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Friday 28 June 2019

WE ARE ALL LIARS! We Lie To God; To Others; And To Ourselves.

We Are All Liars!
We Lie To God, To Others
And To Ourselves

If We Don’t Repent,
We’ll Land In Hell

(M. Javed Naseem)

“Woe unto each sinful liar!”
(al-Quran 45:7)

Lying is deceiving and it is not allowed in Islam. In some Prophetic narrations (Ahadith) it has been declared that there are three signs of a hypocrite (a Munafiq) and Lying is the first one. As a matter of fact lying is the mother of all evils. Once you to tell a lie, you have to constantly lie to cover up the first lie. And the chain never stops, except that we keep adding more and more lies to the stock and eventually fail to cover them all sooner or later. Then we are exposed and lost our trust in the eyes of others; and with that trust goes our respect and honor too.

And there is more to it! Allah is not pleased with such behavior and if we don’t repent and rectify the situation immediately, we are classified in the records of angels as ‘liars’ and we lose Allah’s blessings. As habitual liars, we start losing all spiritual good and with that Allah’s favors too. Allah has warned such people in the Quran:

“In their hearts is a disease, and
Allah increases their disease.
A painful doom is theirs
because they lie.”
(al-Quran 2:10)

The lies will bring upon us a painful doom and the wrath of Allah, not only in this world but also in the Hereafter. If we die without repenting and asking Allah for His forgiveness we’ll be destined to Hell, as ‘disobedient’ to Allah and as ‘friends’ or ‘brothers’ of the Devil. This is something grave.

The lies are so common in our everyday life that we don’t even feel that we are lying. We consider it normal. We also consider ‘small’ lies ‘no’ lies. For example, we are home and somebody knocks at the door or rings the door bell, or somebody calls on the phone, we tell our wives or children to tell the visitor (or caller) that we are not home. We are lying and we force our families to lie too.

Many times we know the truth about somebody or something but when somebody asks us about that, we say that we don’t know because we don’t want to embarrass somebody (our friends or family members). We are building a fake wall of protection around them and us which is going to crumble one day.

Then there is a group, actually a religious sect, that believes that lying with good intention is allowed and it does not fall into the category of lies. Wrong! A lie is a lie, no matter how small or how big, how noble or how evil. There are many fake Ahadith (Prophet’s sayings) that fall into this category. Allah will definitely punish those who fabricated Ahadith (even for a good purpose). When you attribute something to the Prophet that he never said or did, you are lying. And that’s a big punishable sin. You first punishment right in this world is that Allah withdraws His ‘Guidance’ (Hidayah) from you and you are left in the darkness of ignorance.

“Lo! Allah guides not him
who is a liar, an ingrate.”
(al-Quran 39:3)

We disobey Allah and we think it is not grave, it is normal lifestyle. We defy Allah’s commands and think that it is nothing serious as everybody does it. That’s not the justification. Allah is the Supreme Creator and we are the Creation. He has rights over us.
We lie to Allah, the Almighty, too and we boldly do that during prayers. When we start prayer (Salaat), in every Rakaat (unit) we recite Surah al-Fatiha (the first chapter of the Quran. In the 5th verse of this Surah (chapter), we pronounce that: (O Allah!) We worship you alone and seek help from you only. Here’s the translation of verses 5 to 7:

“You (alone) do we worship, and You (alone)
we ask for help. Show us the straight path,
the path of those whom You have favored;
not the (path) of those who earn Your anger,
nor of those who go astray.”
(al-Quran 1:5-7)

We keep lying to ourselves and believe that we are better than other 'People of the Book' (Jews and Christians). That's like living in a fool's paradise. The Bible says:

This is the height of hypocrisy (Munafiqat) that we say something which we don’t mean actually! Worshipping Allah alone and seeking only His help is contradicted by our actions when we see the crowds on the shrines, tombs, graves and mazars of the saints and priests. People go to those places and ask those dead saints and priests to help us and grant our wishes; get us a new job, win us a lottery, get us a male child, heal us from diseases, etc., etc. There are endless desires/wishes and so are the tombs/mazars/graves of the dead saints and priests. When we say something and in practice we do something else, it constitutes a lie, hypocrisy (Munafiqat). And that’s a punishable sin.

“Lo! Allah guides not one
who is a prodigal, a liar.”
(al-Quran 40:28)

In Islam, this is called ‘shirk’ – making partners with Allah. According to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), on the Day of Judgment, the Merciful Allah might forgive all sins except ‘shirk’. This is the worst kind of sin that we can have on our record of deeds. An early repentance can get us off the hook.

Under the Law of Moses (Torah) and the Gospel of Jesus (Bible), lying is an abominable sin and merits punishment. A believer should not take it lightly. The Bible says: 

On the Day of Judgment, those dead (or living) saints, preachers, priests, Sai-Babas or Peers, etc., won’t be able to help you at all. They would all be worried about their own fate (Heaven or Hell). Nobody would care about you on that day and nobody would take responsibility for your losses. You alone will have to carry your own burden! Allah says:

“Whoever receives guidance, receives it for
his own benefit; whoever goes astray, does so
to his own loss. No bearer of burdens can bear
the burden of another; nor would We visit with
Our Wrath until We had sent an messenger
(to give warning).”
(al-Quran 17:15)

God sent to the mankind, from time to time, His Prophets and Messengers to guide or lead people to the right path. But after the death of those Prophets/Messengers, people went astray again, forgetting all about their teachings and God’s warnings. Eventually, God punished those nations and destroyed their towns, thus making them a ‘lesson’ for other nations. We make our own choices and we are responsible for them. And we will be questioned about them. We are responsible for our own fate!

“Every man's fate We have fastened on his
own neck. On the Day of Judgment, We shall
bring out for him a scroll (record), which he
will see spread open. (It will be said to him:)
Read your (own) record! Sufficient is your
soul this day to be a witness against you."
(al-Quran 17:13-14)

The only solution to all our problems is the Guidance from Allah, that came to us through His Prophets or Messengers and the Holy Books. If we don’t revert to Allah, we are lost. There is no one else to guide us and get us through this mess. Here’s the prescription:

“O believers! Seek (Allah’s) help with
Patient perseverance and prayer; for Allah
is with those who patiently persevere!”
(al-Quran 2:153)


Friday 21 June 2019

IGNORANCE IS YOUR ENEMY! Kill It With Guidance (Education)!

Ignorance (‘Jahl/Jahalat’)
Is Your Eenemy No. 1.
Kill It With Guidance!
Educate Yourself!

Guidance is the Light while
ignorance is the Darkness.
The Light comes from Allah;
the Darkness from the Devil.

(M. Javed Naseem)

“This is the Book; in it is guidance sure,
without doubt, to those who fear Allah.”
(al-Quran 2:2)

The Quran is the Book of Guidance. Knowledge (education) is guidance and guidance is the light that eliminates darkness and leads you to Paradise. On the other hand, ignorance is darkness and darkness leads to Hell. Allah says about the Quran:

“Here is a plain statement to men, a guidance
and instruction to those who fear Allah!”
(al-Quran 3:138)

Racism, discrimination, intolerance and hate spring from the base of ignorance (Jahl or Jahalat). It is sheer lack of education (or guidance) and faulty upbringing on the part of the parents, teachers or preachers that promotes ignorance and intolerance. All humanity came from Adam and Eve, therefore, we are all brethren. Discrimination or racism has no scientific, logical or reasonable ground to flourish.

The light of guidance comes from Allah whereas the darkness of ignorance comes from the Devil. Allah, our Creator, has declared that the Devil is our enemy, therefore, there should be no doubt about it in our minds that the enemy is pushing us towards Hellfire while Allah, with all His mercy and blessing, keeps reminding us of the path of guidance.

“Allah is the Protector of those who have faith.
From the depths of darkness He will lead them
forth into light. Of those who reject faith the
patrons are the evil ones. From light they will
lead them forth into the depths of darkness.
They will be companions of the fire,
to dwell therein (for ever).”
(al-Quran 2:257)

The Book of Guidance is full of wisdom, mercy, healing and knowledge – all we need to live our transitional life on this planet. All we need is to reflect upon it, act upon it and live our lives as per the principles and rules prescribed for us by Allah, the Almighty, for our own success and salvation. Allah says:

“A Book which We have revealed unto you,
in order that you might lead mankind out of
the depths of darkness into light - by the leave
of their Lord - to the way of (Him) the Exalted
in power, worthy of all praise!”
(al-Quran 14:1)

“… And if, as is sure, there comes to you guidance
from Me, whosoever follows My guidance, on
them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.”
(al-Quran 2:38)

Allah’s guidance and mercy is available to those who seek it and strive for it. We have to take the first step and make an effort. On His part, the Merciful Allah will bless us with guidance. The only condition is that we should believe in His sovereignty and fear His wrath. We don’t need to follow any famous religion or religious people. Just be mindful of Him and His commands, and follow the path of the righteous! He says:

“… Nor does Allah Give guidance to a people unjust.”
(al-Quran 2:258)

“Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied
with you unless you follow their form of religion.
Say: The guidance of Allah, that is the (only) guidance.’
Were you to follow their desires after the knowledge
which has reached you, then would you find neither
protector nor helper against Allah.”
(al-Quran 2:120)

Man has fabricated many fancy and modern religions but none of them is satisfying because they are all man-made. They bring happiness only to the promoters as they are getting rich with other people’s money. Religion is not about money or material things. The Bible says:

 “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure
and faultless is this: To look after orphans and
widows in their distress and to keep oneself
from being polluted by the world.”
(James 1:27)

Real guidance comes from God. He guided all Prophets and Messengers with the Scriptures; and the same guidance was offered to their respective nations. Allah says:

“Say: Allah's guidance is the (only) guidance,
and we have been directed to submit ourselves
to the Lord of the worlds.”
(al-Quran 6:71)

“It was We who revealed the law (to Moses);
therein was guidance and light…”
(al-Quran 5:44)

“And We gave Moses the Book, in order
that they might receive guidance.”
(al-Quran 23:49)

The same thing goes for Prophet Jesus, the son of Mary. The Book may be called by a different name but the message was the same. Allah says:

“And in their footsteps We sent Jesus the son of
Mary, confirming the Law that had come before him.
We sent him the Gospel: therein was guidance and
light, and confirmation of the Law that had come
before him; a guidance and an admonition to
those who fear Allah.”
(al-Quran 5:46)

We humans should consider ourselves lucky that our Creator, the Almighty, cares about us and He sends directions or instructions for us so that we don’t go astray. If we hold on to that source of guidance, we will never suffer. Today, mankind has abandoned the Book of Guidance and people are blindly chasing their worldly desires – in other words, they are following the Devil. The plight of believers points to that direction. If we abandon God, He will, in return, abandon us too. He says:

“O mankind! There has come to you a direction
from your Lord and a healing for the (diseases)
in your hearts, and for those who believe,
a guidance and a Mercy.”
(al-Quran 10:57)

The Jewish and the Christian worlds are suffering the same fate as Muslims today. They have all ignored the Book of Guidance; they are far from the true religion (or the true guidance). The Bible says:

 “The world and its desires pass away, but
whoever does the will of God lives forever.”
(1-John 2:17)

When Allah commands us, He does not force us. He gives us the choice of action so that we submit to Him voluntarily, with our own free will. Those who deny or reject His guidance, they cannot be guided. In response, Allah rejects them. In the end they suffer a grievous chastisement.

“To such as Allah rejects from His guidance,
There can be no guide. He will leave them in
their trespasses, wandering in distraction.”
(al-Quran 7:186)

Those earlier nations were destroyed because they chose evil ways of life and disobeyed the Laws of the Book of Guidance. That’s the price of disobedience! And therein lies a lesson or a warning for us too.

“As to the Thamud, We gave them guidance, but
they preferred blindness (of heart) to guidance.
So the stunning punishment of humiliation seized
them, because of what they had earned.”
(al-Quran 41:17)

“… And We sent down upon the evil-doers
wrath from heaven for their evil-doing.”
(al-Quran 2:59)


Friday 14 June 2019

THE EVIL-DOERS ARE HELL-BOUND Unless They Repent And Rectify The Damage.

The Evildoers
(Dhalimeen or Dhalimoon)
Are Hell-bound Unless
They Repent & Rectify

 (M. Javed Naseem)

“Lo, whosoever ascribes partners unto Allah, for
him Allah has forbidden Paradise. His abode is the
Hellfire. For evil-doers there will be no helpers.”
(al-Quran 5:72)

In the Holy Quran, there are dozens of references about Dhalimeen ‘ظالمین’ (or Zalimeen) and Dhalimoon 'ظالمون'  (or Zalimoon). Who are those people? The word ‘Dhalimeen’ or ‘Dhalimoon’ is the plural form of Dhalim (or Zalim) 'ظالم'  which means the one who does ‘Dhulm’ (or Zulm) 'ظلم' . And what is Dhulm (or Zulm)? As per dictionary, it means wrong-doing or evil-doing, injustice, transgression, crossing the limits, cruelty, tyranny, oppression, aggression, injury, mistreatment, etc.

In the Quranic term (in its broader sense), it means going/doing against the commands of Allah – in other words disobedience to Allah. When we disobey Allah, we commit injustice (Dhulm/Zulm) against our own souls and we become transgressors or wrong-doers or evildoers (Dhalimeen).

Dhulm (Zulm) is a sin and the sinner (person responsible for it) should repent and rectify the situation or damage, and should come clean before Allah; otherwise he would die as Dhalim/Zalim (transgressor or wrong-doer). And the wrong-doers or transgressors are given the bad news of their destiny – the Hellfire.

“… Those are limits set by Allah; and anyone
who transgresses the limits of Allah, does
verily wrong his (own) soul.”
(al-Quran 65:1)

“… And We sent down upon the evil-doers
wrath from heaven for their evil-doing.”
(al-Quran 2:59)

When Allah was pleased with Prophet Abraham’s righteousness, he promised him the leadership of the nations. Prophet Abraham asked for the same privilege or status for his children but Allah made it clear that His promise was valid for the righteous people only and not the evildoers, even if they were from the offspring of Abraham.

“And remember that Abraham was tried by his Lord
with certain commands, which he fulfilled: He said:
"I will make you an Imam to the Nations."
He (Abraham) pleaded: "And also (Imams) from
my offspring!" He (Allah) answered: "But My
Promise is not within the reach of evil-doers."
(al-Quran 2:124)

Allah, the Almighty, even warned Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) in clear words that His blessings and protection was there as long as he followed the path of righteousness. But if he followed the wishes or desires of the unbelievers, after having received the revelation (the Quran) from Allah, he would be counted as one of them – the evildoer.

“… And if you follow their wishes after the
knowledge which has come to you, then surely
would you be of the evil-doers.”
(al-Quran 2:145)

The promise of Allah is true and Allah has promised the Garden of Paradise to the righteousness; and the Hellfire to the evildoers.

“And the dwellers of the Garden (Paradise) cry unto
the dwellers of the Fire (Hell): We have found that
which our Lord promised us (to be) the Truth. Have
you (too) found that which your Lord promised the
Truth? They say: Yea, verily. And a crier in between
them cries: The curse of Allah is on evil-doers!”
(al-Quran 7:44)

“(Their way is) as the way of Pharaoh's folk and
those before them; they denied the revelations
of their Lord, so We destroyed them in their
sins. And We drowned the folk of Pharaoh.
All were evil-doers.”
(al-Quran 8:54)

Allah is Infinite Mercy and He loves to forgive if a sinner sincerely and honestly repents and seeks His forgiveness. He forgives mankind again and again and again.

“They ask you to hasten on the evil in preference
to the good: Yet have come to pass, before them,
(many) exemplary punishments! But verily your
Lord is full of forgiveness for mankind for their
wrong-doing, and verily your Lord is (also)
strict in punishment.”
(al-Quran 13:6)

Some evil-minded Islamophobes always criticize Allah and say that God of Muslims is cruel as he threatens mankind with Hellfire and punishment. Those ignorant morons don’t know that their God and God of Muslims is the same God. If he were cruel and wanted to punish people with Hellfire, there would be no unbeliever or evil person left on the face of the earth. But the Merciful Allah gives mankind the choice to act righteous or evil with their own free will. But He warns the evildoers of the dire punishment, and very rightly so.

“If Allah were to punish men for their wrong-doing,
He would not leave, on the (earth), a single living
Creature! But He gives them respite for a stated
Term. When their Term expires, they would not
be able to delay (the punishment) for a single hour,
just as they would not be able to anticipate it
(for a single hour).”
(al-Quran 16:61)

Even in the midst of evil, the righteous would be protected and blessed with His mercy. That’s His promise; and there is no doubt about it.

“Then We shall rescue those who kept from evil,
and leave the evil-doers crouching there.”
(al-Quran 19:72)

In every age and era, the evildoers (transgressors) were warned by the Almighty again and again before they were eventually inflicted with punishment. Allah likes discipline and hates disobedience.

“How many populations have We destroyed, which
were given to wrong-doing? They tumbled down on
their roofs. And how many wells are lying idle and
neglected, and castles lofty and well-built?”
(al-Quran 22:45)

“And to how many populations did I give respite,
which were given to wrong-doing? In the end,
I punished them. To me is the destination (of all).”
(al-Quran 22:48)

“And Noah's folk, when they denied the messengers,
We drowned them and made of them a portent for
mankind. We have prepared a painful doom
for evil-doers.”
(al-Quran 25:37)

All guidance comes from Allah; and it comes to those who seek guidance. Those who don’t seek it, because of their evil character or arrogance, they are in bad luck. The true guidance is in the righteousness and piety; and not in lustful living. Allah has made it clear in many verses and chapters of the Quran that there is NO guidance for the evildoers. One needs to quit evil to seek guidance.

“But if they hearken not to you, know that they
only follow their own lusts; and who is more
astray than one who follow his own lusts, devoid
of guidance from Allah? For Allah guides not
people given to wrong-doing.”
(al-Quran 28:50)

Those who continue following the wrong path and their own desires, ignoring the laws and limits prescribed by Allah, they end up as losers. They are destroyed like earlier nations and in the Hereafter their destination will be Hell.

“Now such were their houses – in utter ruin – because
they practiced wrong-doing. Verily in this is a Sign
for people of knowledge.”
(al-Quran 27:52)

Remember one thing! This is God’s world and He has the sovereignty over heavens and the earth; we are His subjects. If we don’t accept that, we don’t belong here! He has created Hell for such people. So, seek guidance and obey Him to prosper!


Friday 7 June 2019

CANCER IS NOT A DISEASE; It's Big Business! 9.6million cancer deaths in 2018.

Global Cancer 2018 Estimates:
18.1 Million Cancer Cases
And 9.6 Million deaths!

“Cancer is not a disease;
It’s Big Business!

(M. Javed Naseem)

With immense technological advancement and new inventions, our society is slowly becoming addicted to the artificial comforts of life. In reality, we are becoming sick both physically and morally. Corruption and injustice are all over the world, in every sphere of life, and everybody is looking for peace and happiness. Technological development has poisoned our food-grains, crops, vegetables and fruits genetically and along with that also the fertilizers. When these two sides attack and we get sick, we seek relief in the third one, which is medicine. Unfortunately, the medication helps less with the cure of our ailment but spreads the diseases, actually diseases, being the side-effects. We are trapped in a death-trap by the Big Pharma.

First, it was AIDS; then heart-attack and now it is cancer that’s taking people’s lives. The worst part is that before killing people, this cancer business makes their lives miserable. The doctors try to prolong this misery as much as possible to milk more money and the Big Pharma benefits from it by selling more and more expensive drugs. The butcher doctors even prescribe drugs that they know are not going to work in a particular situation or stage of the disease, still they do prescribe them. It’s all about money.

Watch Out!
One-in-five men and one-in-six women
worldwide will develop cancer over the
course of their lifetime! – IARC

Ever wonder how these ‘experts’ (actually Big Pharma) predict the number of future patients and diseases? Easy! They manufacture drugs and sell it. Every drug has negative side-effects – every drug, without exception. They attack your liver, kidneys, lungs, heart and above all your immune system – your defense wall. Millions of drug-doses make millions of new patients of new diseases (caused by the side-effects) every year and then the numbers expand – and so does the profits for the Big Pharma. All doctors work for them, directly or indirectly, getting commissions, percentage or kickbacks. Once you walk in their clinics, you cannot walk out 100% healthy – never!

Whistle-blowers have taken the risk and come forward to tell people that cancer has become an industry – 3 trillion dollar business every year – that offers big profits. It is not about curing the disease; it is about prolonging it and making maximum profits. Drug companies (pharmaceuticals) are making billions of dollars profits every year, even when the economy is in crisis. What happens to the suffering humanity in the process is not their problem; it’s yours. So, handle it the way you want.

Captain Dale Black was an airline pilot. His wife got cancer and over the years he became a researcher. He talks from his personal experience and research he did in this field. He says that cancer is not a disease; it’s big business!

“Cancer is not a disease; It’s Big Business!”
-- Capt. Dale Black
“Finally, there's hope for cancer patients. Cancer, all forms of cancer, doesn't just fall from the sky. Generally speaking, we give cancer to ourselves by the way we think, eat, drink and by how we deal with stress. In other words, how we LIVE. Cancer is preventable. Cancer is reversible. There is hope for cancer patients. Watch and learn.” (This particular video is intended only for adults with cancer).

Butchers of Big Pharma
slaughter people every day
in the name of cancer treatment
to make big money! Drugs spread
diseases and offer no cure!

“I worked in an industry, the Pharmaceutical
Industry that do nothing, but annihilate the
population of this world. They kill more people
than wars we have in the world, but long term.
They punish you and then they kill you.”
– Dr. John R. Virapen


The IARC – world cancer research agency – issued a report for 2018, with alarming facts and figures. Here are the excerpts:

Geneva, Switzerland, 12 September 2018 – New global cancer data suggests that the global cancer burden has risen to 18.1 million cases and 9.6 million cancer deaths.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) estimate that one-in-five men and one-in-six women worldwide will develop cancer over the course of their lifetime, and that one-in-eight men and one-in-eleven women will die from their disease. A number of factors appear to be driving this increase, particularly a growing and ageing global population and an increase in exposure to cancer risk factors linked to social and economic development. For rapidly-growing economies, the data suggests a shift from poverty- or infection-related cancers to those associated with lifestyles more typical in industrialized countries.
There are some indications that scaled-up prevention efforts are starting to reduce cancer incidence rates, for example lower lung cancer incidence in men in Northern Europe and North America, or in cervical cancer across most regions except Sub-Saharan Africa compared to 2012 data. 

However countries are facing an overall increase in the absolute number of cancer cases. Asia accounts for nearly half of the new cancer cases and more than half of cancer deaths.

Estimated suggest that Asia and Africa have a higher proportion of cancer deaths (7.3% and 57.3% respectively) compared with their incidence (5.8% and 48.4% respectively). IARC suggests this trend is likely due to the higher frequency of cancer types associated with poorer prognosis, along with limited access to timely diagnosis and treatment. The 2018 data also suggests that countries with high Human Development Index (HDI) have 2-3 times higher cancer incidence than those with low or medium HDI.

Clear call for action
It is clear that cancer is an urgent global challenge and Governments must take measures to scale up prevention, early detection and diagnosis, treatment, and care services. The global cancer community has an important role to play in holding Governments accountable to their commitments and advocating for accelerated and evidence-based action nationally. 
One of the key concerns raised by IARC is that lung cancer is the leading cause of death globally and its prevalence is rising amongst women, surpassing breast cancers in 28 countries.

Excerpts from a New York Times report:
Feeding the Cancer Machine
By Shannon Brownlee

HAVE you ever wondered why hospitals offer free cancer screening tests? You’ve heard the ads on radio, and seen them in newspapers, urging you to come to your local hospital for a free Pap smear, mammogram or prostate cancer blood test.
Hospitals would like you to think they are doing this out of the goodness of their hearts, that free cancer screening is a public service intended solely to improve your health. But there may be another motive at work here: providing free screening brings in new cancer patients, and cancer generates profits.
Has the profit motive gotten in the way of finding a cure for cancer or better treatment? Could it be that at least some of the $100 billion we spend each year on detecting and treating this disease is used not to improve the health of patients, but rather to prop up hospital finances?
Cancer makes money for hospitals in a couple of ways. First, it’s a disease of aging, and that means the majority of people who get it are covered by Medicare, which always pays its bills. Second, many treatments for cancer patients are particularly profitable, especially compared to those for other diseases.
Hospitals generally make money on surgery to remove cancer. Then there are all the imaging tests, like CT scans and M.R.I.’s, which are also well reimbursed by Medicare and other payers. The more cancer patients a hospital can attract, the faster it can recoup capital investments in imaging machines.
Another big source of profit is cancer drugs. Worldwide, we spend about $35 billion a year on chemotherapy and other drugs related to cancer treatment. Hospitals make money on drugs by purchasing wholesale and charging insurers full price. Cancer doctors also purchase drugs wholesale, making as much as two-thirds of their income on the “chemotherapy concession,” in which they sell and administer chemotherapy drugs in their offices.

Hospitals and doctors need to make money, of course, but the high profit margin in cancer has created a situation where providers have every reason to screen more people and treat those who are diagnosed with cancer more aggressively — and few incentives to hold back, even if that’s what the patient might prefer. Recognizing this, Medicare reduced its reimbursements for chemotherapy in 2005, but even with those changes, cancer remains an enormous economic engine in our health care system.
Sure, aggressive treatment is reducing mortality and improving the quality of life for some patients. Sometimes it even cures. But for many others, the cancer machine offers only marginal benefits at best, and providers push screening and aggressive treatment in part because they have nothing else to give, but also because it’s profitable. How much of the money we spend on unnecessary or futile cancer treatment might be put to better use searching for real advances?

Chemotherapy warning as hundreds die
from cancer-fighting drugs 
By Sarah Knapton, Science Editor, The Telegraph (pub. 30 August 2016)

Patients should be warned about the dangers of chemotherapy after research showed that cancer drugs are killing up to 50 per cent of patients in some hospitals.
For the first time researchers looked at the numbers of cancer patients who died within 30 days of starting chemotherapy, which indicates that the medication is the cause of death, rather than the cancer.
The study by Public Health England and Cancer Research UK found that across England around 8.4 per cent of patients with lung cancer, and 2.4 per cent of breast cancer patients died within a month.
But in some hospitals the figure was far higher. In Milton Keynes the death rate for lung cancer treatment was 50.9 per cent, although it was based on a very small number of patients.  
At Lancashire Teaching Hospitals the 30 day mortality rate was 28 per cent for palliative chemotherapy for lung cancer, which is given when a cure is not expected and treatment given to alleviate symptoms.  

Deaths of lung cancer patients from chemotherapy were also far higher than the national average in Blackpool, Coventry, Derby, South Tyneside and Surrey and Sussex, according to the research. 
Similarly, around one in five people who underwent palliative care for breast cancer at Cambridge University Hospitals died from their treatment. 

The study looked at more than 23,000 women with breast cancer and nearly 10,000 men with 9634 non-small cell lung cancer who underwent chemotherapy in 2014. Of those treated 1,383 died within 30 days. 

Chemotherapy is toxic for the body because it does not discriminate between healthy and cancerous cells. 
The researchers also found that there were significant differences in survival for older people and those in poorer health. They advised doctors to be more careful in selecting patients for treatment where it could do more harm than good.
Professor David Dodwell, Institute of Oncology, St James Hospital, Leeds, UK, says:
“I think it’s important to make patients aware that there are potentially life threatening downsides to chemotherapy. And doctors should be more careful about who they treat with chemotherapy.”

Professor David Cameron, Edinburgh Cancer Centre, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, Scotland, added: “The concern is that some of the patients dying within 30 days of being given chemo probably shouldn’t have been given the chemo. But, how many? There is no easy way to answer that, but perhaps looking at those places/hospitals where the death rate was higher might help. 
The research was published in The Lancet Oncology.

The Cancer Industry Expects 1.7 million New Cancer Cases in the US for 2019

Corporate healthcare policies are based on real world figures and estimates based on actions taken from previous fiscal years, e.g. mass vaccinations. It is estimated that more than 1.7 million new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in 2019, according to the data published by the American Cancer Society this year.

This estimate, according to the same report, does not include carcinoma in situ (noninvasive cancer) of any site except urinary bladder, nor does it include basal cell or squamous cell skin cancers because these are not required to be reported to cancer registries. In short, there will be more than they could feast upon as the days go by.

How many will die of cancer this year?
About 606,880 Americans are expected to die of cancer in 2019, which translates to about 1,660 deaths per day.

Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the US, exceeded only by heart disease. All of these figures can help in the determination of pricing of medical goods and services, and the exact amount of investments in the building of new hospitals and morgues across the different states. The rest will be budgeted for public relations and medical incentives for all professional medical practitioners who are devoutly
participating in the real world hunger games.

As of today, the top 6 pharmaceutical stocks that you can buy shares from are the following:

Eli Lilly & Co. (LLY)
Market Cap: $124.73 billion
Performance: 35.6% annual return

Merck & Co., Inc. (MRK)
Market Cap: $196.84 billion
Performance: 34.5%  annual return

Pfizer Inc. (PFE)
Market Cap: $227.87 billion
Performance:18.7% annual return

Zoetis Inc. (ZTS)
Market Cap: $48.98 billion
Performance: 17.7%  annual return

Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)
Market Cap: $375.67 billion
Performance: -7.3%  annual return

AbbVie Inc. (ABBV)
Market Cap: $116.53 billion
Performance: -9.33%  annual return

Eli Lilly is where Dr. John Rengen Virapen used to work for the better part of his life. It was the birth of his own son that changed it all.
“I worked in an industry, the Pharmaceutical Industry that do nothing, but annihilate the population of this word. They kill more people than wars we have in the world, but long term. They punish you and then they kill you.” – Dr. John R. Virapen

Whether one dies or cured of cancer, both scenarios are always unwelcomed. The primary objective is to prolong the agony, as much as possible, which explains the contradicting prescriptions of hazardous chemo, sodium bicarbonate, and a load of multi-vitamins.

According to a peer-reviewed study, a majority of patients (51.3%) received conflicting medication information that had a direct negative effect on medication adherence. Cancer takes about 10 years to develop from the time of infection, whether induced or consequential. The 10-year lead-time is a strong manifestation of the resiliency and competence of the autoimmune system without any form of intervention.

If each of the estimated 1.7 million new cancer cases spends $250,000 for cancer treatment, a whopping $425 billion can be generated in the US alone. But this estimate is too conservative considering that in the year 2017 alone, the U.S. health care spending grew by 3.9 percent, reaching $3.5 trillion or $10,739 per person.
That is, of course, a combined figure of expenditures for all types of health conditions from The National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA).

Globally, the total health expenditures in 2015 alone is pegged at $7.2 trillion. About half of that amount was spent by the Americans, which makes them the most chemically and financially devastated population on the planet.

All of the above numbers continue to feed the corrosive system in spite of the growing number of independent companies promoting alternative approaches to healthcare.
Imagine if, instead of poisoning ourselves with toxic chemicals that have no useful purpose in our body, we spent the $7.2 trillion on the implementation of better technologies, new infrastructures, housing and new industries, we could have dotted this planet with beautiful, sustainable cities and better societies, a long time ago.
