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Friday 20 September 2024

THE JEWISH STATE WAS BASED On The Theft of Land From Indigenous Palestinians!


The Bitter Truth About Israel

The Jewish State Was Based

On The Theft Of Land From

The Indigenous Palestinians!

(M. Javed Naseem)

Palestine is still bleeding because the so-called ‘civilized’ world keeps ignoring its plight. It keeps ignoring the injustice, the cruelty and the crimes against humanity being committed against Palestinian children, women, elderly and helpless unarmed civilian population. This is hypocrisy on the highest criminal level. The most modern Zionist military, equipped with the latest weapons and war equipment has been killing unarmed innocent civilians on fake/false accusations. But the irony is that the brutal, inhumane and violent occupation goons, who are committing genocide, are still claiming to be the ‘victims’ of aggression! And the media Presstitutes, hired/employed by the Zionist organs, are promoting that narrative with full force.

The world conscience is dead! The truth is that the creation of the Zionist/Jewish state (Israel) was based on the theft of land from an indigenous people. While Jews would prefer to believe that their country is a 'miracle in the desert,' for the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, it is an everlasting nightmare. In truth, it is the ‘Triangle of Evil’ (or Axis of Evil?) – U.S. + U.K. + Israel – that is behind this cruel crime. The West purposely created the Zionist Jewish state on Arab territory to control or colonize the oil-rich Middle East. The U.N. and European Union are both acting like puppets, facilitating the blockade and denying Palestinians the justice.

The Israeli leaders have abandoned the two-state solution. Their policy now is to confiscate Palestinian territory, and they've announced publicly that it the Palestinians have to recognize not just Israel but Israel as a Jewish state, even though 20% of the Israeli community are non-Jews. Netanyahu has also decided that even the Jordan valley has to be under Israeli control. So, those factors indicate quite clearly that Netanyahu has decided that the two-state solution is not what he wants. He wants what is being called Greater Israel, Eretz Israel. That's the latest development.

Joseph Weitz:

In 1948, Joseph Weitz, Director of the Jewish National Land Fund and Head of the 3rd “Transfer Committee” stated:

We must direct our war towards the

removal of as many Arabs as possible

from boundaries of our state.”


Israelis' policy is to confiscate Palestinian territory” Jimmy Carter

"Both sides should cease all hostilities," says former US President Jimmy Carter. "Israel should end its blockade of Gaza, and Western countries should work to facilitate reconciliation between Hamas and their Palestinian rival, Fatah. As long as Gaza remains isolated, the situation in and around Gaza will remain volatile."

Israel's leaders don't want a Palestinian state”, Carter told Metro in an interview. Carter, who still conducts international negotiations and is now a member of The Elders, won the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize.

The dishonest and unfair pro-Israel narrative continues with its portrayal of Arab aggression, ignoring mass murder and destruction of Palestinian homes; but noting the wars in 1948, 1967 and 1973 as proof that the country was under perpetual attack. While it is true that the Arab nations attacked Israel after it declared itself a nation in 1948 on Arab territory, it must be remembered that if Mexican immigrants declared a state of Mexico in Arizona, it is unlikely the U.S government would not see it as an act of aggression and take immediate military action. After almost 75 years, the game of playing ‘victim’ is still being played to fool the world.

The wars in 1967 and 1973 were started by Egypt and Syria, not the Palestinians, and the Israelis used it as an excuse to annex more Palestinian land (Gaza, the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights and the West Bank), an act illegal under international law. The Palestinians, as always, suffered the consequences of competing empires.

The continued occupation of the Palestinian people and the relentless expansion of the Israeli state is a text book definition of colonization. The Palestinians have a right to resist this occupation, and the onus is on Israel to stop it so that peace talks can resume. But the way things are moving, it is not going to happen in our life-time.

British Foreign Office, June 1920:

The Balfour Declaration “has also been interpreted as giving priority to a small minority of Jews over the mass of people in Palestine. It is idle to propose that preference should be given to one-tenth who has gone to the country (Palestine) only lately over the nine-tenths who have been there, from father to son, for generations”.


Noam Chomsky:

Hamas is regularly described as 'Iranian-backed Hamas, which is dedicated to the destruction of Israel.' One will be hard put to find something like 'democratically elected Hamas, which has long been calling for a two-state settlement in accord with the international consensus'—blocked for over 30 years by the US and Israel. All true, but not a useful contribution to the Party Line, hence dispensable.”

The new crimes that the US and Israel were committing in Gaza as 2009 opened do not fit easily into any standard category—except for the category of familiarity.” Noam Chomsky (Gaza in Crisis).

Israel's demonstration of its military prowess in 1967 confirmed its status as a 'strategic asset,' as did its moves to prevent Syrian intervention in Jordan in 1970 in support of the PLO. Under the Nixon doctrine, Israel and Iran were to be 'the guardians of the Gulf,' and after the fall of the Shah, Israel's perceived role was enhanced. Meanwhile, Israel has provided subsidiary services elsewhere, including Latin America, where direct US support for the most murderous regimes has been impeded by Congress. While there has been internal debate and some fluctuation in US policy, much exaggerated in discussion here, it has been generally true that US support for Israel's militarization and expansion reflected the estimate of its power in the region.”

The effect has been to turn Israel into a militarized state completely dependent on US aid, willing to undertake tasks that few can endure, such as participation in Guatemalan genocide. For Israel, this is a moral disaster and will eventually become a physical disaster as well. For the Palestinians and many others, it has been a catastrophe, as it may sooner or later be for the entire world, with the growing danger of superpower confrontation.” – Noam Chomsky.

People who call themselves supporters of Israel are actually supporters of its moral degeneration and ultimate destruction.” – Noam Chomsky.


George Galloway: Free Palestine

"Free Palestine, Free Afghanistan, Free Speech" - George Galloway. (Speech made at St. Andrew's Wesley United Church, Vancouver, Canada).

The Palestinians are the victims of one of the greatest crimes of

the 20th century now bleeding into the 21st century”, he notes.

Israel has broken more U.N. Security Council Resolutions

than all the other countries of the World combined. They

have broken more international law than all the countries

of the world put together.

The Palestinians who are the victims of terrorism

are called the terrorists, and the Israelis who are

the ‘Terrorists’ are referred to as the victims by

Zionist-controlled politicians and Zionist-controlled

media in the West. They are never punished.

Shame, shame on the West!”

Nelson Mandela:

(Nelson Mandela's memo to Thomas Friedman about Israel & Palestine, by Nelson Mandela, in Jefferson Corner - America's Speaker's Corner, 28th March, 2001.)


"If you want peace and democracy, I will support you.

If you want formal Apartheid, we will not support you.

If you want to support racial discrimination and

ethnic cleansing, we will oppose you."

Theodor Herzl, Founder of Political Zionism, May 1896:
"Without preparation, I told [Michael von] Newlinsky that we imagine that Palestine would be given to us for £20 million ($100 million [in 1896]). Two million would be given to Palestine on the basis of the capitalization of its present [1896] yield of £80,000 annually. With the other £18 million, we should free Turkey from the Control Commission”.
(Theodor Herzl, founder of political Zionism, 1860 - 1904, from a Personal Diary entry 18th May, 1896).

"We shall endeavor to expel the poor population [of Palestine] across the border unnoticed, procuring employment for it in the transit countries, but denying it any employment in our country”.
(Theodor Herzl, founder of political Zionism, 1860 - 1904, from a Personal Diary entry 12th June, 1895).


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