidence and strength that can shatter the mountains of lies and evil.

The Battle of Badr has been referred to in the Holy Quran and Allah called it a “Day of Furqaan”. The Arabic word ‘furqaan’ means to 'separate' or to 'distinguish'. It was the 17th day of Ramadan, in the 2nd year of Hijrah (7th of March, 624 CE) when the Almighty Allah separated (distinguished) the Truth from Falsehood; the Light from Darkness; and the Guidance from Ignorance! He gave the believers a great victory and vanquished the hopes and aspirations of the disbelievers who wanted to wipe out Islam which had started gaining popularity. Muslims were a tiny minority and were constantly persecuted by the politically powerful and financially strong Quraish of Makkah.

Reynold A. Nicholson wrote:

But the importance of Mohammed’s success

(in the battle of Badr) cannot be measured by the

material damage which he inflicted (upon the pagans of

Mecca). Considering the momentous issues involved,

we must allow that Badr, like Marathon, is one of the

greatest and most memorable battles in all history.”

(From 'A Literary History of The Arabs', by R.A. Nicholson, 1969).

Badr was the first major encounter between the newly-born nation of Muslims and the evil-living unbelievers or pagans (Kaafireen), the Quraish of Makkah. This was the one historic event that changed the course of history of not only the Arabia but of the entire universe


At the dawn of Islam in Makkah, Muslims were killed, injured, tortured, robbed and persecuted. Eventually, they were expelled while some fled their homes and took refuge somewhere else. It is happening again today in every place where Islam has its foothold. Muslims are being persecuted, even massacred, their homes and homelands being destroyed and the survivors driven out as refugees.

The history of mankind tells us that it is the oppressed that conquer the oppressors in the end! That’s how Allah balances out the injustice, persecution, aggression, corruption, oppression and inequality. He helps the oppressed to break the shackles. The history of David and Goliath is being repeated – and we know the outcome very well! It’s a matter of time only. Allah tells us in the Quran:

And We wished to be Gracious to those who

were being oppressed in the land, to make them

leaders (in Faith) and make them inheritors.”

(al-Quran 28:5)

At the battle-field of Badr, there were only 313 Muslims who came out to defend themselves against more than a thousand pagans/unbelievers of Makkah. The odds were heavily against Muslims as they were also ill-equipped. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) invoked Allah for help and the help did come!

Remember you implored the assistance

of your Lord and He answered you:

'I will assist you with a thousand of

the angels, ranks on ranks'."

(al-Quran 8:9)

Like many other ‘Firsts’ of the history of mankind, Badr also set the first example of the treatment of prisoners of war. Their lives were spared; they were treated humanely; they were provided with shelter and fed properly, even when some Muslims did not have food to eat and survived on dates and water.

Sir William Muir, the famous British orientalist, known for his hostility towards Islam and Muslims, wrote:

In pursuance of Mahomet’s commands, the citizens

of Medina and such of the emigrants who possessed

houses, received the prisoners and treated them

with much consideration. ‘Blessings be on the men

of Medina’, said one of these prisoners in the later

days, ‘they made us ride while they themselves

walked. They gave us wheaten bread to eat

when there was little of it, contenting

themselves with dates’.”

The Battle of Badr is a constant reminder to the Muslims that if they fear Allah, the way Allah should be feared; and if they obey Allah and His Prophet (s.a.w.), the way they should be obeyed, Allah’s help is guaranteed!

And remember when you were few and

oppressed in the land, fearing that people

might abduct you, but He sheltered you,

supported you with His victory, and

provided you with good things so that

you might be grateful.”

(al-Quran 8:26)

It's your Iman (Faith in Allah) that gives you immense strength. With it, you can overcome any adversary, no matter how big, how strong or how well-equipped! Here's the promise of Allah:

O Prophet, urge the believers to fight! If there

are among you twenty [who are] steadfast, they

will overcome two hundred. And if there are

among you one hundred [who are] steadfast,

they will overcome a thousand of those who

have disbelieved because they are a people

who do not understand.”

(al-Quran 8:65)

But this promise is conditional. The verse of the Quran says: “IF there are twenty STEADFAST”. The emphasis is on 'steadfastness'. That means that simply claiming to be a Believer or a Muslim is not enough. You need to show and prove that you are a steadfast (true, honest, sincere and consistent) Believer/Muslim.

The Message:

The message that Battle of Badr sends to the Muslims of today, is that You must be somebody living by the Book of Allah – somebody who has surrendered to the Will of God – a true practicing Muslim, if you expect help and mercy from Allah!


Friday 15 March 2024

IF YOU DISOBEY ALLAH Or Turn Away, You'll Be Replaced!


Are We Being Replaced?

If You Disobey Allah

Or Turn Away,

You’ll Be Replaced!

(M. Javed Naseem)


Allah the Almighty, the Supreme Creator, created humans to glorify Him, worship Him, obey Him, thank Him and live on the planet Earth as per the rules prescribed by Him through the Scriptures. He also made it very clear that Satan (the Devil) was the No.1 enemy of humans. Allah forbade us (humans) to follow the footsteps of the Devil, and spread corruption in the world. He also warned us of severe punishment (like Hellfire) if we disobeyed Him and spread corruption through our evil deeds. He gave us advance warnings.

Now, if we look at the world today, we see only evil and corruption all over. Only a very small minority of people obey Allah and live the righteous life. The Devil rules us because we allow him to do that. If we honestly and sincerely obey the Almighty, the Devil and his friends would be defeated. But this is not happening because of our hypocrisy and dishonesty. The temporary glitter of the fake gold (this world) has mesmerized us. We are chasing the material world at the cost of our Hereafter. And we don’t seem to care about the results. Allah questions our intelligence:

Have they not seen how many generations We

destroyed before them which We had established

upon the earth as We have not established you?

And We sent [rain from] the sky upon them in

showers and made rivers flow beneath them; then

We destroyed them for their sins and brought

forth after them a generation of others.”

(al-Quran 6:6)

The Almighty God destroyed many a nation in the past history that rebelled against Him, disobeyed His Commands and promoted evil-living or corruption. We were supposed to learn our lesson from the stories of those earlier nations but we seem not to care. It is obvious that if we don’t care and mend our ways, our fate would be similar to those nations passed before us. The Laws of Allah don’t change and His promise is true. We are just fooling ourselves.

We have abandoned Allah and the teachings of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah do not interest us any more. Our lives are shallow and our characters are dubious. We have become empty shells but we are trying our best to paint those shells with attractive colors like Easter eggs. That fools everybody. We prefer to be cool, hip and mod instead of being righteous and pious. A serious look at the Muslim world tells us that there’s bloodshed, death & destruction, turmoils, social, economic and political problems in every Muslim country. Its leaders are dishonest, corrupt and of shady characters who are ruling people with lies, deception and betrayal. But where those corrupt leaders come from? From the corrupt and dishonest nation! Simple as that!

When we leave God, keep Faith out of our daily lives, we become herds of animals and cattle driven only by stronger animals and cattle, even by wolves. There’s one valid excuse though – the Zionist Agenda. But that agenda is more like a means of punishment. The real reason is hypocrisy, ignorance and corruption among Muslims. With practically no faith and no conviction, you can’t go too far on the road to success. Here’s a warning from Allah:


O you who believe! Whoever from among you turns

back from his religion (Islam), Allah will bring a people

whom He will love and they will love Him; humble

towards the believers, stern towards the disbelievers,

fighting in the Way of Allah, and never afraid of the

blame of the critics. That is the Grace of Allah which

He bestows on whom He wills. And Allah is All-

Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All-Knower.”

(al-Quran 5:54)


As believers, we have made covenant with Allah that we will worship only Him, obey Him, seek help from Him and live in this world by the rules prescribed by Him. But most of the time, we break that covenant. We disobey Him, we ignore Him and we disregard all His warnings of punishment. That’s really stubborn and stupid on our part. Allah does not need us but we need Allah in our lives all the times. We simply cannot survive without Him. He is our sole Provider, our Cherisher and Protector in every way, always and forever! Therefore, it is only just and fair that we pay our due and obey His Commands.


The Bible says:

  1. Jesus replied, ‘Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching.'” (John 14:23)

  2. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” (1 John 2:17)

  3. Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” (Matthew 7:24)

  4. Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.” (Proverbs 10:17)


Friday 8 March 2024

'FOLLOW THE REVELATION!' Earlier nations were destroyed for their sins.


Our Lord Commands:

"Follow The Revelation!"

Earlier nations and towns

were destroyed for their sins

and disobedience!

(M. Javed Naseem)

The Quran is the last Reminder to the mankind from the Supreme Creator, the Almighty Allah. If we ignore His signs and the Reminder, we will be doomed not only in this world but also in the Hereafter. The fate of the earlier nations is the proof scattered all over the world; and that invites those who believe in God to reflect and ponder upon their existence.

Every Scripture is a reminder from the Creator of the universe; and the Quran is the last reminder. Allah, the Most Merciful, sends mankind His Messengers and Prophets with reminders (scriptures), containing guidance as well as warnings so that we don’t go astray. If people ignore those warnings and revolt against the Scriptures and the Messengers, they are punished and replaced. Muslims are the last replacement nation; the Quran is the last revelation (Scripture/Book); and Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was the last Messenger of God.

Here are the first 10 verses of Surah al-Araaf (Chapter 7) of the Holy Quran. The Almighty tells us:

(It is) a Scripture that is revealed unto you

(O Muhammad); so let there be no heaviness in

your heart on that account – that you may warn

thereby; and (it is) a Reminder unto believers.”

(al-Quran 7:2)

That revelation is a Scripture (the Quran) which has been sent down to the mankind to remind them to be God-conscious and be warned in case they disregard God’s signs and commands. Allah, the Almighty, reminds us every day, in every phase of our journey and in every sphere of life that He is running the show; He is the Master of Ceremony and He is the Supreme Controller. Whatever is in the heavens, on earth and in-between, belongs to Him; and to Him belongs the sovereignty of the universe. He has no partners and there is nobody else who could save us from any disaster, any catastrophe or death. There is no king or president or premier that was appointed as God's deputy on this earth. Humans have rights and obligations; and nobody has the right to enslave them. 

Follow (O men!) the revelation given unto

you from your Lord; and follow not, as friends

or protectors, other than Him! Little it is

you remember of admonition.”

(al-Quran 7:3)

Earlier nations were punished and destroyed for their disobedience to Allah’s Commands; for their revolt against the Scriptures and the Prophets/Messengers; and for their sinful ways of life that defied all guiding rules and regulations (or God’s laws). They were destroyed along with their dwellings and towns. Today we see their remains and flock as tourists at the ancient ruins. But all ruins, all historical sites and all ancient monuments deliver the same message: Follow the Scriptures, Obey your Creator and never revolt against the Divine Commands! Allah commands us to stand up for justice and peace and become voice of the voiceless. We should promote good and forbid evil.

Today we see death and destruction, bloodshed, wars, floods, earthquakes and wild fires all over the world. We pray for peace and tranquility but face only chaos. It’s all due to our bad choices in life. We are constantly disobeying the Lord Creator; constantly revolting against the Scriptures and constantly living sinful life without any regard to the Commands of Allah. Obviously, our Lord Creator is not pleased with us, hence the punishment and suffering.

Apart from that, we have abandoned our social values and have no empathy. Our brethren in other countries are being killed or invaded by evil forces and oppressed but we don’t care. We don’t care because it is not happening to us, our families and children. We have lost compassion and love; and with that the sense of justice and decency. The world has become a jungle with “might is right” as the common law. We have lost touch of humanity.

Allah tells us in the Quran that justice will be delivered – every good deed will earn good rewards and every bad/evil deed will be punished. Those in the corridors of power today, are following the Devil’s plot. They don’t want to hear about Allah, God, the Scriptures or the Quran. They are lost in power and wealth. They’ll come to their senses after losing that power. And it’s going to happen soon – maybe very soon!

The balance that day will be true (to nicety):

Those whose scale (of good deeds) will be

heavy, will prosper.”

(al-Quran 7:8)

“Those whose scale will be light, will be their

souls in perdition, for that they wrongfully

treated Our signs.”

(al-Quran 7:9)


Friday 1 March 2024

MUNAFIQ MUSLIM LEADERS Won't Take Any Action To Stop Genocide


Munafiq Muslim Leaders

Won’t Take Any Action

To Stop Genocide In Palestine

They are waiting for Israel

to finish the job in Gaza

(M. Javed Naseem)


When they are told: ‘Do not spread corruption in

the land,’ they reply, ‘We are only peace-makers.’

Indeed, it is they who are the corruptors

but they fail to perceive it.”

(al-Quran 2:11-12)

Bravo to Yemen, a poor and small country compared to others rich and powerful Arab/Muslim countries, that stood up to the Western/Israeli tyranny and blocked their shipping route to cut the supply-line. They suffered huge losses as a result of the US-UK bombing in retaliation, but they delivered the message: ‘We’ll fight the oppression and injustice in Palestine, no matter what!’ No other Arab/Muslim country had the guts to do that.

Every time Israel plays its usual game of death & destruction in Palestine to systematically pursue the ethnic cleansing (genocide) of the Palestinians, its Western allies rush into action. Since the Zionists are controlling the leaders of countries like the US, UK, Australia, Germany and France, they send passionate messages of support to the apartheid regime. The biased media amplifies the racist narratives that justify Israel’s crimes against humanity, and doing their best to distort the fact portraying Israel as the victim and not the oppressor or aggressor. Billions of dollars’ worth of emergency aid gets rushed through parliaments to assist the Israeli army in its genocide.


2023 taught everyone around the world that the

United States is the most corrupt nation on the

planet, as its financial system is built on Jeffrey

Epstein’s banking system which is empowered

and leveraged by child-sex trafficking.”


On the other side, the coward and inept Arab/Muslim leaders only talk and patiently wait for Israel to finish its genocidal campaign in Gaza. While all this support is given to Israel, governments of the predominantly Arab and Muslim states sit in their comfort zones watching. Bodies like Arab League and the OIC do nothing, as usual, proving they are good for nothing. They only hold meetings, eat, drink, propose another conference, and go home.

Palestinians and their supporters rage against these pathetic meetings and conferences. The fiery rhetoric heard at such events is never followed by any real action, either in terms of practical solidarity with the Palestinian people or in pressuring the West to stop the atrocities. It’s not as if the Middle East can’t hold anything over Israel and its imperial allies. Arab and Muslim countries control the bulk of the world’s known oil reserves; Saudi Arabia and Iraq alone control more than 21 percent of daily oil exports. This gives these countries enormous leverage.

But it’s not just oil. The Suez Canal, owned and operated by the Egyptian government, is vital to global trade. According to an estimate, the value of goods transported through the canal is about US$1 trillion a year, which represents about 30 percent of global shipping trade. When it was cut off for just six days due to an accident in 2021, the cost to the world economy was an estimated $9.6 billion a day.

So why don’t Arab and Muslim leaders actually use any of this power? The answer is: Because they don’t want to. On the contrary, they are helping Israel with their investments, offering them safe and secure overland transportation of goods/supplies via UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Those puppets want to prove to their masters (US-UK-Israel – the Evil Empire) that they are their faithful servants. In return, the Evil Empire keeps those inept and selfish leaders in power. Muslims call such traitors ‘Munafiqeen’ or hypocrites. The Quran says:

The hypocrites, men and women, (have an

understanding) with each other: They enjoin evil, and

forbid what is just, and are close with their hands.

They have forgotten Allah; so He has forgotten them.

Verily the hypocrites are rebellious and perverse.”

(al-Quran 9:67)

Allah has promised the hypocrites men and women,

and the rejecters of Faith, the fire of Hell. Therein shall

they dwell. Sufficient is it for them. For them is the

curse of Allah, and an enduring punishment.”

(al-Quran 9:68)

And this deplorable situation is not going to change unless and until some natural disaster or divine intervention occurs.

The Health Impact News recently disclosed some ‘inconvenient’ truths that do not fit the narrative of the modern day corrupt mass media. Unfortunately, the so-called ‘alternative’ media is proving itself useless too as it follows the same narrative.

The inconvenient truth

(From Health Impact News)

The inconvenient truths are the truths that challenge the current political narrative of our day stating that the evil axis of enemy nations that are hell bent on destroying the United States and threatening our “national security” are Russia, China, and Iran.

Did you know that all of these “terrorist” nations were strong allies of the United States at the end of World War II?

And is there any real evidence today that these former friends and allies of the United States are today truly our enemies and a threat to our “national security”?

They are actual photos (you can find them on Wikipedia and other places) that were shot both in the same month, in November of 1943, in the latter stages of World War II.

Both the Soviet Union, under Stalin, and China, under Chiang Kai-shek, were allies with the UK and the USA in 1943

The fact that one meeting happened in Tehran, Iran, the leader of the Shia division of Islam, and that the other one happened in Cairo, Egypt, the then leader of Sunni Islam (until oil was discovered later in the deserts of the Bedouin nomads of the Saud family), clearly shows how today’s “enemies” of the U.S. were not always so, but all worked together for a common purpose. And that stated purpose, at least the one that was fed to the public through the emerging mass media out of Hollywood which was controlled by military intelligence which became the CIA, was to fight Hitler and Nazism in Germany.

After the Allies defeated Hitler and Japan, the “Big Four” main allies, the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, and China, together formed the United Nations led by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. This organization replaced the “League of Nations.”

These “Big Four” then formed the “Security Council” of the United Nations to allegedly resolve future world conflicts.

The cost for China and the Soviet Union to join the allies in World War II was very high, however. While most of us in the U.S. have only been taught the number of Jews and others who were killed in Germany during WW II, which is estimated to be close to 8 million, the Soviet Union and China lost far more people, with an estimated 24 million killed in the Soviet Union, and 19.5 million lost in China. (Source.)

With World War II now over, the industrial production of weapons needed a new enemy to keep the money flowing into the military industrial complex, and that new enemy quickly became “Communism,” which then fueled the “Cold War” period.

Of course as the leader now of the new “Free World”, the United States extended that “freedom” to Iran by overthrowing their government in 1953 and replacing it with a new one through the CIA.

This fact in history is not even a conspiracy theory, as it is widely admitted. This is what Wikipedia says:

In 1953, the government of prime minister Mohammed Mossadeq was overthrown in a coup organized by the CIA and MI6. Many liberal Iranians believe that the coup and the subsequent U.S. support for the shah proved largely responsible for his arbitrary rule, which led to the “deeply anti-American character” of the 1979 revolution.

One result of the 1953 coup was that the U.S. took about 40% of Britain’s share of Iranian oil, as part of the wider transition from British to American dominance in the region and worldwide.

The Islamic Revolution in 1979 changed the friendly relationship Iran had with the U.S. for many years, as the pro-American Shah was replaced with the (allegedly) anti-American Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

But that did not stop the U.S. from continuing to use Iran for their own purposes, as Americans found out under the Reagan presidency during the Iran-Contra scandal which funneled U.S. funding to purchase weapons in Iran, even though there was an arms embargo against Iran at the time, and send those weapons to the anti-Sandinista rebel group in Nicaragua.

Could the same thing be happening today? Is the U.S. still working with Iran even though there are embargoes and sanctions against them? See:

Iran transported $2.8bn worth of oil in 2023 under Washington’s nose

How Obama Secretly Gave Iran Access To Billions Of Dollars — And Enabled Terrorism

So now we probably know why Iran and their proxy groups have done nothing to save the genocide of the Palestinian people. They work with their oppressors, Israel and the United States. So do almost all other nations of the world.

2023 taught everyone around the world that the United States is the most corrupt nation on the planet, as its financial system is built on Jeffrey Epstein’s banking system which is empowered and leveraged by child sex trafficking.

The real enemy of the people, both in the U.S. and around the world, is the U.S. Government and all their agencies used by the Billionaires on Wall Street and Silicon Valley, especially the CIA.

Their first plan of attack against humanity in this current World War 3 campaign was the war against the “unseen enemy” that started in 2020 with Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, and the resulting deaths from medical protocols put into place to fight this fake “virus”, especially the COVID injections.

