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Friday 30 December 2022

TIME TO AUDIT Your Balance Sheet of Deeds.

                                                     Time To Audit Your Balance Sheet

Keep Your Scale
Of Good Deeds Heavy
To Attain Salvation

(M. Javed Naseem)

"And those whose scales are heavy
(with good deeds), it is they
who are the successful."
(al-Quran 23:102)

Allah has drawn the line between winners and losers; and success and failure. Believers with good deeds, who follow and promote the Truth and Patient Perseverance, are the winners or the successful. Everybody else is a loser!

Man is a social animal who cannot live alone – by himself. He needs others and that makes us a community and a society. It is up to us if we want to make it a material society or balance it with spiritual and sentimental feelings. For that, the rules and regulations have been laid out. There are man-made rules and then there are God-made rules or laws that the Almighty Creator has conveyed to us through His Messengers or the Prophets. While a man judges other people’s success on material wealth, the Almighty has declared His own criterion. God judges us on the scale of righteousness or piety and commands us to do the same.

If we look around, we find evil and misery everywhere. Man is not happy with what he's got, so he tries to amass as much wealth, property or material things as possible. We have forgotten that this world is a test for us. This is an opportunity to work on our next life in the Hereafter which is everlasting. We commit sins and crimes, without any regret. And then we don't repent or ask Allah for forgiveness. This attitude merits punishment.

"Evil has become rife on the land and at sea
because of men's deeds; so He (Allāh) may
let them taste part of what they have done that
perhaps they will turn back (from evil)."
(al-Quran 30:41)

The Word of God, the Holy Quran, tells us what is liked by our Creator and what merits God's punishment. We all commit sins but those sinners are better in the eyes of Allah who repent and beg for Allah's forgiveness and mercy. That's the way to move forward. Allah the Most Merciful never closes the door of mercy. It's up to us how we benefit from it.

Say, "O My servants who have transgressed
against themselves [by sinning], do not despair
of the mercy of Allāh. Indeed, Allāh forgives
all sins.1 Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving,
the Merciful."
(al-Quran 39:53)

In today’s material world, success is measured with money. Anybody who is wealthy and who owns buildings, is considered ‘successful’ while the poor are labeled as losers or failures. Money is the yardstick used to measure people’s success. But, as they say, money is not everything. And it is true too. You can buy a lot of things with money and make your life more comfortable with wealth, but the true wealth is not measured with the yardstick of money or material. You righteousness, your love, your sincerity, your honesty, your wisdom, your knowledge and your sense of justice are a lot more valuable than money.

At the end of the day, it is your good conduct or righteousness or piety that counts. Allah loves righteousness and rewards it with mercy, blessings and forgiveness. That's the way which leads us to Paradise and protects us from the Hellfire.


Friday 23 December 2022

BRIBERY & CORRUPTION: "We Must Put That Down With An Iron Hand." -- M.A. Jinnah

 Bribery & Corruption
"We must put that down
with an iron hand!"
– M. A. Jinnah

(M. Javed Naseem)


“You have to stand guard over the development
and maintenance of Islamic democracy, Islamic
social justice and the equality of mankind
in your own native soil.”
-- Quaid-e-Azam


 25th of December is around and the entire Christian world is celebrating Christmas, the birth anniversary of Jesus, the son of Mary. 25th of December is also the birth anniversary of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founding father of Pakistan, affectionately known as the “Quaid-e-Azam” – the Great Leader. On this occasion, I would like to share with you excerpts from the speech of M.A. Jinnah that he made while addressing the Constitutional Assembly of Pakistan, on 11th August, 1947.

It’s time to reflect and ponder over what we have achieved and what we have lost. We made a good start but after two decades corruption infiltrated and the corrupt, infidel and power-hungry politicians took control of the country. 75 years later, we are still living on empty promises and false hopes.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was not a prophet but he did show the world his miracle. He single-handedly carved Pakistan out of the world map – a homeland for millions of Muslims of India. And that also happened with the Divine support as many Mullahs of India opposed him for one reason or the other. But most Muslims adored him and were so impressed that, out of love and respect, they called him “Quaid-e-Azam” (the great leader), and justly so!

“I should like to give a warning to the landlords
and capitalists who have flourished at our expense
by a system which is so vicious, which is so wicked
and which makes them so selfish that it is difficult
to reason with them. The exploitation of the masses
has gone into their blood. They have forgotten
the lessons of Islam.”
-- Quaid-e-Azam

Mohammad Ali Jinnah was the man who made the British Empire to respect him and give him his due. He said: “Failure is a word unknown to me.” Here’s Mr. Jinnah's presidential address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, on August 11, 1947.

“You will no doubt agree with me that the first duty of a government is to maintain law and order, so that the life, property and religious beliefs of its subjects are fully protected by the State.”

“The second thing that occurs to me is this: One of the biggest curses from which India is suffering - I do not say that other countries are free from it, but, I think our condition is much worse - is bribery and corruption. That really is a poison. We must put that down with an iron hand and I hope that you will take adequate measures as soon as it is possible for this Assembly to do so.”

“Brotherhood, equality, and fraternity of
man – these are all the basic points of our
religion, culture and civilization and we
fought for Pakistan because there was a
danger of the denial of these human
rights in the Subcontinent.”


“Black-marketing is another curse. Well, I know that black-marketeers are frequently caught and punished. Judicial sentences are passed or sometimes fines only are imposed. Now you have to tackle this monster, which today is a colossal crime against society, in our distressed conditions, when we constantly face shortage of food and other essential commodities of life. A citizen who does black-marketing commits, I think, a greater crime than the biggest and most grievous of crimes. These black-marketeers are really knowing, intelligent and ordinarily responsible people, and when they indulge in black-marketing, I think they ought to be very severely punished, because the entire system of control and regulation of foodstuffs and essential commodities, and cause wholesale starvation and want and even death.”

“The next thing that strikes me is this: Here again it is a legacy which has been passed on to us. Along with many other things, good and bad, has arrived this great evil, the evil of nepotism and jobbery. I want to make it quite clear that I shall never tolerate any kind of jobbery, nepotism or any any influence directly of indirectly brought to bear upon me. Whenever I will find that such a practice is in vogue or is continuing anywhere, low or high, I shall certainly not countenance it.”

“You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the State.”

“I shall always be guided by the principles of justice and fairplay without any, as is put in the political language, prejudice or ill-will, in other words, partiality or favoritism. My guiding principle will be justice and complete impartiality, and I am sure that with your support and co-operation, I can look forward to Pakistan becoming one of the greatest nations of the world.”


Friday 16 December 2022

PURPOSE OF OUR LIFE: Serve The Lord Creator As Faithful & Sincere Slaves.

What’s The Purpose of Your Life?
Serve Your Lord Creator
As A Faithful And
Sincere Slave!

He Sent You A Message
Telling You What To Do
In This World. Did You
Understand The Message?

(M. Javed Naseem)

“We have revealed for you (O men!)
a Book in which is a Message for you!
Will you not then understand?”
(al-Quran 21:10)

Have you ever asked yourself: “What’s the purpose of my life here?” And if you did, what answer did you get from your heart or from your conscience? Our life in this world has a purpose and it is up to us to figure it out. The Almighty has given us a lot of freedom, liberty and choice of action. On the Day of Judgment, we'll answer questions about those choices we made here.

You are the most beautiful, wonderful and magnificent creation of Allah, the Supreme Creator. The sole purpose of your temporary life on this planet Earth is to glorify your Lord Creator Who is the Cherisher, the Sustainer and Most Merciful Beneficent. Simply put: Allah is your Master and you are His slave. Therefore, do your duty and serve your Master faithfully! That is the purpose of your being here. Everything else is bullshit, manufactured to fool you and interpreted to manipulate you.

The Supreme Creator (Allah) has mentioned the purpose of your creation in the Quran, chapter 51 (Surah ad-Dhaariyat), verse 56, as follows:

“I have only created Jinns and men,
that they may serve Me.”
(al-Quran 51:56)

And do we know how to serve Allah? Well, obey His commands (detailed in the Quran) the way Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) showed us to obey! If we follow the Prophet (s.a.w.) as a role-model in every respect, we’ll never go astray. Some people have translated and interpreted the above Quranic verse as:

“I have only created Jinns and men
so that they worship Me”.

This translation or interpretation is only partially correct. Serving Allah is a very comprehensive term as compared to worshiping Allah. Worship is a small part of serving Allah. ‘Serving’ Allah encompasses every aspect of life on this planet whereas ‘worshiping’ covers only one part – the rituals and prayers pertaining to Allah.

The purpose of your life is to please your
Creator – the Lord God by obeying Him.
For your good performance, the Supreme
Creator will award you the coveted
prize – the Paradise (Jannah).


In the Quran, there are hundreds of commands from Allah that don’t form part of the ‘worship’ commands. They cover other aspects like family life, duties of a husband or a wife; inheritance, education, treatment of others and especially neighbors, the orphans, the widows, the poor; how to conduct; how to talk; what to eat; how to maintain peace; how to curb evil; etc., etc. These are called the ‘Rights of People’ (Huqooq-ul Ibad). And then comes the other part (the ‘worship’ part) the commands of which cover Tawheed, Salaat and Zikr (Dhikr), Zakat, fasting in Ramadan, praying at night, Hajj and Umrah, etc. These worship commands can easily be distinguished from other commands. This second part is called ‘Rights of Allah’ (Huqooq-u-Allah).

Islam is ‘to surrender or submit unconditionally
to the Will of God’. Only the honest and sincere
submission to our Lord Creator can protect us
from the raging Hellfire, nothing else!


Allah has sent us a Message and He is asking us if we understood it (if we know what to do). Logically, when you are given a message, you first read it, fully understand it and then try to implement it. A normal course!

Now, we have the Message (the Quran) in our hands. Have we read it? Yes, many times. Some people even finish it three times during the month of Ramadan. And they are very happy that they would get the reward (Sawaab or Hasanah) for reciting it. But the question Allah asked us, still remains unanswered: Did we understand the Message? The true answer is ‘NO’; more than 90% did not understand it or did not bother to act upon (implement) it. So what’s the purpose?

It’s our obligation that we understand and implement the Message of our Lord Creator otherwise we’ll end up as losers, both in this world and in the Hereafter. Let me make one thing clear here! Reading the Quran (without understanding it and without implementing it) just for Sawaab or Hasanah is not enough. It’s not going to protect us from the Hellfire if we don’t do what Allah tells us to do! In His Message (the Quran), Allah talks to us; gives us the commands to do certain things and forbids us certain things. If we do (obey) that, we are declared ‘successful’ but if we fail to do that, we end up as losers in both worlds. Simple as that!

Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was the Messenger of God and he brought us Allah’s Message – the Quran, also called the ‘Book’. In the beginning of the Quran (actually in Surah al-Baqara), Allah says:

“This is the Book; in it is guidance sure,
without doubt, to those who fear Allah.”
(al-Quran 2:2)

In other words, this is the message in which there is definite guidance and which, without any doubt, shall guide those believers who fear Allah (or are mindful of Allah). Now, who are those people? The answer is in the next two verses:

“Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer,
and spend out of what We have provided for them.”
(al-Quran 2:3)

“And who believe in the Revelation sent to you,
and sent before your time, and (in their hearts)
have the assurance of the Hereafter.”
(al-Quran 2:4)

Very clear explanation! Those are the people who believe in the Unseen One God and angels; people who are steadfast in their worship of Allah (prayers and remembrance); who spend regularly in charity from the bounties of Allah; who believe in the Quran (the Divine Message) sent to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and other Messages (Scriptures) revealed to earlier Prophets and Messengers; and who definitely believe in the life after death (the Hereafter). This is the Message of Allah in a nutshell. And this is also precisely the definition of Faith (Iman).
And if you are the person who does all of the above, you are then rightly guided and Allah gives you the good news of success and prosperity:

“They are on (true) guidance, from their Lord,
and it is them who will prosper.”
(al-Quran 2:2-5)

On the other hand, if we fail to understand and implement the Message, we’ll be punished. Allah has warned us clearly at many places in the Quran. Allah does not like disobedience and rebellion from His servants/slaves.

Allah’s Message is very clear. You don’t need any middle-man (a Mullah, Maulvi or a scholar) to understand the commands of Allah. Read the Quran with translation in your own language again and again! And you’ll be guided. Guaranteed! Only implementing (applying it to our lives) of the Quran can guarantee us protection from Hellfire. So, study it well and try to live by that!


Friday 9 December 2022

HYPOCRITES CONTROL OUR WORLD, Trample Human Rights & Bring Misery

 Hypocrites Control Our World,
Trample Human Rights &
Bring Misery To Mankind

Covid and Ukraine have
exposed the lies and deceptions
of the Evil Empire

(M. Javed Naseem)


“The hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of
the Hellfire; no helper will you find for them.”
(al-Quran 4:145)

The Hypocrites and Bigots have taken control of our world and are trying to run our lives. They have enslaved us and are constantly trying to curtail our civil liberties day by day. Every month, there are new regulations and people are being forced, illegally, to follow those regulations. Those regulations and conditions are not 'laws' as no Parliament of any country in the world has ever approved them as 'laws' making them mandatory or obligatory.

People feel that they are being ruled
by the Fascists and Nazis; and have
no freedom. They are told to get used
to it as this is the 'new norm'.


The worst part is that the countries that are imposing those conditions and regulations upon the world population, are practicing fascism but are beating the drums of democracy. They talk of human rights but are committing crimes against humanity. They are controlling the media with the result that you cannot even raise your voice against injustice, discrimination, unfair treatment, bias and racism. Opposition is being crushed; difference of opinion is not allowed and is censured even on social media. People feel that they are being ruled by the Nazis or by some Fascist regime.

The Evil Empire, which is enjoying hegemony of the world, crushes every voice that is raised for justice, fairplay and real democracy. They are promoting unipolar world with one government and enforcing the notion by bombs and bullets, death & destruction and illegal wars/invasions. The individual governments of all countries of the world are pressured to accept their orders or face the consequences (sanctions). But they themselves can break all rules, international laws and human rights charter without any penalty or sanctions. The entire world is being turned into labor camps or jails.

Soon you won't be allowed to have money in the banks. They are going to introduce digital currency and they will control your accounts or possessions. You won't be allowed to travel freely, as and when/where you want to. You'll lose your property one way or the other. They have already declared in the press that "you won't own anything but you'll be happy!"

All 'white' governments of the world (EU, UK, Canada, Australia) have gladly submitted to the will of the Evil Empire (the Zionist USA+Israel) and have accepted political/financial slavery. That's the only way for them to get their share of the pie. They are a club of hypocrites. The problem is that all governments in Asia, Africa, Latin America, especially the governments in the Muslim Middle East have also surrendered unconditionally to the Evil Empire. They are bringing misery and chaos to their own people but that way they can stay in power. They cannot afford to annoy the Evil Empire. That means, the entire world has submitted to the Big Devil. Only those puppet rulers can survive who please their master -- the Evil Empire.

“Allah has promised the hypocrites men
and women, and the rejecters of Faith,
the fire of Hell. Therein shall they dwell.
Sufficient is it for them. For them is the curse
of Allah, and an enduring punishment.”
(al-Quran 9:68)

Unfortunately, there is no leadership in the Muslim world. There are only puppets and slaves who can sell their mothers or motherlands for a few thousand dollars, to please their evil masters. This is the height of hypocricy (Munafiqat). And Allah hates hypocrisy. He tells us in the Quran:

“O you who believe! Why do you SAY that
which you don't DO? It is most hateful in
the sight of Allah that you SAY what
you do not DO.”
(al-Quran 61: 2-3)

Muslim leaders of today are not Muslims in the true sense. They are plain hypocrites (Munafiqeen). They are corrupt, crooks and are playing puppets in the hands of their colonial masters just to stay in power. They are responsible for bringing misery, destruction, bloodshed and civil wars in many Muslim countries. They are helping the Zionists to destroy Muslim countries. Their pay-back time will be coming soon. The Quran says:

“The hypocrites, men and women, (have an
understanding) with each other. They enjoin evil,
and forbid what is just, and are close with their
hands. They have forgotten Allah; so He has
forgotten them too. Verily, the hypocrites
are rebellious and perverse.”
(al-Quran 9:67)

The Bible says:
“But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God — having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people!” -- (2-Timothy 3:1-5).

We are living in those times. The world is going through the crisis after crisis. There is chaos everywhere. There is no peace, no justice. Might is right. Only the rich and the powerful are enjoying life; everybody else is suffering and trying to survive. Corruption has become the way of life. Everybody is lying and deceiving others, just like the Evil Empire. But Allah the Almighty has warned the believers about hypocrisy.

“And that He may punish the hypocrites, men
and women, and the Polytheists men and women,
who imagine an evil opinion of Allah. On them is
a round of Evil. The wrath of Allah is on them.
He has cursed them and got Hell ready for them;
and evil is it for a destination.”
(al-Quran 48:6)


Friday 2 December 2022

THE EVIL EMPIRE Brings Death & Destruction To Those Who Don't Submit.

 The Evil Empire Brings
Death & Destruction To
Those Who Don't Submit

1% Are Oppressing
The 99% For Hegemony

(M. Javed Naseem)

Another year is almost gone! For the poor Palestinians, Syrians, Libyans, Kashmiris and the Iraqis, another year of injustice, oppression, aggression, bloodshed, cold-blooded murder of innocent children and women is coming to an end. Another year of death, destruction and devastation is passed but there is no end to their misery in sight. The world, the so-called ‘civilized’ world, has become a silent spectator to the apartheid, the injustice and the inhuman treatment of the Muslims in their own countries by the Zionists. This is the height of injustice!

The so-called ‘champions’ of human rights are violating human rights of weaker nations; and the champions of democracy are trampling the democratic values by using their veto power to suppress the voice of the majority. Democracy has become the ‘might is right’! What a shameless hypocrisy! You deny the majority of the people of the world their rights and claim to be exercising your own democratic right? What a joke!

Man has become evil. Greed turns him into a beast and he loses sense of logic, reason, dignity and justice. He wants to serve his own interest, no matter what. But there is always an end to everything. Anything that goes up, comes down. That’s the law of Nature. History of the world tells us that when Man is unable to thwart evil and deliver justice to the victims of aggression and oppression, God intervenes and delivers justice. The helpless poor victims of Palestine, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Kashmir, Somalia and Africa are all waiting for that now. And it can come anytime! God! Help us all, please!

The poor helpless victims of the weaker nations can’t do much against the oppression and aggression of the rich and powerful. Their own leaders sold them out. They are told to be patient, therefore, they are waiting patiently. How things would change, no one knows. But there’s hope and everybody is clinging to it.

The pious and the righteous tell us that this is a big trial for the righteous and we have to pass through it with patience and prayer. The real life – the permanent life – is in the Hereafter. This worldly life is a temporary game show. It is easy to believe this but very hard and difficult to endure! Muslims can get the consolation from the Quran:

“Say: Short is the enjoyment of this world.
The Hereafter is the best for those who do
right. Never will you be dealt with unjustly
in the very least!”
(al-Quran 4:77)

The tyrants, the aggressors and the oppressors don’t care about the Torah, the Bible or the Quran. They don’t even fear God because God allowed them for a very long time to continue their evil works. Some of them don’t even believe that they are doing something wrong. But God gave them a long leash – enough time to change their ways, repent and rectify the situation by bringing justice and peace back into people’s lives. If the tyrants and oppressors of mankind don't budge, God knows well how to bend them, even break them. The arrogant should know the history of the earlier nations that were destroyed because they resorted to evil-doing and did not stop or repent. Here's the promise of Allah:

“So, by your Lord, without doubt, We shall
assemble them together, and (also) the Evil Ones
(the Devils); then shall We bring them forth on
their knees round about Hell. Then shall We
certainly drag out from every sect all those
who were worst in obstinate rebellion against
(Allah), the Most Gracious. And certainly
We know best those who are most worthy
of being burned therein.”
(al-Quran 19:68-70)

The trouble-makers are under the strong influence of the Devil. But they don’t realize that one day, the Devil is going to abandon them and they’ll have to face the music alone. The Devil (Shaitan) was once close to God and used to hang out with angels in the Heaven. He knows very well the justice system of the Divine. Therefore, he’ll keep himself clear of any responsibility for misleading or misguiding human beings. He would say: ‘I didn’t force you to do evil. I just talked but you did the actions. You made your own choices!’ Can you imagine that Devil fears God and acknowledges His severe punishment but we humans don’t!

“And (remember) when Shaitan (Satan) made
their (evil) deeds seem fair to them and said,
"No one of mankind can overcome you this Day
(of the battle of Badr) and verily, I am near to
you." But when the two forces came in sight
of each other, he ran away and said "Verily,
I have nothing to do with you. Verily! I see
what you see not. Lo! I fear Allah for
Allah is Severe in punishment."
(al-Quran 8:48)


Friday 25 November 2022

 Fighting For The Luxuries
Of This Life Is Like
Fighting For Hell!

The Best Way To Serve God
Is To Serve Mankind!

Life of This World Is
A Test, An Illusion!

(M. Javed Naseem)

“What is the life of this world but play and
amusement? But best is the home in the
Hereafter, for those who are righteous.
Will you not then understand?”
(al-Quran 6:32)

We have seen it many times that during election time, candidates try to expose other (opposition) candidates. Corruption is brought to light; secret love affairs or marriages are disclosed; black-money and off-shore accounts are discussed; malpractices are publicized; everybody propagates his own good points and achievements, while at the same time, condems the failures and weak points of the opposition. But as a matter of fact, everybody tries to get the maximum benefits from his public office influence. Every politician is selfish and works for his/her own benefit. People are just being used. And it's the people who always suffer for leaders' or politicians' mistakes and bad policies.

This is a mterial world. Capitalism propagates fake and unjust liberty for rich and powerful while guarantees no bread-&-butter for the ordinary man or the poor. It's a race for money, possessions and accumulation. Greed is driving people to do things that are illegal, immoral and indecent ethically. We are trying to accumulate as much of material things (including money) as possible and trying to get rich as quickly as possible too, by all means (Halal or Haraam). In the process we don’t care about how much misery, pain, trouble and discomfort we bring to others – as long as it is not happening to us. And on top of it, every one of us is complaining about the corruption and injustice in the world, as if only others are responsible for that.

You are one step away from the grave
(death)! You have very little time to work
on your Hereafter! Try to please Allah
with your good deeds and maximum
charity before Death knocks you out!


Today, people run for public office because of its material benefits, clout, power or authority, perks, luxury life and above all chances of making endless money. People fight for that fiercely and put their lives at stake too. This worldly life is so important to them that they would go any length (even killing people) to achieve it. They are misguided souls. They did not learn any lesson from books; nor from their parents’ lives; nor from the society that on the Day of Judgment, they would have to answer questions about every misdeed, every injustice and every transgression. Allah warns us:

“These are the people who buy the life
of this world at the price of the Hereafter.
Their penalty shall not be lightened,
nor shall they be helped.”
(al-Quran 2:86)

There is a very beautiful small chapter (Surah) in the Quran and it is called at-Takathur (or al-Takassur), meaning: Rivalry in material increase, or competition, or hoarding. It has only 8 short verses. In those verses Allah wakes you up and shakes you up by saying: 

“The mutual rivalry for piling up (the good things 
of this world) diverts you (from the more serious
things), until you visit the graves. But nay, you
soon shall know (the reality). Again, you soon
shall know! Nay, were you to know with certainty
of mind, (you would beware!) You shall certainly
see Hellfire! Again, you shall see it with certainty
of sight! Then, shall you be questioned
that Day about the joy (you indulged in!).”
(al-Quran 102:1-8)

In the Bible Jesus says:

“You adulterous people! Don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.”
(James 4:4)

“The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.”
(1 John 2:17)

“For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.” (Titus 2:11-12)

“What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” (Mark 8:36)

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

“For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.” (1 Timothy 6:7-8)


Friday 18 November 2022

THE LAST REMINDER From Our Creator: "Follow The Revelation!"

 The Last Reminder
From Our Creator:
‘Follow The Revelation!’

“How many towns have We
destroyed (for their sins)?”

(M. Javed Naseem)

The Quran is the last Reminder to the mankind from the Supreme Creator, Almighty Allah. If we ignore His signs and the Reminder, we will be doomed not only in this world but also in the Hereafter. The fate of the earlier nations is the proof scattered all over the world; and that invites those who believe in God; to reflect and ponder upon their existence. Here are the first 10 verses of Surah al-Araaf (Chapter 7) of the Holy Quran. The Almighty tells us:

“(It is) a Scripture that is revealed unto you
(O Muhammad); so let there be no heaviness in
your heart on that account – that you may warn
thereby; and (it is) a Reminder unto believers.”
(al-Quran 7:2)

That revelation is a Scripture (the Quran) which has been sent down to the mankind to remind them to be God-conscious and be warned in case they disregard God’s signs and commands. Allah, the Almighty, reminds us every day, in every phase of our journey and in every sphere of life that He is running the show; He is the Master of Ceremony and He is the Supreme Controller. Whatever is in the heavens, on earth and in-between, belongs to Him; and to Him belongs the sovereignty of the universe. He has no partners and there is nobody else who could save us from any disaster, any catastrophe or death.

“Follow (O men!) the revelation given unto
you from your Lord; and follow not, as friends
or protectors, other than Him! Little it is
you remember of admonition.”
(al-Quran 7:3)

We don't have Allah in our lives and we are lost in the jungle of worldly desires and lusts. There are warning signs from our God in the form of natural disasters, but we ignore them as 'climate change', as long as it is happening to others and not to us. The Almighty God is telling us that He alone is running the show and He is not pleased with us. If we don’t repent and seek His forgiveness; and don’t fix what needs to be fixed to serve humanity better, we better be prepared for bigger disasters which we have no means of controlling at all. Here is a reminder of His warning!

“How many towns have We destroyed (for
their sins)? Our punishment took them on a
sudden by night or while they slept for
their afternoon rest.”
(al-Quran 7:4)

“When (thus) Our punishment took them, no cry
did they utter but this: "Indeed we did wrong."
(al-Quran 7:5)

Yes, we are going to realize it one day that we were wrong but then it would be too late – way beyond the possibility of fixing it. The time to act is now. It is now or never! The Evil Empire, controlled by the Devil, has been destroying the countries of the world, one after the other, to exercise its total control and show its super powers to the corrupt, dishonest and coward world leaders who have no courage, nor plans to stand up for justice, honesty and democracy – actually humanity. They are all (Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc.) trying to please the Evil Empire only to stay in power in their own countries. It’s a shame that the world has come to that point today! People are showing their moral bankruptcy with a bold face!

Today, believers are believers in word only, not in practice. Those hypocrites say something else but do something else with a cunning smile on their faces. They use lies to start wars and kill innocent people because those people refuse to obey them. But God is watching them all and every action of theirs is being recorded. On the Day of Judgment that book of records will be thrown on their faces. And eventually, the justice will be served by the Supreme Justice.

“And verily, We shall recount their whole
story with knowledge, for We were never
absent (at any time or place).”
(al-Quran 7:7)

Allah tells us in the Quran that justice will be delivered – every good deed will earn good rewards and every bad/evil deed will be punished. Those in the corridors of power today, are following the Devil’s plot. They don’t want to hear about Allah, God, the Scriptures or the Quran. They are lost in power. They’ll come to their senses after losing that power. And it’s going to happen soon – maybe very soon!

Now is the time for checks and balances; preparing the profit-&-loss accounts and clearing all dues. Once the term-limit is over, the game will be over! We should worry about our scales – the scales of good and bad deeds!

“The balance that day will be true (to nicety):
Those whose scale (of good deeds) will be
heavy, will prosper.”
(al-Quran 7:8)

“Those whose scale will be light, will be their
souls in perdition, for that they wrongfully
treated Our signs.”
(al-Quran 7:9)

No Super Power will be able to protect the evil-doers, whether they are kings, presidents, prime ministers or Emirs in this world. They will all be begging for mercy on the Day of Justice which is approaching fast. If they want to avoid all humiliation and burning in the Hellfire, they better change their ways NOW, or else!

The King of the kings is reminding us again that all power belongs to Him and He alone bestows it upon whom He wills. But those who are given authority or power, they will be questioned about its use. Most of them seem like drifting towards Hellfire though – because they are not only wrong-doers and unfair, they are also ungrateful to the Almighty, Who gave them the power in the first place.

“It is We Who have placed you with authority
on earth, and provided you therein with means
for the fulfillment of your life. Little are the
thanks that you give!”
(al-Quran 7:10)

There’s still time (actually very little time left) to reflect and put the house in order! Men in power are responsible to bring peace, justice and happiness to the people they rule. It is an obligation and they will be questioned on the Day of Judgment.


Friday 11 November 2022

AL-QURAN: God's Presscription For Man's Spiritual And Physical Healing.

God’s Prescription For
Man's Spiritual And
Physical Healing

(M. Javed Naseem)

"O mankind! There has come to you a direction
from your Lord and a healing for the (diseases)
in your hearts; and for those who believe,
a guidance and a Mercy."
            (al-Quran 10:57)                

If there’s a doubt in your mind about the benefits of the revelations of Allah, the Almighty, He reassures you in the Holy Quran at many places:

وَنُنَزِّلُ مِنَ ٱلْقُرْآنِ مَا هُوَ شِفَآءٌ وَرَحْمَةٌ لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ
وَلاَ يَزِيدُ ٱلظَّالِمِينَ إَلاَّ خَسَاراً

“We send down (stage by stage) in the Quran
that which is a healing and a mercy to those
who believe. To the unjust, it causes nothing
but loss after loss.”
(al-Quran 17:82)

In the Holy Quran, we’ll find the stories of previous nations who rejected the message of Allah, deviated from the right path and rebelled against the Laws of Allah. They were wiped off the land as if they never existed. The nations of Aad, Thamud, Noah, Nimrod, Lot, Shuaib, Pharaoh, etc., they all became part of the history and a lesson for the mankind. Allah says:

وَلَقَدْ أَهْلَكْنَا ٱلْقُرُونَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَمَّا ظَلَمُواْ
وَجَآءَتْهُمْ رُسُلُهُم بِٱلْبَيِّنَاتِ وَمَا كَانُواْ
لِيُؤْمِنُواْ كَذٰلِكَ نَجْزِى   ٱلْقَوْمَ ٱلْمُجْرِمِينَ

“We destroyed the generations before you
when they did wrong; and their messengers
(from Allah) came unto them with clear proofs
(of His Sovereignty), but they would not
believe. Thus do we reward the guilty folk.”
(al-Quran 10:13)

But did the mankind really learn any lesson from the history? Today, we are in the same situation once again, or even worse. Allah has extended the leash, giving us plenty of time to repent and change our ways, but nothing is improving. On the contrary, the only change that we see, is the change for the worse – ‘Haraam’ is spreading. We are chasing an illusion. We have ignored all warnings and have arrogantly defied the Commands of Allah.

The righteous few, the friends of Allah, have already received the signals of the coming punishment which is almost at our doorsteps. Now, it is just a matter of weeks or months. Wake up, people! It is coming! Can we still not see it? Then we must be blind, deaf and dumb! Prepare yourself for a rude awakening!

وَلَقَدْ ذَرَأْنَا لِجَهَنَّمَ كَثِيراً مِّنَ ٱلْجِنِّ وَٱلإِنْسِ
لَهُمْ قُلُوبٌ لاَّ يَفْقَهُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ أَعْيُنٌ
لاَّ يُبْصِرُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ آذَانٌ لاَّ يَسْمَعُونَ بِهَآ
أُوْلَـٰئِكَ كَٱلأَنْعَامِ بَلْ هُمْ أَضَلُّ أُوْلَـٰئِكَ هُمُ ٱلْغَافِلُونَ
“Already have We urged unto hell many of the
Jinn and humankind, having hearts wherewith they
understand not, and having eyes wherewith they
see not, and having ears wherewith they hear not.
These are as the cattle - nay, but they are worse!
These are the neglectful.”
(al-Quran 7:179)

We have made our choices. We have sowed the seeds of injustice and corruption; the seeds of evil and transgression; and now is the time to harvest. We shall reap what we have sowed, that is the law of nature. If that happened to the nations of the old, it can happen to us too. We are NO exception!
We have seen the warning signs – the fires, floods, storms and hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes. But we didn’t budge. The door of repentance is still open. There is very little time left but there’s still a chance. It might be the last chance!

Satan was cursed because of his arrogance and was destined to Hell. We are guilty of the same crime. Allah warned us not to follow him as he was an open enemy to us.

أَلَمْ أَعْهَدْ إِلَيْكُمْ يٰبَنِيۤ آدَمَ أَن
لاَّ تَعْبُدُواْ ٱلشَّيطَانَ إِنَّهُ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ مُّبِينٌ

“Did I not charge you, O you sons of Adam!
That you should not serve the Shaitan?
Surely he is your open enemy.”
(al-Quran 36:60)

It is a pity that we don’t listen to Allah but listen and follow the Devil. Allah is the Truth and the Devil is a lie – full of deception. Allah wants us to go to Heaven but Devil leads us to Hell; and we accompany Devil willingly. Are we not concerned about the terrible consequences of disobedience to Allah?

 وَمَا وَجَدْنَا لِـأَكْثَرِهِم مِّنْ عَهْدٍ
وَإِن وَجَدْنَآ أَكْثَرَهُمْ لَفَاسِقِينَ

“Most of them We found not men (true)
to their covenant; but most of them
We found rebellious and disobedient.”
(al-Quran 7:102)

Disobedience merits punishment. Rebellion against Allah cannot go unpunished. O Ummah! Look at the history of mankind!

"Have they not seen how many generations
We destroyed before them, which indeed
returned not unto them?"
(al-Quran 36:31)

Allah’s help and guidance is there for us but it comes to those only who seek it and strive for it. A mother does not feed her baby unless the baby cries. Here is a recipe to seek Allah’s help:

يَآأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ ٱسْتَعِينُواْ بِٱلصَّبْرِ
وَٱلصَّلاَةِ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ مَعَ ٱلصَّابِرِينَ

“O you who believe! Seek help with patient
perseverance and prayer; for Allah is
with those who patiently persevere.”
(al-Quran 2:153)

Patient perseverance means steadfastness (Istiqamat). It is the basic requisite of Islam. You believe in Allah, obey His commands, His messengers, and keep doing the right things; then ask for Allah’s mercy and forgiveness. He will surely bless you; but He will also test your faith, your honesty, your sincerity, i.e., your steadfastness. If you stay the course, of course with His help, you will be blessed. It is hard but worth trying. This is God’s prescription and it always works without fail!


Friday 4 November 2022

1,500 YEARS OLD 'The Blessed Tree' Of Safawi (Jordan).


1,500 Years Old

'The Blessed Tree'

Of Safawi (Jordan)

Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)

Rested Under That Tree

(M. Javed Naseem)

(The Blessed Tree in autumn/winter)

(The Blessed Tree in Spring and Summer)

In ancient times, Jordan was part of the original Palestine – the Holy Land; the Land of the Prophets. During that period of time and history, today’s countries of Jordan and Lebanon did not exist. It was all Syria in the north; Palestine in the middle; Iraq and Persia (Iran) in the east; and Egypt in the south. Hijaz and Yemen formed the south-east. The west was occupied by the Mediterranean Sea. The north part of Syria and Turkey were under Byzantine Empire.

Emergence of Islam changed the course of history. The Byzantine and the Romans were forced to leave Middle East that eventually became entirely Muslim. But the ruins of those empires are still scattered all over Middle East. Ruined Elfi theaters and big Roman columns still decorate the landscape in countries like Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Arabia, Iraq, etc. Today’s Jordan has common borders with Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Israel, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

Amman is the capital of today’s Jordan, ruled by the Hashemite family. In the historic past, Amman was called Philadelphia. It is famous for many of its landmarks and historical monuments. Except for the desert, Amman is constructed on a hilly area – miles and miles of ups and downs – difficult to drive but more difficult to walk on foot. Actually, the whole country is hilly and mountainous.

In October 2019, Jordan’s King Abdullah and the visiting Head of Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, inaugurated the Visitors Centre at the site of the Blessed Tree in Safawi. It is said that Prophet Muhammad, (s.a.w.), rested under that tree on his way to Syria. The Prophet (s.a.w.) was in a trade caravan, in the company of his uncle Abu Taalib. In those days, Syria was the international hub of trade and cultural activities. Merchants from other countries used to bring their merchandise in Syria and make good profit by selling them there. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) rested under this tree, taking shelter from the scorching heat of sun.

At this point, a well-known Christian monk Bahira also met him and saw how the tree was protecting the young man (Muhammad, s.a.w.) with its thick shade and fanning cool breeze with its leaves. Bahira observed the situation with interest and  predicted that the young man (Mohammad, s.a.w.) would become a Prophet of Allah one day. Eventually, Bahira's prediction came true and at the age of 40, Mohammad (s.a.w.) declared his Prophethood. The Blessed Tree, estimated to be 1,500 years old, is a religious and historical site in Jordan.

The miraculous thing about the tree is that for miles and miles around, there is no other tree in sight in that desert. There is also no water. But the holy tree has always a small pond of water on one side. During spring and summer times, the tree shows its real volume when it is covered with fresh green leaves. It provides shade to a huge area of ground where a whole caravan can take rest. The tree has also been given the title of the “Living Companion (Sahabi) of the Prophet”.

(Jordan’s King Abdullah and Head of Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, inaugurating the visitor centre at the site of the Blessed Tree in Safawi, where Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.), rested on his way to Syria (Photo Royal Court/Jordan Times))
King Abdullah gave the head of the Chechen Republic a tour of the pond adjacent to the site of the Blessed Tree. Because of that event, the Blessed Tree site also got an asphalt road access. Before that, there was only rough rocky and dirt pavement leading to the site. Thank you Mr. Kadyrov for helping the visitors with an asphalt road!

The film “The Blessed Tree”

A film has also been produced depicting the story of the tree and the meeting of the two religions (Christianity and Islam) – a Christian monk Bahira met Prophet Mohammad at this site under the same tree, and predicted of his prophethood.

Most of the visitors don’t know about this holy and historic site. It’s more than 150km towards east from the capital Amman city, close to the border of Iraq. It takes about two hours drive from Amman. The round trip can take more than 4 hours (a half day). The visitors need to take the road to the city of Sahab; then to al-Azraq and from there (about 13km) to Safawi. The signs have been posted.

The visitors can also take advantage of the vicinity of Sahab city to go to the famous Cave of the Seven Sleepers or the site of Ass-hab al-Kahf.


Friday 28 October 2022

CORRUPT & EVIL-DOING NATIONS Are Repeatedly Warned And Then Destroyed, Replaced.

 Corrupt And Evil-doing Nations

Are Repeatedly Warned

And Then Destroyed, Replaced

(M. Javed Naseem)

(Petra - The Masterpiece! Amazing rock-carving by Thamudian nomads. Unesco World Wonder)

The historic “rose city” of Petra (in Arabic: ‘al-Batra’) is a symbolic identity of Jordan, and it is located in Wadi Musa (The Valley of Moses). It is referred to as ‘stone’ because of its amazing rock-cut dwellings and mountain-carved houses. It was originally known to its inhabitants as Raqmu. This city is a historical and archaeological wonder of the world. Petra lies on the slope of Madbah Mountain (Jabal al-Madbah) in the south of Jordan, in Arabah valley that runs from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba. It’s about 300km from the capital Amman city.

Petra is believed to have been settled as early as 9,000 BC, and it was possibly established in the 4th century BC as the capital city of the Nabataean Kingdom. The Nabataeans were the nomadic tribes of Arab people who traveled between Hijaz/Arabia and Syria via Egypt, Jordan and Palestine. The Nabataeans worked marvelously hard and established trade routes in the rough terrains and deserts. Through the trading business, the Nabataeans earned a lot and became wealthy and prosperous. They established Petra as their capital and the business hub.

The Nabataeans were probably the offspring of the nations of Aad and Thamoud who settled in the high mountaineos region, after surviving the great floods during the period of Prophet Noah. The Middle East hosted most of the known Prophets of Allah. There were also many other Prophets who passed before or in between those mentioned in the list below. The Quran mentions about 25 of the Prophets but Allah made it clear in the Quran that there were many others about whom we don’t know anything. The tradition says there were a total of 124,000 Prophets/Messengers of God that passed in the universe since its inception. Only Allah knows best, man can only guess.

Major Prophets: Noah, Hud, Saleh, Ibrahim, Loot (Lot), Yaqoub (Jacob), Shoayb (Jethro), Joseph (Yousuf), Musa (Moses), Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad. May Allah bless the souls of all of them!

Prophets Noah, Hud and Saleh passed in succession. The people/nation of Prophet Hud were called ‘Aad’. Actually they were the people who survived the great floods of Noah. After the great floods during the period of Prophet Nouh (Noah), survivors fled the affected areas and settled on the higher land or mountains. 

The nations of Prophets Hud and Saleh, were, as a matter of fact, the same people of different generations, settled on the mountains in the region between Hijaz (today’s Saudi Arabia) and greater Palestine (now Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Israel) area. In the Quran, they are referred to as the nation of Thamud. Historians call them “Thamudians”. They traveled from the southern lands of Arabia, via Egypt, to the north in Syria. The main area of activities for the Prophets of Allah was generally (but not limited to) the Dead Sea, Palestine, the Jordan Valley and Syria. The Quran Says:

“To the Aad people, (We sent) Hud, one of

their (own) brethren. He said: O my people!

Worship Allah! You have no other god but

Him; will you not fear (Allah)?"

(al-Quran 7:65)

Before the Aad people were destroyed for their corrupt, sinful way of life and rebellion to Allah, the pious/righteous people, along with their Prophets, were saved. They migrated to safer places. Allah says in the Quran:

“We saved him and those who adhered to him.

by Our mercy; and We cut off the roots of those

who rejected Our signs and did not believe.”

(al-Quran 7:72)

After the Aad people of Prophet Hud were destroyed, the survivors flourished, multiplied and spread over mountain areas. They were called Thamud people. They became the nation of Prophet Saleh. The Quran says:

“To the Thamud people (We sent) Salih, one of

their own brethren. He said: "O my people! Worship

Allah! You have no other god but Him….”

(al-Quran 7:73)

Prophet Saleh pleaded with his people and we learn from those pleas that they were very skilful people who built castles and palaces in the plains, and also carved out homes in the mountains. In the Quran, we see these verses:

"And remember how He made you inheritors

after the Aad people and gave you habitations

in the land. You build for yourselves palaces and

castles in (open) plains, and carve out homes in

the mountains; so bring to remembrance the

benefits (you have received) from Allah, and

refrain from evil and mischief on the earth."

(al-Quran 7:74)

But like their ancestors Aad, the people of Thamud also adopted corrupt and evil ways of life, disobeying Allah. Therefore, they were punished and their towns were destroyed, sparing those who were righteous. The Quran tells us:

“Then they hamstrung the she-camel, and insolently

defied the order of their Lord, saying: "O Salih! Bring

about your threats, if you are a messenger (of Allah)!"

So the earthquake took them unaware, and they were

found laying prostrate in their homes in the morning!”

(al-Quran 7:77-78)

Prophet Lout or Lut (Lot) was also sent to the same region, southern Jordan, to the people of Sodom, Gomorrah and neighboring towns.

In the Bible, we also find the references to the people of Aad and Thamud, who lived in the houses carved in the mountains and rocks. The Bible Says:

“The terror you inspire and the pride of your heart have deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rocks, who occupy the heights of hill. Though you build your nest as high as the eagle’s, from there I will bring you down,” declares the Lord. “Edom will become an object of horror; all who pass by, will be appalled and will scoff because of all its wounds. As Sodom and Gomorrah were overthrown, along with their neighboring towns,” says the Lord, “so no one will live there, no people will dwell in it.” – (Jeremiah 49:16-18)

“He will also invade the Beautiful Land. Many countries will fall, but Edom, Moab and the leaders of Ammon will be delivered from his hand.” – (Daniel 11:41)

“The man’s name was Elimelek, his wife’s name was Naomi, and the names of his two sons were Mahlon and Kilion. They wwere Ephrathites from Bethlehem, Judah. And they went to Moab and lived there.” – (Ruth 1:2)

Mada’in Saleh (Saudi Arabia)

Petra is known by many names. It has a long history and has seen many rules including Roman and Byzantine. Its ancient name was Hegra (or al-Hijr) meaning the Stone-land or the Rocky Place. Saudi Arabia claims that the real home of Nabataean people (or the Thamudians), the nation of Prophet Saleh, was the “Mada’in Saleh” – an archaeological site 20km north of the town al-Ula, which is 400km north-west of Madinah (Hijaz), the town of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). This site is about 500km south-east of Petra (Jordan).

In 2008, UNESCO declared Mada’in Saleh a site of patrimony, thus becoming Saudi Arabia’s first World Heritage site. It was chosen for its well-preserved Thamudian remains, especially the 131 rock-cut monumental tombs, with their elaborately ornamented façades, of the Nabataean Kingdom.


Friday 21 October 2022


Genetically Engineered 

Mosquitoes Used to Inject 

Malaria Vaccine

Where Are We Going?
The Elite Are Killing Us
With Technology!

(M. Javed Naseem)

About three years ago, a fake virus was introduced to us labelled as a "killer" virus. Many people died; many paralyzed and many got terribly sick with the vaccine that was supposed to protect us from the virus, from infection and from transmission. Now, the producers and administrators are declaring in the court of justice that they never claimed that vaccine could prevent infection, could prevent the spread or could protect us from getting sick. So what was it used for then?

In the meantime, all vaccine manufacturers enjoyed the historic increase of billions of dollars in their profits. There is no law in any country to make that vaccine obligatory but the governments and medical collaborators forced people to get vaccinated. Those who refused lost their jobs, could not get their documents renewed or were not allowed to travel. The circus continues.

The governments that were supposed to protect people from harm, colluded with Big Pharma and made billions of dollars. People suffered for refusing to take the shots but those who took they suffered more, even died of reaction. The vaccine produced a new fatal case  "died mysteriously" or "died for unknown reasons". Even children and young people in their prime youth are getting attacks and collapsing to death. This is called SADS -- Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome. The Big Pharma is denying as usual, any connection between SADS and their vaccines.

Here's a piece of very interesting research in the vaccine field that tells us that scientists have been experimenting with genetically modified mosquitoes to deliver malaria epidemic (or plandemic?).

By Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News

A new study published last month in Science Translational Medicine used 200 mosquitoes to deliver live malaria-causing Plasmodium parasites that had been genetically modified to inject malaria into the arms of human test subjects in a new vaccine trial.

Max Barnhart of NPR covered the study last week:

One Seattle morning, Carolina Reid sat in a room with nine other volunteers, each waiting to take part in a clinical trial for a new, experimental malaria vaccine. Reid’s turn came. She put her arm over a cardboard box filled with 200 mosquitoes and covered with a mesh that keeps them in but still lets them bite. “Literally a Chinese food takeout container” is how she remembers it. A scientist then covered her arm with a black cloth, because mosquitoes like to bite at night.

Then the feeding frenzy began. “My whole forearm swelled and blistered,” says Reid. “My family was laughing, asking like, ‘why are you subjecting yourself to this?'” And she didn’t just do it once. She did it five times.

You may be thinking – this is a joke, right? But it’s not. “We use the mosquitoes like they’re 1,000 small flying syringes,” explains University of Washington, Seattle physician and scientist Dr. Sean Murphy, lead author on a paper in Science Translational Medicine released on August 24 detailing the vaccine trials.

The insects deliver live malaria-causing Plasmodium parasites that have been genetically modified to not get people sick. The body still makes antibodies against the weakened parasite so it’s prepared to fight the real thing. (Source.)

The author made it a point to state: “To be clear, Murphy’s not planning to use mosquitoes to vaccinate millions of people.”

Do you believe him?

And even if Dr. Murphy himself is not planning on using the technology to mass-vaccinate people, what is to stop others from doing so?

Bill Gates, for example, has already spent $BILLIONS on developing a malaria vaccine over the past decade, and last year he funded a biotech firm that released genetically modified mosquitoes in the Florida Keys. (Source.)

Carolina Reid, who was paid $4,100 to participate in the study, tested positive for malaria and was not able to finish the study. But that reportedly did not dampen her enthusiasm:

(Carolina Reid’s arm swelling after being bitten by 200 mosquitoes at once in order to be dosed with the experimental malaria vaccine. Image: Source)

“I actually cried when they told me I had malaria because I developed such a close relationship with the nurses,” Reid says. She wanted to continue through the trials, but her infection made her ineligible. She was given a drug to clear her case of malaria and sent home. (Source.)



Friday 14 October 2022

ALLAH WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU If You Take Care Of His Creation!


Allah Will Take Care

Of You If You Take Care

Of His Creation!

(M. Javed Naseem)

Believe in Allah and His messenger, and

spend (in charity) out of the (substance)

whereof He has made you heirs. For, those

of you who believe and spend (in charity),

for them is a great Reward.”

(al-Quran 57:7)

When God taught us Faith, He based it on His own qualities like Mercy, Love, Forgiveness, Charity and Hope – all Good and no Evil! He told us not to follow the Devil as he was our enemy. We were strictly commanded not to spread corruption and evil in the Earth so that we could enjoy Lord’s bounties and a happy life in this world. But when we were enjoying happy life, we ignored God’s commands and started playing god on earth; hence all the corruption and evil. Out of greed and jealousy, we started depriving other humans of those bounties that we were enjoying.

Most of us are going through hard times these days that have become even harder due to Coronavirus restrictions and a manipulative safety protocol. Millions of people have lost their jobs, small businesses and sources of income. Some got the alternate sources of income; some got government and social help and some got nothing at all except suffering. They can’t beg and they have nobody to turn to. As responsible members of the society, we have an obligation to look around in our own neighborhoods and try to help those who are suffering from poverty and hunger.

Whatever you shall spend in the cause

of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and

you shall not be treated unjustly.”

(al-Quran 8:60)

When you give, give with a big heart. Never think that you are doing others a favor! No, as a matter of fact, you are helping your own cause because Allah, the Almighty, will reward you for your good and charitable acts. Remember that the poor have a share in your wealth whether you accept it or not; whether you like it or not. That’s the verdict of the Lord Almighty. Share your wealth with the needy and the orphans and widows, and you would be rewarded manifold.

Twice will they be given their reward,

for that they have persevered, that they

avert Evil with Good, and that they spend

(in charity) out of what We have given them.”

(al-Quran 28:54)

Thousands of times, we were warned via Scriptures through Prophets and Messengers but only a few paid heed. Most of the people ignored those teachings and warnings although we were informed of the fate of the earlier nations who disobeyed the Lord. Love, peace and harmony can only be created by sharing with others. Compassion is the key to a happy society. Allah, the Merciful, created us with mercy, compassion, love and hope. We are supposed to live in harmony with peace and justice. Some people are born rich while others are poor. But both are a source of ‘Test’ for each other. Allah wants to see how the rich behave and live with all the wealth and bounties He gave them in this world. At the same time, He wants to see how the poor live in contentment and survive with limited sources. If both of them succeed in keeping corruption, ungratefulness and greed at bay, they are both successful in this world and would carry the reward to the Hereafter.

And spend of your substance in the cause

of Allah, and make not your own hands

contribute to (your) destruction; but do good;

for Allah loves those who do good.”

(al-Quran 2:195)

Those who rehearse the Book of Allah,

establish regular prayer, and spend (in

charity) out of what We have provided

for them, secretly and openly, hope for

a commerce that will never fail.”

(al-Quran 35:29)

It is not the amount of money that counts. What matter actually is your gesture and thought behind your charitable action. Just try to put a smile on a sad face and enjoy the beautiful feeling. You can give whatever you can afford. Allah says in the Quran:

Let the man of means spend according to

his means: and the man whose resources are

restricted, let him spend according to what

Allah has given him. Allah puts no burden

on any person beyond what He has given him.

After a difficulty, Allah will soon grant relief.”

(al-Quran 65:7)

God’s Message is universal and it was delivered to people by all Messengers and Prophets of Allah. Only we, the humans, corrupted and altered the message for our convenience.

The Bible says:
“One who is gracious to a poor man lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his good deed.” – (
Proverbs 19:17)

“And if you give yourself to the hungry and satisfy the need of the afflicted, then your light will rise in darkness and your gloom will become like midday.” – (
Isaiah 58:10)

"Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.” – (
Matthew 5:42)

“For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in.” – (
Matthew 25:35)

"But when you give a reception, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind.” – (
Luke 14”13)

“Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share.” – (
1-Timothy 6:18)
