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Friday 6 September 2024

GOD DIDN'T WRONG THEM; They Wronged Their Own Souls.


God Didn’t Wrong Them;

They Wronged Their

Own Souls.

Fake champions of justice and

democracy are hurting mankind.

They are all working to establish

New World Order

(M. Javed Naseem)


Has not the story reached them of those before

them – i.e., the people of Noah, and Aad, and

Thamud; the people of Abraham, the men of

Midian, and the cities overthrown? To them

came their messengers with clear signs. It is

not Allah Who wrongs them, but

they wrong their own souls.”

(al-Quran 9:70)

We, as believers, are commanded by our Almighty Creator Lord to enjoin Good and forbid Evil so that we create a healthy, just and peaceful society. But greed and selfishness has turned our eyes blind. We have stopped distinguishing between right and wrong; good and evil; just and unjust; Halal and Haram. We have changed our social and cultural values. We have lost sympathy, love and compassion for others, but we have developed love for wealth, material things and worldly comforts. How and when is it going to end? By death and in grave!

The Bible says:

They have sunk deep into corruption, as in the days of Gibeah. God will remember their wickedness and punish them for their sins.” – (Hosea 9:9)

We cooperate with each other in evil but not in the cause of good. We see the victims of injustice and aggression and turn our faces away. And we pretend to uphold the principles of freedom, justice and peace. In fact, we are hypocrites! Allah warns us:

The Hypocrites, men and women, (have an

understanding) with each other. They enjoin evil,

and forbid what is just, and are close with their

hands. They have forgotten Allah; so He has

forgotten them (too). Verily the Hypocrites are

rebellious and perverse. Allah has promised the

Hypocrites - men and women, and the rejecters,

of Faith, the fire of Hell. Therein shall they dwell.

Sufficient is it for them. For them is the curse of

Allah, and an enduring punishment.”

(al-Quran 9:67-68)

In today’s world, most Jews are not happy with their Rabbis; most Christians are not happy with their Priests and Popes; and most Muslims are not happy with their Imams, preachers and leaders. They all have one common reason for that – corruption! People (even religious leaders and guides) have no character, no principles, no honesty, no compassion and no feelings for others. They are all slaves to their own desires and are all selfishly pursuing the goal of accumulating as much wealth as possible. The pity is that many of them are not even able to enjoy that wealth. They leave it for others and become dust with dust.

The Bible says:

Many will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality. And because of these teachers, the way of truth will be slandered.” - (2 Peter 2:2)

Woe to the sinful nation, a people whose guilt is great, a brood of evildoers, children given to corruption! They have forsaken the Lord.” - (2. Isaiah 1:4)

People who follow the Holy Books honestly and sincerely, are ridiculed, insulted and even physically attacked because of ignorance, hate and Islamophobia. The evil forces have joined hands in their bloody campaign against the godly. Zionists are controlling the world although most people in the world hate them because of their evil-doings for the last 100 years or more. Allah says in the Quran:

O you who believe! There are indeed many

among the priests and anchorites, who in falsehood

devour the substance of men and hinder (them)

from the way of Allah. And there are those who

hoard up gold and silver and spend it not in the

way of Allah. Announce unto them a most grievous

penalty. On the day when it will (all) be heated

in the fire of hell, and their foreheads and their

flanks and their backs will be branded therewith

(and it will be said unto them): Here is that which

you hoarded for yourselves. Now taste of

what you used to hoard.”

(al-Quran 9:34-35)

The Jews and the Christians were warned in the Bible too:

I know that after my death you will become utterly corrupt and will turn from the way I have commanded you to follow. In the days to come, disaster will come down on you, for you will do what is evil in the Lord’s sight, making Him very angry with your actions.” - (Deuteronomy 31:29)

No matter how hurtful and destructive this is, the fact remains that it is temporary – a matter of time. It will be over sooner or later. The Almighty has guaranteed Believers that the eternal guiding light cannot be extinguished by the evil forces.

Fain would they extinguish Allah's light with

their mouths, but Allah will not allow but that

His light should be perfected, even though the

Unbelievers may detest (it).”

(al-Quran 9:32)

The Bible says:

The curse of the Lord is on the house of the wicked, but He blesses the dwelling of the righteous.” - (Proverbs 3:33)

Whatever is happening in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Burma, Sudan, Somalia, etc., is a test for those who claim to be Believers. Allah is testing them as to what they do against injustice, tyranny, aggression, oppression, and unjust invasion of Muslim countries killing thousands of innocent people. Allah asks them in the Quran:

O you who believe! What is the matter with you,

that, when you are asked to go forth in the cause of

Allah, you cling heavily to the earth? Do you prefer

the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the

comfort of this life, as compared with the Hereafter.

Unless you go forth, He will punish you with a

grievous penalty, and put others in your place; but

Him you would not harm in the least. For Allah has

power over all things.”

(al-Quran 9:38-39)

Jesus Christ knew what priests were doing, therefore, he warned all Christians:

You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the World is enmity with God? Therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of the World, makes himself an enemy of God.” - (James 4:40)

We are afraid of the powerful elite because we don’t have the power of Faith (Iman). We lack trust in Allah and that makes us coward. A coward dies a hundred times before death! A man lives by his conscience and principles of humanity, but an animal lives on its survival instinct – no principles. We quote sayings and slogans from famous people in the history but we never learned lessons from the history.

As in the case of those before you, they were

mightier than you in power, and more flourishing

in wealth and children. They had their enjoyment of

their portion; and you have of yours, as did those

before you; and you indulge in idle talk as they did.

They; their work are fruitless in this world and in the

Hereafter, and they will lose (all spiritual good).”

(al-Quran 9:69)


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