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Friday, 17 January 2025

ALLAH IS SO GRACEFUL TO US But We Are So Ungrateful.


Allah Is So Graceful

To Us But We Are

So Ungrateful

(M. Javed Naseem)


When we disobey Him and violate His

Commands, we don't care much about

Him, nor about the people we hurt.

But when punished for our crimes,

we cry and beg for mercy!


Man is so ungrateful and unheedful that even Allah the Almighty has to remind him about His mercy, His blessings and His grace. In the Quran the Most Merciful Allah asks us:

'Who listens to the (soul) distressed when it calls on Him,

and Who relieves its suffering, and makes you (mankind)

inheritors of the earth? (Can there be another) god

besides Allah? Little it is that you heed!'

(al-Quran 27:62)

Allah's mercy and grace for mankind have no bounds. He loves us and forgives us every time we make mistakes or commit sin and then reverto to Him seeking forgiveness. He promised us in the Quran that if we remain grateful to Him, He'll give us more and bless us more. Unfortunately, we humans happen to be ungrateful most of the time in our lives. And Allah knows that well. The worst part is that we don't stop at that; we disobey Allah, violate His commands and break all the rules He has prescribed for us. This is not a simple disobedience; but rather a revolt against the Almighty that we cannot afford in any way. When we regret; we repent and seek Allah's forgiveness asking for a second chance, the Most Merciful Allah gives us the second chance; and the third chance and the fourth chance too.

'But verily your Lord is full of grace to mankind;

yet most of them are ungrateful.'

(al-Quran 27:73)

Now, everybody wants to be successful in life because it is considered to be the ultimate goal. But ironically when the caller (Mouazzan) invites us to success five times a day, we ignore it with one excuse or the other. We are looking for success all over the world, throughout our lifetime, but

don’t find it. On the other hand when success itself calls us, we don’t even respond. Funny? Everybody has his/her own definition of success, but real success is when your Lord God is pleased with you. If you want to please Allah, obey His commands and try to live by the Book, He has revealed to mankind – the Quran. When you enjoin good and forbid evil, you are on the right track to please your Lord. It is, in fact, a very difficult walk to walk.

'And there may spring from you,

a nation who invite to goodness,

and enjoin right conduct and

forbid indecency. Such are they

who are successful.’

(al-Quran 3:104)

We measure success on the scale of wealth or material possessions. Wealth and material possessions are temporary for this world only. A Muslim should always think about the Hereafter, because, according to the Quran, that is the real and everlasting life. This world is a trial for us. We should be trying to live in the world but not leting the world live in us. A boat floats well as long as it stays in the water, but if the water stays in the boat, it sinks.

We all believe in luck. Most of the times we Muslims say that everything is pre-destined, whatever we do, whereverwe go, whatever we get or don’t get, whatever we achieve, etc. This is true to some extent, but not hundred percent. Allah has taught His creation how to pray, how to beg for His mercy or how to supplicate for His blessings. When humans pray, Allah likes it, listens to it and grants it. You can change things with prayer! Had Allah pre-destined every little affair (as ‘luck’), He would not have taught humans to pray or supplicate (Dua).

Prayer is not a spare wheel that you pull out when in trouble. It is a steering wheel that directs you to the right path throughout. As human beings we get frustrated over small failures and sometimes we lose hope. That is not the right attitude. Never lose hope! Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, Allah smiles from above and seems like saying: ‘Relax, it’s just a bend, not the end.’ Hope keeps us going.

All things in life are temporary. If it is going well, enjoy it as it is not going to last for ever. And if it is not going well, don’t worry. It can’t last long either. Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles, it rather takes away today’s peace. Learn from your mistakes and failures. Try to mend your ways and start again. You are bound to succeed if you are honest in your effort.

Contentment is a blessing. Try to be content with whatever God has given you. But trust Him for His blessings for the future. And work and pray for it. Look at the birds how they put their trust in Allah. Every morning they leave home in search of food (or Allah’s bounty). They don’t even know where they are going and what they are going to get to eat. Allah takes care of them and provides them with food and water. Every evening when they fly back home, they carry no food in their beaks for tomorrow. They trust their Creator for that. We can learn ‘Tawakkal’ (trust) from the feable birds.

God listens to everybody’s prayers, especially those who are in distress, and He answers them too. When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them. And sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone else has prayed for you. Prayer brings peace to your mind and heart. Prayer can do magic. Put that magic to work!


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