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Friday 25 December 2020

BRIBERY & CORRUPTION: "We must put that down with an iron hand." -- M.A. Jinnah


Bribery & Corruption

"We must put that down

with an iron hand!

M. A. Jinnah

(M. Javed Naseem)


You have to stand guard over the development

and maintenance of Islamic democracy, Islamic

social justice and the equality of mankind

in your own native soil.”

-- Quaid-e-Azam


Today is 25th of December and the entire Christian world is celebrating Christmas, the birth anniversary of Jesus, the son of Mary. 25th of December is also the birth anniversary of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founding father of Pakistan, affectionately known as the “Quaid-e-Azam” – the Great Leader. On this occasion, I would like to share with you excerpts from the speech of M.A. Jinnah that he made while addressing the Constitutional Assembly of Pakistan, on 11th August, 1947.

It’s time to reflect and ponder over what we have achieved and what we have lost. We made a good start but after two decades corruption infiltrated and the corrupt, infidel and power-hungry politicians took control of the country. 73 years later, we are still living on empty promises and false hopes.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was not a prophet but he did show the world his miracle. He single-handedly carved Pakistan out of the world map – a homeland for millions of Muslims of India. And that also happened with the Divine support as many Mullahs of India opposed him for one reason or the other. But most Muslims adored him and were so impressed that, out of love and respect, they called him “Quaid-e-Azam” (the great leader), and justly so!


I should like to give a warning to the landlords

and capitalists who have flourished at our expense

by a system which is so vicious, which is so wicked

and which makes them so selfish that it is difficult

to reason with them. The exploitation of the masses

has gone into their blood. They have forgotten

the lessons of Islam.”

-- Quaid-e-Azam


Mohammad Ali Jinnah was the man who made the British Empire to respect him and give him his due. He said: “Failure is a word unknown to me.”

Here’s Mr. Jinnah's presidential address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, on August 11, 1947.

You will no doubt agree with me that the first duty of a government is to maintain law and order, so that the life, property and religious beliefs of its subjects are fully protected by the State.”

The second thing that occurs to me is this: One of the biggest curses from which India is suffering - I do not say that other countries are free from it, but, I think our condition is much worse - is bribery and corruption. That really is a poison. We must put that down with an iron hand and I hope that you will take adequate measures as soon as it is possible for this Assembly to do so.”


Brotherhood, equality, and fraternity of

man – these are all the basic points of our

religion, culture and civilization and we

fought for Pakistan because there was a

danger of the denial of these human

rights in the Subcontinent.”


Black-marketing is another curse. Well, I know that black-marketeers are frequently caught and punished. Judicial sentences are passed or sometimes fines only are imposed. Now you have to tackle this monster, which today is a colossal crime against society, in our distressed conditions, when we constantly face shortage of food and other essential commodities of life. A citizen who does black-marketing commits, I think, a greater crime than the biggest and most grievous of crimes. These black-marketeers are really knowing, intelligent and ordinarily responsible people, and when they indulge in black-marketing, I think they ought to be very severely punished, because the entire system of control and regulation of foodstuffs and essential commodities, and cause wholesale starvation and want and even death.”

The next thing that strikes me is this: Here again it is a legacy which has been passed on to us. Along with many other things, good and bad, has arrived this great evil, the evil of nepotism and jobbery. I want to make it quite clear that I shall never tolerate any kind of jobbery, nepotism or any any influence directly of indirectly brought to bear upon me. Whenever I will find that such a practice is in vogue or is continuing anywhere, low or high, I shall certainly not countenance it.”

You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the State.”

I shall always be guided by the principles of justice and fairplay without any, as is put in the political language, prejudice or ill-will, in other words, partiality or favoritism. My guiding principle will be justice and complete impartiality, and I am sure that with your support and co-operation, I can look forward to Pakistan becoming one of the greatest nations of the world.”


Friday 18 December 2020

CHRISTMAS: A Pagan Festival Accepted As 'Harmless' Christian Event.


Jesus And Christmas

A Pagan Festival

Accepted As ‘Harmless’

Christian Event

(M. Javed Naseem)

Christmas (i.e., the Mass of Christ)...

Christmas was not among the earliest festivals

of the Church... It was not instituted by Christ

or the Apostles, or by Bible authority. It was

picked up afterward from paganism.’

(Encyclopedia Britannica, 1946 edition)

Modern Christian world is celebrating Christmas these days. In fact, the entire month of December is dedicated to it, although all scholars are convinced that Jesus was not born on 25th of December. That celebration was added to Christianity by the pagans in the 4th century after the crucifixion. And in the 5th century, Christmas became an official holiday (actually a pillar) of Christianity.

Christmas is not Christian! As a matter of fact it’s got nothing to do with Jesus or Christianity. On the

contrary, it is an anti-Christ, anti-God or anti-Lord tradition dating back to Nimrod or the period of Abraham (or even before?). It is a part (or ritual) of Pagan religion. Since the whole affair is man made, there is no reference to it in the Semitic religions and their holy Books/Scriptures. Christmas and its accessories (Santa Claus, red-nosed reindeer, mistletoe, holly wreath, tinsel-decorated tree, stockings full of gifts and candies, exchanging gifts, celebrating 25th of December, etc.) were added to Christianity three hundred years after the death of Jesus by those pagans who became believers and converted to Christianity. Most of them brought their pagan customs and rituals (or festivals) and ‘Christianized’ them as they did not want to abandon them. Later on, these customs/rituals were accepted by both Catholic and the Protestant Churches as ‘harmless’ fun festivals and then became important part of Christian faith.

Encyclopedia Britannica, 1968:

The Council of Nicaea met on May 20, 325. Emperor Constantine himself presiding, actively guiding the discussion, and personally proposed the crucial formula expressing the relation of Christ to God in the creed issued by the council: ‘of one substance with the father’. Over-awed by the emperor, the bishops, with two exceptions only, signed the creed, many of them against their inclination. Constantine regarded the decision of Nicaea as divinely inspired. As long as he lived, no one dared openly to challenge the creed of Nicaea.’

Trinity is idolatry.

In our day and time, the doctrine of the trinity is a cornerstone of idolatry’ – Jeff Rath.

So, the Trinity is idolatry! At least this is the majority opinion among the Christian religious authorities. A true religion or faith is not based on idolatry. The faith or religion promoted by the Prophets and Messengers of God promotes the Oneness of God Almighty.

Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God,

the Lord is One!”

(Deuteronomy 6:4)

Dictionary of the Bible, 1995, John L. McKenzie:

The trinity of God is defined by the church as the belief that in God are three persons who subsist in one nature. The belief as so defined was reached only in the 4th and 5th centuries AD and hence is not explicitly and formally a biblical belief.”

The New Encyclopedia Britannica, 1976:

Neither the word trinity, nor the explicit doctrine as such, appears in the New Testament, nor did Jesus and his followers intend to contradict the Shema in the Old Testament: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord” – (Deut. 6:4).

A History of Christianity, Vol. 1, 1997, Kenneth Scott Latourette:

To enforce the decisions of the Council of Nicaea, Constantine commanded, with the death penalty for disobedience, the burning of all books composed by Arius, banished Arius and his closest supporters, and deposed from their sees Eusebius of Nicomedia and another bishop who had been active in the support of Arius.”

Allah, the Creator of mankind, says in the Holy Quran:

And lo! There is a party of them who

distort the Scripture with their tongues,

that you may think that what they say is

from the Scripture, when it is not from

the Scripture. And they say: It is from

Allah, when it is not from Allah; and they

speak a lie concerning Allah knowingly.”

(al-Quran 3:78)

Gospel of Barnabas, Ch. 93-97:

Barnabas was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, the son of Mary. His quotes/references are considered very authentic. During the height of the controversy about the status of Jesus, people got divided into three main groups – those who believed that Jesus was God; those who believed that Jesus was son of God; and those who believed that Jesus was a prophet of God. There was a big turmoil as these groups started fighting with each other. Therefore, the Roman Governor of Judea, King Herod and the high priest sought a public meeting with Jesus. They asked Jesus to explain to the huge gathering of thousands, who he really was.

Here are some excerpts from Chapters 93-97:

The priest answered: “Now is Judea so greatly moved over your signs and your teaching that they cry out that you are God; wherefore, constrained by the people, I am come here with the Roman governor and King Herod. We pray you therefore from our heart, that you will be content to remove the sedition which is arisen on your account. For some say you are God, some say you are son of God, and some say you are a prophet.” ‘Jesus answered: “And you, O high priest of God, why have you not quieted this sedition? Are you also perhaps, gone out of your mind? Have the prophecies, with the Law of God, so passed into oblivion, O wretched Judea, deceived of Satan!”

And having said this, Jesus said again: “I confess before heaven, and call to witness everything that dwells upon the earth, that I am a stranger to all that men have said of me, to wit, that I am more than man. For I am a man, born of woman, subject to the judgment of God; that live here like as other men, subject to the common miseries. As God lives, in whose presence my soul stands, you have greatly sinned, O priest, in saying what you have said. May it please God that there come not upon the holy city great vengeance for this sin”.

Then said the priest: “May God pardon us, and do you pray for us”.

Then said the governor and Herod: “Sir, it is impossible that man should do that which you do; wherefore we understand not that which you say”.

Jesus answered: “That which you say is true, for God works good in man, even as Satan works evil. For man is like a shop, wherein whoever enters with his consent works and sells therein. But tell me, O governor, and you O King, you say this because you are strangers to our Law; for if you read the testament and covenant of our God you would see that Moses with a rod made the water turn into blood, the dust into fleas, the dew into tempest, and the light into darkness. He made the frogs and mice to come into Egypt; which covered the ground, he slew the first-born, and opened the sea, wherein he drowned Pharaoh. Of these things I have wrought none”.

And of Moses, every one confesses that he is a dead man at this present. Joshua made the sun to stand still, and opened the Jordan, which I have not yet done.

And of Joshua every one confesses that he is a dead man at this present. Elijah made fire to come visibly down from heaven, and rain, which I have not done. And of Elijah every one confesses that he is a man. And (in like manner) very many other prophets, holy men, friends of God, who in the power of God have wrought things which cannot be grasped by the minds of those who know not our God,

almighty and merciful, who is blessed for evermore”.

Accordingly the governor and the priest and the King prayed Jesus that in order to quiet the people he should mount up into a lofty place and speak to the people.

Then went up Jesus on to one of the twelve stones...’. ‘Jesus said distinctly, so that everyone might hear: “It is written in the testament and covenant of the living God that our God has no beginning, neither shall he ever have an end”.

The priest answered: “Even so is it written therein”.

Jesus said: “It is written there that our God by his word alone has created all things”.

Even so it is”, said the priest.

Jesus said: “It is written there that God is invisible and hidden from the mind of man, seeing he is incorporeal and uncomposed, without variableness”.

So is it, truly”, said the priest.

Jesus said: “It is written there how that the heaven of heavens cannot contain him, seeing that our God is infinite”.

So said Solomon the prophet”, said the priest,

Jesus said: “It is written there that God has no need, for as much as he eats not, sleeps not; and suffers not from any deficiency”.

So is it”, said the priest.’

Jesus said: “It is written there that our God is everywhere, and that there is not any other god but he, who strikes down and makes whole, and does all that pleases him”.

So is it written”, replied the priest.

Then Jesus, having lifted up his hands, said: “Lord our God, this is my faith wherewith I shall come to your judgment; in testimony against every one that shall believe the contrary”.

... When the prayer was ended, the priest said with a loud voice: “Stay Jesus, for we need to know who you are, for the quieting of our nation”. Jesus answered: “I am Jesus, son of Mary, of the seed of David, a man that is mortal and fears God, and I seek that to God be given honour and glory”.

The priest answered: “In the Book of Moses it is written that our God must send us the Messiah, who shall come to announce to us that which God wills, and shall bring to the world the mercy of God. Therefore I pray you tell us the truth, are you the Messiah of God whom we expect?”

Jesus answered: “It is true that God has so promised, but indeed I am not he, for he is made before me, and shall come after me”.

The priest answered: “By your words and signs at any rate we believe you to be a prophet and a holy

one of God, wherefore I pray you in the name of all Judea and Israel that you for love of God should tell us in what wise the Messiah will come”.

Jesus answered: As God lives, in whose presence my soul stands, I am not the Messiah whom all the tribes of the earth expect, even as God promised to our father Abraham, saying: “In your seed will I bless all the tribes of the earth”. But when God shall take me away from the world, Satan will raise again this accursed sedition, by making the impious believe that I am God and son of God, whence my

words and my doctrine shall be contaminated, insomuch that scarcely shall there remain thirty faithful ones; whereupon God will have mercy upon the world, and will send his Messenger for whom he has made all things who shall come from the south with power, and shall destroy the idols with the idolaters who shall take away the dominion from Satan which he has over men. He shall bring with him

the mercy of God for salvation of them that shall believe in him, and blessed is he who shall believe his words. Unworthy though I am to untie his hosen, I have received grace and mercy from God to see him.

Then answered the priest, with the governor and the King, saying: “Distress not yourself, O Jesus, holy one of God, because in our time shall not this sedition be any more, seeing that we will write to the sacred Roman senate in such wise that by imperial decree none shall any more call you God or son of


The Jesus said: “With your words I am not consoled, because where you hope for light darkness shall come; but my consolation is in the coming of the Messenger, who shall destroy every false opinion of me, and his faith shall spread and shall take hold of the whole world, for so has God promised to Abraham our father. And that which gives me consolation is that his faith shall have no end, but shall

be kept inviolate by God”.

... And having said this, the multitude departed with the priest and the governor with Herod, having great disputations concerning Jesus and concerning his doctrine. Whereupon the priest prayed the governor to write to Rome to the senate the whole matter, which thing the governor did; wherefore the senate had compassion on Israel, and decreed that on pain of death none should call Jesus the Nazarene, prophet of the Jews, either God or son of God.

Which decree was posted up in the Temple, engraved upon copper.’

It’s ironic that People of the Book blame the Romans for every evil whereas the Roman Senate did a great favor to the Jews and Christians by issuing an imperial decree regarding the status of Jesus, the son of Mary.

(From my book “God’s Prescription – al-Quran”, Chapter ‘Christianity – The Truth’, pub. 2012)


Friday 11 December 2020

THE CREATOR WILL TAKE CARE Of You, If You Take Care Of His Creation.


If You Take Care Of

His Creation,

The Creator Will Take

Care Of You!

(M. Javed Naseem)

Believe in Allah and His messenger, and

spend (in charity) out of the (substance)

whereof He has made you heirs. For, those

of you who believe and spend (in charity),

for them is a great Reward.”

(al-Quran 57:7)

When God taught us Faith, He based it on His own qualities like Mercy, Love, Forgiveness, Charity and Hope – all Good and no Evil! He told us not to follow the Devil as he was our enemy. We were strictly commanded not to spread corruption and evil in the Earth so that we could enjoy Lord’s bounties and a happy life in this world. But when we were enjoying happy life, we ignored God’s commands and started playing god on earth; hence all the corruption and evil. Out of greed and jealousy, we started depriving other humans of those bounties that we were enjoying.

Most of us are going through hard times these days that have become even harder due to Coronavirus restrictions and a manipulative safety protocol. Millions of people have lost their jobs, small businesses and sources of income. Some got the alternate sources of income; some got government and social help and some got nothing at all except suffering. They can’t beg and they have nobody to turn to. As responsible members of the society, we have an obligation to look around in our own neighborhoods and try to help those who are suffering from poverty and hunger.

Whatever you shall spend in the cause

of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and

you shall not be treated unjustly.”

(al-Quran 8:60)

When you give, give with a big heart. Never think that you are doing others a favor! No, as a matter of fact, you are helping your own cause because Allah, the Almighty, will reward you for your good and charitable acts. Remember that the poor have a share in your wealth whether you accept it or not; whether you like it or not. That’s the verdict of the Lord Almighty. Share your wealth with the needy and the orphans and widows, and you would be rewarded manifold.

Twice will they be given their reward,

for that they have persevered, that they

avert Evil with Good, and that they spend

(in charity) out of what We have given them.”

(al-Quran 28:54)


Serve humanity if you want to serve

the Almighty! Treat people with mercy

so that Allah will treat you with mercy

on the Day of Judgment!


Thousands of times, we were warned via Scriptures through Prophets and Messengers but only a few paid heed. Most of the people ignored those teachings and warnings although we were informed of the fate of the earlier nations who disobeyed the Lord. Love, peace and harmony can only be created by sharing with others. Compassion is the key to a happy society. Allah, the Merciful, created us with mercy, compassion, love and hope. We are supposed to live in harmony with peace and justice. Some people are born rich while others are poor. But both are a source of ‘Test’ for each other. Allah wants to see how the rich behave and live with all the wealth and bounties He gave them in this world. At the same time, He wants to see how the poor live in contentment and survive with limited sources. If both of them succeed in keeping corruption, ungratefulness and greed at bay, they are both successful in this world and would carry the reward to the Hereafter.

And spend of your substance in the cause

of Allah, and make not your own hands

contribute to (your) destruction; but do good;

for Allah loves those who do good.”

(al-Quran 2:195)

Those who rehearse the Book of Allah,

establish regular prayer, and spend (in

charity) out of what We have provided

for them, secretly and openly, hope for

a commerce that will never fail.”

(al-Quran 35:29)

It is not the amount of money that counts. What matter actually is your gesture and thought behind your charitable action. Just try to put a smile on a sad face and enjoy the beautiful feeling. You can give whatever you can afford. Allah says in the Quran:

Let the man of means spend according to

his means: and the man whose resources are

restricted, let him spend according to what

Allah has given him. Allah puts no burden

on any person beyond what He has given him.

After a difficulty, Allah will soon grant relief.”

(al-Quran 65:7)

God’s Message is divine and it was delivered to us by all Messengers. Only we, the humans, corrupted and altered it.

The Bible says:

“One who is gracious to a poor man lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his good deed.” – (Proverbs 19:17)

“And if you give yourself to the hungry and satisfy the need of the afflicted, then your light will rise in darkness and your gloom will become like midday.” – (Isaiah 58:10)

"Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.” – (Matthew 5:42)

“For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in.” – (Matthew 25:35)

"But when you give a reception, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind.” – (Luke 14”13)

“Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share.” – (1-Timothy 6:18)


Friday 4 December 2020

NWO IS FOOLING US To Control People With Fear. Covid Is Just Another Flu.


Covid is just another Flu

NWO Is Fooling Us To

Control People With Fear


(M. Javed Naseem)

And cover not Truth with falsehood,

nor knowingly conceal the Truth!”

(al-Quran 2:42)

And you will know the truth,

and the truth will set you free.”

(John 8:32)

New World Order is constantly fooling us to push its agenda forward. They are probably behind schedule that’s why they are rushing it now. Every TV channel in every country is influenced to carry the agenda and propaganda on coronavirus to create fear, panic and uncertainty. The puppet corrupt governments are participating in this ‘fool-the-people’ drama and spreading fear through the media. It also gives them the excuse to curb civil liberties, restrict normal freedom, curtail basic human rights, limit their movement and control the masses. The result is that thousands of people have lost their jobs (their only source of income) and thousands of small businesses are closed forever. Traveling and tourism have been hit the hardest as all airlines of the world are suffering. Everyday some new restrictions are imposed on people making their lives miserable. The pity is that majority of the people are falling for it, although there are millions all over the world, in many countries, who are protesting against those restrictions. Democracy is being trampled by the ‘champions’ of democracy. Basic human rights are being violated.


Alcohol (drunk drivers) and Tobacco related

deaths are top of the chart. Why don’t they talk

about that and come up with some ‘protocol’ to

combat it? Flu/pneumonia (now Corona) related

deaths are way down the list but it’s promoted

as the biggest anti-health monster, resulting in

a miserable civil life.


The mainstream media is playing like a prostitute because there’s a lot of money to make in this entire fake-news drama. Information from the reliable independent experts is discouraged and generally boycotted, even on social media. It’s a game of lies and deception while the truth is curbed. People are wrongly made to believe that masks, social-distancing and finally the vaccine is the only solution. Some countries are going too far to enforce mandatory corona tests and vaccination. I am sure, it won’t stop there! A lot more is still to come.

The New York Times reported in its 25th November, 2020, online edition:

AstraZeneca Pauses Vaccine Trial for Safety Review.

The company halted late-stage trials of its coronavirus vaccine because of a serious suspected adverse reaction in a participant.”

RT reported in its 29th November, 2020, online edition:

Participant in India’s AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine trial sues after experiencing ‘severe adverse effect’

An Indian man who helped test a coronavirus jab based on AstraZeneca’s candidate vaccine has filed suit, claiming that he suffered extreme side effects during his participation in the trial.


It takes a few years and a lot of research and experiments to create a vaccine. You simply cannot develop a vaccine in 6-8 months time of a pandemic, especially when the virus has NOT been isolated yet – not yet! And it is December 2020, but they have already booked billions of dollars worth of vaccine to be delivered in the coming weeks and months. Surprising! Since people are skeptical and hesitant to get vaccinated, the Mafia is going to make it mandatory, by hook or by crook!

Coronavirus is just another Flu and we face so many Flu viruses every year – twice a year – when the weather changes from hot to cold or vice versa. A layman asks: Then why are so many people dying? Normal question and it gets a normal answer too: Why did your country’s or town’s health department never told you about the yearly deaths due to common cold, Flu, grippe, pneumonia, asthma or regular respiratory ailments? Why not?

If you compare the figures of those normal deaths of the last ten years, you’ll see that the numbers are similar and they range, for example, between 2,200 and 2,800 every year until 2019. And guess what? The numbers for 2020 are the same, even less in some countries! But when the WHO or your town’s health department shouts loudly the 2020 numbers for the similar deaths, they are labeled ‘corona’ deaths to create fear and panic among people. To make things worse, they get instructions from the Mafia that they should propagate the international figures put together from all countries of the world. That’s enough to scare the majority of the ignorant masses. Nobody asks them why are there no deaths from common cold, fever, flu, grippe or pneumonia in 2020? There are only Corona deaths!

The corrupted Test is also to blame. It shows all infections of common cold, flu, grippe, fever or pneumonia as Corona positive!

Having said that, it should be noted that Coronavirus is real, not a hoax. But it is just like other seasonal flu and viruses that come and go every year, and take a few thousands lives routinely. Only your corrupt media never told you about those deaths until 2020, when they talked only about Coronavirus. Do you understand what’s going on?

RT adds:

Landmark legal ruling finds that Covid tests are not fit for purpose. So what do the MSM do? They ignore it.

By Peter Andrews, (pub: 27th Nov., 2020)

Four German holidaymakers who were illegally quarantined in Portugal after one was judged to be positive for Covid-19 have won their case, in a verdict that condemns the widely-used PCR test as being up to 97-percent unreliable.

Earlier this month, Portuguese judges upheld a decision from a lower court that found the forced quarantine of four holidaymakers to be unlawful. The case centred on the reliability (or lack thereof) of Covid-19 PCR tests. The verdict, delivered on November 11, followed an appeal against a writ of habeas corpus filed by four Germans against the Azores Regional Health Authority. This body had been appealing a ruling from a lower court which had found in favour of the tourists, who claimed that they were illegally confined to a hotel without their consent.

Earlier this year, data from three US states – New York, Nevada and Massachusetts – showed that when the amount of the virus found in a person was taken into account, up to 90 percent of people who tested positive could actually have been negative, as they may have been carrying only tiny amounts of the virus.

The Portuguese judges cited a study conducted by “some of the leading European and world specialists,”which was published by Oxford Academic at the end of September. It showed that if someone tested positive for Covid at a cycle threshold of 35 or higher, the chances of that person actually being infected is less than three percent, and that “the probability of… receiving a false positive is 97% or higher.”

The conclusion of their 34-page ruling included the following: “In view of current scientific evidence, this test shows itself to be unable to determine beyond reasonable doubt that such positivity corresponds, in fact, to the infection of a person by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.”

In the eyes of this court, then, a positive test does not correspond to a Covid case. The two most important reasons for this, said the judges, are that, “the test’s reliability depends on the number of cycles used’’ and that “the test’s reliability depends on the viral load present.’’ In other words, there are simply too many unknowns surrounding PCR testing.

Tested positive? There could be as little as a 3% chance it’s correct

This is not the first challenge to the credibility of PCR tests. Many people will be aware that their results have a lot to do with the number of amplifications that are performed, or the ‘cycle threshold.’ This number in most American and European labs is 35–40 cycles, but experts have claimed that even 35 cycles is far too many, and that a more reasonable protocol would call for 25–30 cycles. (Each cycle exponentially increases the amount of viral DNA in the sample).

Sshhh … Don’t tell anyone!

It is a sad indictment of our mainstream media that such a landmark ruling, of such obvious and pressing international importance, has been roundly ignored. And it isn’t as if Portugal is some remote, mysterious nation where news is unreliable or whose judges are suspect – this is a western EU country with a large population and a similar legal system to many other parts of Europe. And it is not the only country whose institutions are clashing with received wisdom on Covid.

Finland’s national health authority has disputed the WHO’s recommendation to test as many people as possible for coronavirus, saying it would be a waste of taxpayer’s money, while poorer South East Asian countries are holding off on ordering vaccines, citing an improper use of finite resources. 

Testing, especially PCR testing, is the basis for the entire house of cards of Covid restrictions that are wreaking havoc worldwide. From testing comes case numbers. From case numbers come the ‘R-number,’ the rate at which a carrier infects others. From the ‘dreaded’ R-number comes the lockdowns and the restrictions, such as England’s new and baffling tiered restrictions.

The daily barrage of statistics is familiar to us all by this point, but as time goes on the evidence that something may be deeply amiss with the whole foundation of our reaction to this pandemic – the testing regime – continues to mount.

