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Friday 16 August 2024

YOU DON'T KNOW MY PAKISTAN! Pakistan Independence Day: Corrupt judiciary, inept ...


Pakistan Independence Day

You Don't Know My Pakistan!

Corrupt Judiciary,

Inept Administration &

Munafiq Politicians

Failed Pakistan

(M. Javed Naseem)


O Hypocrite Leaders!

You robbed us of our old age;

you robbed your own children

of their bright future!

In 74 years, you promoted

only corruption, nepotism,

hypocrisy (Munafiqat)

and ignorance (Jahalat)!

You wrongly blame military

for all your evil policies!

Now wait for Allah’s fury

for ridiculing Islam in

your country!

August 14th marks the independence of Pakistan, a so-called Muslim country of more than 200 million people. With the exception of military rule a couple of times, the country’s civilian or ‘democratic’ governments during the last 74 independent years can only present a shameful record of corruption, nepotism, feudal dictatorship, incompetence, lies and deception. Corrupt Judiciary, corrupt Parliament and corrupt civil administration proved year after year that they were all inept, dishonest, unfaithful and incompetent to run a country that was rich in human talent and natural resources. They betrayed the Pakistani nation that fell into their traps again and again, and voted the same thugs and thieves into power who were proven robbers. Those thugs and thieves are morally bankrupt but financially very rich (by looting public money). They love New Pakistan.

Now, who is more at fault – leaders or people? That’s a debatable question.

Pakistan and India let the robbers/thieves run their economy and big businesses without accountability so that their contribution towards national development was Zero! They allowed them to ruin that country’s economy and transfer wealth overseas. In the meantime, the politicians keep fooling their own nation with fake figures (progress).

Today, most Pakistanis are crying because the dishonest rich rulers and corrupt politicians have made their lives miserable. Cost of living and inflation are high; purchasing power of the Rupee is very low. Prices of daily-use commodities are out of control. This is New Pakistan!


(President Muhammad Ayub Khan with Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy)

Golden Era of Pakistan:

Looking back, 1960’s was the golden era of Pakistan in all fields. After 1970, the graph went downwards. When I left Pakistan in 1969 for Germany, I purchased US Dollars from the State Bank of Pakistan, Lahore, at the rate of Rs.4.75 per dollar. Yes! I repeat: Pak Rs.4.75 to a dollar. And today? I am ashamed to mention it that it has been around Rs.300.oo (more or less) for many years.

When I traveled to Europe with Green Copy (Pakistan passport) and I felt so happy and special that I did not require any visa for any European country, except the Communist Bulgaria and Switzerland. But even in Bulgaria, I was granted visa at the port of entry for $5.00 fee. The only other visa I needed was of Afghanistan. Europe was so friendly and welcoming for Pakistanis. Those days, Pakistan was a like a brand name! PIA was among the top airlines of the world.


In my Pakistan, US Dollar was worth Rs.4.75,

British Pound was worth Rs.9.50, Sugar was

Rs.1.50 per kg (ser), Butter Oil (Desi Ghee)

was Rs.4.50 per kg/ser, Daal Chana was Rs.0.50

per kg/ser, Milk was Rs.0.50 per Litre/ser,

Yoghurt was Rs.0.75 per kg/ser, Tandoori

Roti was Rs.0.10 per loaf (Rs.0.25 in the 1970s).

No visa for 90% of the West European countries!


In New York city, I met an American lady doctor, an eye specialist. She told me she had fond memories of Pakistan as she got her professional medical training and internship in a Pakistani hospital in the cornea transplant surgery.

Pakistan Helped Japan:

Sir Zafar Ullah Khan, Pakistan's Foreign Minister, was the first Asian at the time to preside over the UN General Assembly and the International Court of Justice. He supported the application of Japan for entry into the United Nations. Few would know that the only Head of State ever to be received at the airport by the Emperor of Japan, Hirohito, himself, was the President of Pakistan, Ayub Khan.

When the Japanese peace treaty was signed at San Francisco in 1951, Pakistan was described as the ‘Tower of Strength’ by the U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles.

Japan partnered with Pakistan in their initial growth seeking supplier's credit from Pakistan. Pakistan played a significant role during 1947-51 in lifting the Occupation and restoration of Japan's sovereignty. Pakistan waived off war reparations to Japan to help build its economy.

After the Second World War, Japan was in shambles as its economy was destroyed. Pakistan came to the forefront again and shipped 60,000 tons of rice to Japan in the 1950’s to meet the acute shortage of food in Japan caused by the war. The shipment read: ‘Donated Rice to the Emperor of Japan by the Government of Pakistan’.

Pakistan Helped Germany:

By 1953, Germany also had debts based on reconstruction loans made immediately after the end of the Second World War. Germany’s creditors included Greece, Spain, Pakistan and Egypt, as well as the US, UK and France.

In 1963, under President Ayub Khan, Pakistan dished out Rs.120 million loan to Germany, the largest European economy today, for a period of 20 years. At that time, the parity of the then Deutsche Mark was below the Pakistani Rupee. As per the Gazette notification of Pakistan in the 1950’s, the value of British Pound Sterling was Rs.9.50, US $3.50 and with all European currencies below par with even German Mark at Pak Rs.0.75. Pakistan was one of the strongest economies of the world. Pakistan's economy in the 1950s and 1960s was among the fastest growing in the world and the most recognized in Asia.

Pakistan Helped South Korea:

The war-torn South Korea consulted Pakistan and it was the Planning Commission of Pakistan with Dr. Mahboob-ul Haq, which helped them with their development plans. South Korea is now one of the world’s largest economies.

Pakistan Helped U.A.Emirates:

Pakistan helped the desert Emirates (the old Gulf States) with construction of its infra-structure and establishing an airline (Emirates Airlines). Its first flight was from Dubai to Karachi.

Pakistan Helped Many Countries:

Pakistan helped Malaysia too when the constitutional experts from Pakistan extended their assistance in preparing the Malaysian constitution. Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and other countries in the region, all looked up to Pakistan for cooperation in different fields ranging from economic to defense collaboration.


Pakistan’s educational institutions and universities were held in high esteem by all Asian, African, Middle Eastern and even European countries. Egyptians, Indonesians, Iranians, Arabian and African students considered themselves very honored to get admission into Pakistani universities.

That was my Pakistan and I miss it. I doubt if any present leader is capable of bringing back its lost glory to Pakistan. Now, Pakistan is occupied by the hypocrites (Munafiqeen) who call the corrupt, dishonest and anti-Islam politicians ‘Shaheed’ (martyrs). They are ridiculing Islam in an Islamic Republic. No wonder they are being disgraced even by the Arab Bedouine.

And then they brought Alibaba & his 40-thieves – Bhutto and his gangsters – to rule that Pakistan. The results were disastrous – politically, financially, spiritually, socially and nationally! People are naive and pitiable. They are not true Pakistanis! They belong to Mohajir/Local groups, Bihari, Bengali, Punjabi, Balochi, Sindhi, Pashtoon groups; Anjuman-e-Araaian, Rajpootan, Dogran, Jattan, Gujjaran, Kashmirian, etc., etc. They support people who demand separation and more provinces on ethnic basis (breaking up Pakistan). They help terrorists to carry out bomb explosions, blow up schools and kill innocent citizens. And on Facebook pages, they claim to be ‘proud’ Pakistanis? What a shame!

Every day, Muslims are being killed and tortured all over the world but they do nothing except sharing a picture or a stupid post on FB, blaming one politician or the other. They are like a herd of sheep controlled by vicious dogs/wolves; a talented nation taken hostage by ignorant and corrupt thugs; a rich country ruled by armed robbers and feudal thieves!

Tell me New Pakistan! What’s your national character? Is it based on Islamic or Hindu or Western values?


Google research tells me that most people watching sex or pornographic videos/films on the internet are Muslims from Pakistan! So, you have lost your dignity, integrity and morals too! I am showing you the mirror and am sure you won’t like it. I don’t like it either!

Whatever is going on in the name of Islam and Pakistan in that land, can only be deplored. I am sick and tired of lies and deception. You are lying to Allah too. If you can’t change that, wait for Azaab-e-Elahi (wrath of God). If you are unable to bring to justice the corrupt politicians, corrupt judges and corrupt administrators, you are responsible for your own plight. Now wait for Allah’s justice! I am hurt and am waiting too.


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