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Friday, 31 January 2025

GOD'S WAY OR DEVIL'S WAY! You'll Be Rewarded For Your Own Choices.


God’s Way Or Devil’s Way!

You’ll Be Rewarded For Your

Own Choices Accordingly!

(M. Javed Naseem)

Those who reject Faith and do wrong,

Allah will not forgive them nor guide them

to any way – except the way of Hell, to

dwell therein for ever. And this

to Allah is easy.”

(al-Quran 4:168-169)

Allah sent His Messengers to the world to guide humans to choose the right path. They all promoted and preached the faith Allah chose for the mankind – submission to God (i.e., Islam). Those who after receiving the true guidance from the Prophets and Messengers, knowingly make the wrong choices and defy Allah and His Messengers/Prophets, they earn the wrath of Allah. All those people who follow the pagan teachings and customs, make that category. They are not true believers. The Almighty had already warned us:

If anyone contends with the Messenger

even after guidance has been plainly

conveyed to him, and follows a path

other than that becoming to men of Faith,

We shall leave him in the path he has

chosen, and land him in Hell – what

an evil refuge!”

(al-Quran 4-115)

Here’s a clear choice: Either the way of Allah or the way of the Devil! One path leads to Heaven and the other leads to Hell. You become the friend of Allah or the friend of Satan. There is no middle way; there is no gray area. It is all clear in black and white – very clear! It is up to us to choose the ‘light’ or the ‘dark’. When we make our own choices, we have no right to complain or whine. Everything has been fully explained to us. It is our duty to investigate and research before making a choice. Still, if we call on our Creator for help, He guides us and helps us while Satan does not – and cannot – help us in any situation. Allah tells us clearly:

They invoke in His stead only females;

they pray to none else than Satan, a rebel

whom Allah cursed, and he said: ‘Surely

I will take of your bondsmen an appointed

portion, and surely I will lead them astray;

and surely I will arouse desires in them;

and surely I will command them and they

will cut the cattle’s ears; and surely I will

command them and they will change Allah’s

creation.’ Whoso chooses Satan for a patron

instead of Allah, is verily a loser and

his loss is manifest.”

(al-Quran 4:117-119)

When man gets wealth, power and authority, he becomes an evil beast. He forgets humanity, civility, compassion and even justice. He rules by lies and deceptions. Remember those scientists and politicians who developed ‘atom bomb for peace and service to humanity’; and then destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki to ‘serve’ humanity? Exactly the same thing is being repeated today. We are being lied to everyday, we are being fooled with deceptions and we are tortured with betrayals. The game of ‘death & destruction’ is being played in our world and thousands are being killed or crippled everyday in the name of peace.

Man behaves like a monster when befriended with the Devil. He kills humans to ‘serve’ humanity and destroys God’s creation to ‘establish’ God’s kingdom on earth. What a freaking psychopathic hypocrite using moronic logic and reason!


Make your choices wisely

and don’t become a loser

in the Hereafter!


Allah chose a faith for mankind and that faith was Islam – submission or surrender to God. All Prophets and Messengers of God promoted, preached and practiced the same religion. But man produced many religions or variations from the one religion originally given to him. The natural result was chaos and confusion.

Faith brings discipline, order and peace in our lives and helps in creating a just and compassionate society. The purpose of our lives is not to amass wealth by hook or by crook. We are here in this world to live peacefully together; take care of each other; and gratefully obey the Commands of our Lord God so that we flourish and succeed. Allah has promised us that He will give us more if we remain grateful to Him for all the bounties and blessings we are enjoying.

It is the faith alone that can save humanity from destruction. Only faith can bring peace and justice. And once again, the only faith acceptable to Allah is Islam – submission to God. Islam was chosen for us by God, therefore, He is not going to accept anything else in the name of religion. Islam is the Truth from Allah and it has been declared as the faith of the universe. Allah has warned us:

And whoever seeks a religion other

than Islam, it will never be accepted

of him, and in the Hereafter he will be

one of the losers!”

(al-Quran 3:85)


Friday, 24 January 2025



Allah Enjoins Justice, Kindness

And Charity. Are We Good


(M. Javed Naseem)

Give the kinsman his due, and the

needy, and the wayfarer; and squander

not (your wealth) in wantonness.’

(al-Quran 17:26)

We are not alone in this world. Others, who are sharing this planet with us, have rights over us, and the same way we have rights over them, though there is a limit to those rights. In Islam it’s called ‘Haqooq-ul-Ibaad’ – or the rights of the people. The first in the order of preference is the family and the relatives, then the neighbours, friends and the community, etc. We are supposed to take care of each other. We have to treat them all with kindness and mercy, because that's the Command of Allah the Almighty. Everything we do (good or bad), will come back to us one day. This world is 'tit for that' – you get whatever you give!

Lo, Allah enjoins justice and

kindness, and giving to kinsfolk.’

(al-Quran 16:90)

Islam emphasizes living as a community where we care for otherts and share the good things of life. Family life is very important in Islamic culture. In the family, parents have lots of responsibilities towards their children. The two basic and most important things are upbringing and education. Children have a natural instinct of learning from their parents. They copy their parents. You must have heard the comparison ‘like father, like son’ at some point in your life. In most of the cases, it’s very much true. The children are very good observers and they copy their parents or the people around them. This is a normal and natural thing for them. We laugh when we see a 3-year old boy walking in his father’s big shoes in the house, and we are filled with affection for the child. This is the instinct I am talking about.

Kids copy almost everything and if the parents are not careful in what they are doing in front of their kids, they can destroy their children’s lives by being bad role-models. Home is the first school before schooling and parents are the first teachers. It is at home where the foundation of a child’s life is laid. A good foundation makes a building solid and secure. It is called ‘Tarbiah’ or ‘Tarbiat’ or upbringing.

Lo, the noblest of you, in the sight

of Allah, is the best in conduct.

Lo, Allah is Knower, Aware.’

(al-Quran 49:12)

Tarbiah (upbringing) is an obligation in Islam. All parent are REQUIRED to impart this training to their children, male or female. This is the duty of every Muslim parent. They are responsible for their children’s education and good upbringing. Education and Tarbiah of children is compulsory in Islam. This teaches our children how to talk to the elders, how to respect others, how to behave in

different situations and how to treat other human beings; not to mention how to perform religious duties. It is at home that they learn how to react to certain actions of others.

‘… Show kindness unto parents, and unto

near kindred, and orphans, and the needy,

and unto the neighbour who is of kin

(unto you) and the neighbour who is

not of kin, and the fellow-traveller and

the wayfarer and the slaves whom

your right hands possess…’

(al-Quran 4:36)

When we grow old with the age, we become frail and irritating. Living with the young families of our sons and daughters becomes difficult and complicated. When old people get touchy, the young get tired of their frailty or disability. The trembling old people are often messy; they drop or even break things. And if by misfortune, the old people get sick, they annoy almost everybody around them with their irritating attitude. Sometimes, they don't even realize that they are being irritating to others. That's the old age. And that is a big test for all people around them. It demands a lot of patience and tolerance, especially from the sons-in-law and the daughters-in-law. We are supposed to treat our old parents and relatives with kindness, compassion and a lot of patience because they showed us the same attitude when we were little and irritating. Here's what Allah the Most Merciful commands us to do in such a situation:

Your Lord has decreed that you worship

none save Him, and (that you show)

kindness to parents. If one of them or both

of them attain to old age with you, say not

Fie” unto them nor repulse them, but speak

unto them a gracious word. And lower unto

them the wing of submission through mercy,

and say: My Lord, have mercy on them

both as they did care for me

when I was little.’

(al-Quran 17:23-24)

Children are remarkably perceptive. Their eyes always observe, their ears always listen, and their minds always process the messages they absorb. If they see us patiently provide a happy home atmosphere for family members, they will imitate that attitude for the rest of their lives. The wise parents realize that every day the building-blocks are being laid for the child’s future. It all begins at home. So try to maintain a happy and comfortable home!

Parents don't have an easy job. Bringing up children with care, mercy and compassion is very difficult. The responsibility to convert young people into honest, sincere, hardworking and responsible adults is the biggest challenge of the parents' life. Not all parents succeed in this long, tough and crucial campaign. We need God's blessings in this mission and the blessings are bestowed upon us only when we fear Allah and obey His commands.


Friday, 17 January 2025

ALLAH IS SO GRACEFUL TO US But We Are So Ungrateful.


Allah Is So Graceful

To Us But We Are

So Ungrateful

(M. Javed Naseem)


When we disobey Him and violate His

Commands, we don't care much about

Him, nor about the people we hurt.

But when punished for our crimes,

we cry and beg for mercy!


Man is so ungrateful and unheedful that even Allah the Almighty has to remind him about His mercy, His blessings and His grace. In the Quran the Most Merciful Allah asks us:

'Who listens to the (soul) distressed when it calls on Him,

and Who relieves its suffering, and makes you (mankind)

inheritors of the earth? (Can there be another) god

besides Allah? Little it is that you heed!'

(al-Quran 27:62)

Allah's mercy and grace for mankind have no bounds. He loves us and forgives us every time we make mistakes or commit sin and then reverto to Him seeking forgiveness. He promised us in the Quran that if we remain grateful to Him, He'll give us more and bless us more. Unfortunately, we humans happen to be ungrateful most of the time in our lives. And Allah knows that well. The worst part is that we don't stop at that; we disobey Allah, violate His commands and break all the rules He has prescribed for us. This is not a simple disobedience; but rather a revolt against the Almighty that we cannot afford in any way. When we regret; we repent and seek Allah's forgiveness asking for a second chance, the Most Merciful Allah gives us the second chance; and the third chance and the fourth chance too.

'But verily your Lord is full of grace to mankind;

yet most of them are ungrateful.'

(al-Quran 27:73)

Now, everybody wants to be successful in life because it is considered to be the ultimate goal. But ironically when the caller (Mouazzan) invites us to success five times a day, we ignore it with one excuse or the other. We are looking for success all over the world, throughout our lifetime, but

don’t find it. On the other hand when success itself calls us, we don’t even respond. Funny? Everybody has his/her own definition of success, but real success is when your Lord God is pleased with you. If you want to please Allah, obey His commands and try to live by the Book, He has revealed to mankind – the Quran. When you enjoin good and forbid evil, you are on the right track to please your Lord. It is, in fact, a very difficult walk to walk.

'And there may spring from you,

a nation who invite to goodness,

and enjoin right conduct and

forbid indecency. Such are they

who are successful.’

(al-Quran 3:104)

We measure success on the scale of wealth or material possessions. Wealth and material possessions are temporary for this world only. A Muslim should always think about the Hereafter, because, according to the Quran, that is the real and everlasting life. This world is a trial for us. We should be trying to live in the world but not leting the world live in us. A boat floats well as long as it stays in the water, but if the water stays in the boat, it sinks.

We all believe in luck. Most of the times we Muslims say that everything is pre-destined, whatever we do, whereverwe go, whatever we get or don’t get, whatever we achieve, etc. This is true to some extent, but not hundred percent. Allah has taught His creation how to pray, how to beg for His mercy or how to supplicate for His blessings. When humans pray, Allah likes it, listens to it and grants it. You can change things with prayer! Had Allah pre-destined every little affair (as ‘luck’), He would not have taught humans to pray or supplicate (Dua).

Prayer is not a spare wheel that you pull out when in trouble. It is a steering wheel that directs you to the right path throughout. As human beings we get frustrated over small failures and sometimes we lose hope. That is not the right attitude. Never lose hope! Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, Allah smiles from above and seems like saying: ‘Relax, it’s just a bend, not the end.’ Hope keeps us going.

All things in life are temporary. If it is going well, enjoy it as it is not going to last for ever. And if it is not going well, don’t worry. It can’t last long either. Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles, it rather takes away today’s peace. Learn from your mistakes and failures. Try to mend your ways and start again. You are bound to succeed if you are honest in your effort.

Contentment is a blessing. Try to be content with whatever God has given you. But trust Him for His blessings for the future. And work and pray for it. Look at the birds how they put their trust in Allah. Every morning they leave home in search of food (or Allah’s bounty). They don’t even know where they are going and what they are going to get to eat. Allah takes care of them and provides them with food and water. Every evening when they fly back home, they carry no food in their beaks for tomorrow. They trust their Creator for that. We can learn ‘Tawakkal’ (trust) from the feable birds.

God listens to everybody’s prayers, especially those who are in distress, and He answers them too. When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them. And sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone else has prayed for you. Prayer brings peace to your mind and heart. Prayer can do magic. Put that magic to work!


Friday, 10 January 2025

AL-QAEDA-DAESH TERRORISTS INSTALLED In Syria To Pursue Evil Empire's Agenda.


US-Exported Democracy:

Al-Qaeda-Daesh Terrorists

Installed In Syria To Pursue

The Evil Empire's Agenda


The new revolutionary leader of Syria, Mouaz Mostafa

is a US citizen, with links to the CIA, al-Qaeda, Daesh/ISIS.

He is head of the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF);

was also head of the Libyan Emergency Task Force


(M. Javed Naseem)

These are the End Times and according to the prophecies, the world is preparing to establish the evil government of Dajjal (the anti-Christ). It is bloodshed and chaos everywhere; bombs and bullets are flying all over, and hundreds of people are being killed everyday in the Middle East alone. Apart from that, fake epidemics and fake viruses are being used to create fear among the masses and then fake vaccines are being used to mame or kill people in the name of 'cure' or treatment. Corruption and evil-doing is suffocating the honest, law-abiding and peaceful citizens of the world.

The Evil Empire is behind every bloody 'regime change' in the world. It is pursuing an agenda of world hegemony by installing puppets and pimps in every country of the globe. The Middle East is its favorit playground and its watchdog Israel has been playing the game of death and destruction to capture all the natural ressources (especially oil and gas). After Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Sudan and Yemen, Syria happens to be the latest victim of this brutal policy where governments are toppled and leaders removed or even killed.

SETF (Syrian Emergency Task Force) has long been at the forefront of the American “regime change” project in Syria, funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), a proxy organization of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the foreign spy agency of the US military-industrial complex. Its malicious activities are concealed behind the wall of lies and deceptions, fake news and propaganda. They are one of the examples of the US hypocrisy in pursuit of the world hegemony and control of the natural ressources. They always pretend to be the 'Messiah' for the 'suffering people' of those countries where regime change is planned.

Ivan Kesic, a free-lance writer for the Geopolitics-101, has recently exposed the so-called people's victory against Syrian President Assad. As a matter of fact, it was a US-led and funded campaign that took many years to achieve its objective in Syria.

CIA-Funded ‘Task Force’ at the Forefront of US ‘Regime Change’ Plot in Syria

(By Ivan Kesic, Geopolitics101, Jan. 7, 2025)

Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF), a propagandist organization bankrolled by CIA proxy USAID, had long been at the forefront of the American 'regime change' project in Syria.

“Syria is free,” wrote the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) in a post on X, formerly Twitter, shortly after a cluster of militant groups swarmed Damascus on Sunday and overthrew Bashar al-Assad’s government.

“Mission Accomplished. The Syrian Emergency Task Force is proud to announce that the Assad regime, Russia, and Iran have been officially defeated in Syria by the Syrian people on their own and without any outside support from the international community,” the statement read.

In response, an X user took a swipe at the SETF, saying that an al-Qaeda leader with strong ties to the Daesh terrorist group and Western intelligence agencies “is the exact freedom I was hoping for.”

SETF has long been at the forefront of the American “regime change” project in Syria, funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), a proxy organization of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the foreign spy agency of the US military-industrial complex.

Operating under the guise of “bringing an end to atrocities against Syrian civilians,” this maligned agency has actively pursued Washington’s “regime change” agenda in Syria through crippling sanctions and psychological operations to sway public opinion in the Arab country against its elected government.

Only a day after Assad was ousted from Damascus, SETF Executive Director Mouaz Moustafa met with US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan to discuss the accomplishment of the American “mission.” Moustafa reportedly also called for greater support from the US government as a reward.

SETF and American dollars

Leaked documents reveal that SETF has received millions of dollars over the years to aggressively further the agenda of the US and its allies in Syria, with funding channeled through USAID.

“Check out SETF’s $153,535 grant from USAID, a CIA cutout. It not only earmarks the delivery of aid to Rukhban camp but also covers ‘conducting key informant interviews,’” wrote American journalist Max Blumenthal in a post on X, sharing an image of one such receipt.

“SETF has been at the forefront of lobbying for the US to wage war on Syria, taking John McCain on his notorious trip in 2013 before he called to bomb Damascus. It played a seminal role in the Caesar sanctions, which have plunged Syrian civilians into poverty, and remain at the center of all regime change activities,” Blumenthal added.

His remarks came in response to Celine Kasem, a SETF employee and one of its lead propagandists against the Assad government, whose activities have been exposed repeatedly in recent years.

David Miller, producer of the Press TV show Palestine Declassified, had in February this year highlighted the manipulative tactics employed by Kasem and her SETF colleagues in Syria.

“@SyrianETF’s board includes a member from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, an organization that acts as a direct foreign agent of the Zionist entity in the US,” Miller wrote.

“After I won my tribunal, Celine attempted to sabotage my legal fundraiser by inciting British Sunnis into sectarian hysteria over the failed NATO and Zionist regime change campaign in Syria,” he added.

According to Miller, such tactics form part of a “US strategy to undermine support for material resistance to Zionism,” linking SETF’s anti-Syrian government campaign to the Zionist occupation.

In March this year, SETF commemorated the 13th anniversary of the so-called “Syrian Revolution” — a militant campaign against the Damascus government — at a gathering of prominent US Republican leaders, many of whom are vocal lobbyists for the Israeli regime.

(SETF Executive Director Mouaz Moustafa speaking at at a gathering of prominent US Republican politicians in March this year)

Among the attendees was Stephen Rapp, a key figure in lobbying the International Criminal Court (ICC) against granting Palestine jurisdiction to press war crime charges against Israel.

Since Sunday, following the fall of Assad’s government and the militant takeover of Damascus, SETF agents have been celebrating, crediting it to the Syrian people—the same people who have suffered under crippling US sanctions imposed under the ‘Caesar Act,’ which SETF itself lobbied for.

SETF and the American ‘regime change’ plot

In his book The Management of Savagery, Blumenthal explains that SETF emerged as a pro-insurgency, warmongering lobbying group, funded by the US State Department and a collection of private donors.

For years, the group served as the US Congress’ direct link to the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) and other rebel factions. Its director, Mouaz Moustafa, is a Washington, DC-based activist of Syrian origin.

Before lobbying for a military attack on his home country, Moustafa had been a consultant to the Libyan National Transitional Council during the lead-up to the invasion by the US-led NATO military alliance.

In May 2013, Moustafa approached Senator John McCain, a notorious warmonger in the US Congress, and persuaded him to visit Syria and meet with anti-government militants.

(Moustafa with late Senator John McCain)

Mordechai Moti Kahana, an Israeli millionaire who coordinated efforts between these militants and the Israeli military through his NGO Amaliah, openly boasted of financing “the opposition group that took Senator John McCain to visit war-torn Syria.”

The SETF’s role in linking top US officials with militants was confirmed by McCain himself in his memoir The Restless Wave.

“I went to Turkey at the end of the month after convincing the State Department to let me enter northern Syria for a few hours. The Washington-based Syrian Emergency Task Force had arranged for me to meet with members of FSA units. I went with General Salim Idris, the head of the FSA’s Supreme Military Council,” he recalled in his book.

 “I don’t know what I had expected, but crossing the border into a war turned out to be a pretty unremarkable experience. General Idris, Brose, two Syrian Emergency Task Force staffers, and I loaded into SUVs and drove less than a mile to a border crossing, where the guards were expecting us.

“They raised the gates, and we crossed into Syria, becoming, for the time being, the highest-ranking US official to visit Syria since the war began. Another short drive took us to the building where FSA commanders from around the country had gathered to meet us.”

After the meetings and the promised joint celebration in Damascus, McCain’s PR office released a photo showing the senator posing beside a smiling Moustafa and two grim-looking armed rebels.

Several days later, Lebanese media identified these two men as Abu Ibrahim and Mohammad Nour, both implicated in the kidnapping of eleven Shia pilgrims a year earlier.

SETF leadership and American terrorism

In June of the same year, Moustafa arranged another meeting in Syria between FSA rebels and Evan McMullin, a former CIA field officer, and vehemently protested the US State Department’s designation of Al-Qaeda’s Syrian branch as a terrorist group.

In 2014, further SETF activities were exposed in the documentary Red Lines, which was ironically intended to showcase the “democratic nature” of the rebels.

Instead, it revealed international arms and rebel smuggling, Takfiri fanatics, looting, war crimes, and McCain, and Moustafa’s central role, further exposing America’s covert operations in the Arab country.

The documentary detailed Moustafa’s frequent trips from Washington to the Syrian-Turkish border, where he helped smuggle militants into areas they controlled in the city of Homs.

It also captured him discussing a multi-million-dollar shipment of heavy weapons and tanks from an unnamed US company, which was reportedly purchasing military equipment from the Ukrainian military after its war in Donbas.

In other scenes, Moustafa and his associates witnessed FSA militants holding prisoners in a school basement, looting a cement factory, and heard an Ahrar al-Sham official admit that they did not want democracy in Syria.

SETF also lobbied within the US to impose sanctions on Syria and played a crucial role in drafting and passing the Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act, which has driven millions of Syrian civilians into poverty.

In 2016, Moustafa, the head of the White Helmets Raed al-Saleh, and Congressman Eliot Engel, one of the most fervent supporters of the Israeli regime on Capitol Hill, jointly lobbied for expanded sanctions on Syria.

These sanctions targeted the country’s central banking system and blocked the replacement parts for its civilian airliners, which was another big blow to the war-ravaged country.

(SETF founder Mouaz Moustafa inside Al Qaeda/HTS controlled Idlib in August 2023, leading a delegation for ultra-Zionist Republican members of Congress)

Other ‘regime change’ organizations in Syria

Other similar pseudo-humanitarian organizations that aggressively campaigned for “regime change” in Syria include the UK-funded White Helmets (Syria Civil Defence), Hand in Hand for Syria (HiHFAD), and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), among others.

All of these organizations were regarded as trusted and reliable sources by Western journalists and politicians, despite their direct ties to Syrian militants, the Israeli regime, and Western intelligence agencies.

The so-called White Helmets group was founded by former British Army officer James Le Mesurier and funded by the UK and US governments. It operated in areas held by anti-government forces, providing a constant stream of images and reports of their “lifesaving work.”

The effectiveness of the White Helmets was amplified by a UK-government-funded PR company called ARK, which ran its social media accounts and developed an international communications campaign to promote it. The UK Ministry of Foreign Affairs described their advocacy as “invaluable.”

HiHFAD, also a UK-based group operating in both Syria and Turkey, claimed to be engaged in humanitarian work but actively campaigned for foreign military intervention in Syria.

One of its leading figures, Rola Hallam, was linked to the so-called Syrian National Coalition (SNC) anti-government group through her father, Mousa al-Kurdi.

Its co-founder, Faddy Sahloul, once openly declared that they wanted to topple Assad “no matter what lives it takes, no matter how much catastrophe it causes.”

SOHR, which supposedly focuses on human rights, is actually a one-man operation based in England and funded by the British Foreign Office. It has been widely exposed as a mouthpiece for MI6.

Considering its funding sources, leadership, connections, and methods of operation, SETF undeniably belongs to the same group of organizations.

(Ivan Kesić is a Croatia-based freelance writer and open-source data analyst. He worked as a writer at the Cultural Center of Iran in Zagreb from 2010 to 2016. His article has appeared on the Consortium News, the Anti War, the Strategic Culture, &Mintpress News among the many.)

(Courtesy :


Friday, 3 January 2025

THE COMMAND: 'Serve Allah And Shun Evil!'


The Command:

"Serve Allah And Shun Evil!"

(al-Quran 16:36)

The Curse Of Allah Is

On The Wrong-doers!”

(al-Quran 7:44)

(M. Javed Naseem)

Truth has arrived and Falsehood perished; for

Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish.”

(al-Quran 17:81)

The Truth shall set you free!”

(The Bible)

The Evil Empire is ruling the world by lies and deception, by fake news and propaganda, and by misinformation. More and more people, who were the victims of this info war, are waking up to learn the truth. Still, the situation is dreadful as we are heading for doom. The game of ‘death & destruction’ is entering its final phase and the evil dream of the world hegemony is going to shatter very soon. The Truth will ultimately prevail as the Lie has no legs to stand on. The Devil’s government of New World Order is going to collapse eventually but not without collateral damage, huge damage!

God sent His Messengers and Prophets to guide mankind. They brought Scriptures telling us what was right and what was wrong. The rules were laid down and the line were drawn. We were commanded to serve God and shun evil. But man violated all those rules and crossed all lines in his greed to control others and own more and more.

"For We assuredly sent amongst every

nation a messenger, (with the Command),

Serve Allah, and shun Evil’. There were

some whom Allah guided, and some on

whom error became inevitably (established).

So travel through the earth, and see what was

the end of those who denied (the Truth)."

(al-Quran 16:36)

When God sent man on earth to live, He gave him a handbook of “how-to” telling him what was good and beneficial for him and what was harmful. The rules of conduct were laid down for him and God also sent Messengers and Prophets to guide ignorant people to live in peace and harmony on earth, without trampling other people’s rights. Everybody was given responsibility. Unfortunately, man happens to be greedy and in greed he commits all kinds of crimes, even the crimes against humanity. All that is done for material benefits, ignoring God’s warnings and disobeying Him in the process. Thus he ‘qualified’ himself for punishment instead of honor.

A bunch of rich and influential people have joined hands to rob the wealth and the natural resources of the planet earth, thus controlling the world. This hegemony and control is achieved by playing the game of death & destruction. Anybody or any nation/country not accepting their hegemony is considered enemy and is eliminated. Their countries are destroyed. And this is happening especially to Muslim countries because the evil bunch of the elite (the Evil Empire) considers Islam and the Muslims the biggest danger and hurdle in implementing their agenda. Islam stands for truth and justice while the Evil Empire is running its business on lies and deception destroying any opposition.

European and Arab countries are acting like whores of America with no conscience and no sense of justice; no respect for humanity and international laws! Their leaders are like the prostitutes who sleep with anybody for material benefits. They are selling their conscience only to remain in power. They are siding with the oppressor thus becoming a party to genocide in Palestine. This tyranny and oppression cannot go on for ever. The world is watching and doing nothing to establish peace and justice. But God is also watching them, giving them enough time to fix all the wrongs they have done. And if they persist in their evil-doing, they would be punished.

"And never think that Allah is unaware

of what the wrongdoers do. He only

gives them respite till a Day when

eyes will stare (in horror)."

(al-Quran 14:42)

Man was commanded by his Almighty Creator to establish peace and justice, shun evil and obey the Creator to succeed and prosper in this world. Breaking God’s laws and constantly committing disobedience to Him cannot go unpunished. The culprits (the oppressors and the aggressors) think that they are very strong and powerful. They have been blinded by their arrogance and ignorance. The Almighty Creator has warned the culprits in the Quran:

And walk not on the earth with insolence;

indeed you cannot rend the earth asunder,

nor reach the mountains in height “

(al-Quran 17:37)

The promoters of evil, injustice, corruption and bloodshed, after having been warned many times, will be punished and destroyed ultimately. It’s only a matter of time. And that time is granted to them by the Almighty so that they rectify the damage, repent and seek forgiveness from their Lord God for all their mischief. Since they persist in the crimes, spreading corruption and injustice, God withdraws His guidance for them and lets them commit more crimes. But eventually, a painful punishment with be their reward for the evil deeds they are committing.

In their hearts is a disease, and Allah

increases their disease. A painful

doom is theirs because they lie!”

(al-Quran 2:10)

The way things are going in the world right now, it looks like the end of the world is approaching. The biggest episode of the epic war between Good and Evil will be played soon on this stage, right before our eyes. Everybody would be running for his/her life and the evil-doers will have no shelter, nor any place to hide. Since they are doomed, they are trying their best to bring as much destruction to the world as they can. But the Evil will be perished. That’s the promise of the Lord.

The curse of Allah is on the wrong-doers!”

(al-Quran 7:44)
