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Friday 2 August 2024

EVERYTHING IN UNIVERSE Glorifies Allah, The Almighty.

Everything In Universe

Glorifies Allah, The Almighty;

Only Humans Are Ungrateful

(M. Javed Naseem)

Whatever is in the heavens and whatever

is on the earth glorifies Allah. For He is

the Almighty, All-Wise.”

(al-Quran 59:1)

Everything in the heavens, on the earth and in between, glorifies Allah, the Supreme Creator, the Cherisher and the Sustainer of all. The only creation that strays and falters, is the Humans and the Jinn. Those are the two that are given a choice, liberty and freedom. Hence the abuse! They like to enjoy life on earth but forget that the Supreme Creator has some rights on us. Allah has created us; we are His subjects and He does not like disobedience from His subjects. He bless us with countless bounties and in return we should be at least grateful and glorify Him.

Ask them, (O Prophet), 'Who is the Lord of the

heavens and the earth?” Say, 'Allah!' Ask them,

'Why then have you taken besides Him lords who

cannot even benefit or protect themselves?' Say,

'Can the blind and the sighted be equal? Or can

darkness and light be equal?' Or have they associated

with Allah partners who ˹supposedly˺ produced a

creation like His, leaving them confused between

the two creations? Say, 'Allah is the Creator of all

things, and He is the One, the Supreme.'”

(al-Quran 13:16)

Man is full of hypocrisy. When you ask him about his Creator, he would mention God (or Allah) right away. But when it comes to pay the due, he starts beating about the bush, looking for one excuse or the other. Then there are those shameless who don’t have any excuse. They try to rationalize and justify their sinful disobedience. They take shelter in philosophy. They know very well that it was disobedience to Allah that got Satan (the Devil) expelled from Paradise.

There is a modern group of Unbelievers (or atheists) who are dishonest but clever enough to copy the basic principles of equality and social justice of Islam and present them (even to the Muslims) as a “secular’ agenda! They are playing games to their own benefit. They cannot fool people who have the knowledge, they are fooling themselves or the ignorant. Allah is watching them as they are on trial too.

Indeed, those who reject Allah's revelations

will have a severe punishment; and Allah is

Exalted in Might, the Owner of Retribution.”

(al-Quran 3:4)

All power and authority belongs to Allah the Almighty – the Supreme Creator of the universe. Man has been created weak but he tries to play God by abusing power and spreading corruption on the earth. Power means responsibility. When a man is given authority, he is actually given a great responsibility to take care of his fellow humans so that they don't suffer. If they suffer, the man responsible would be held accountable. Whenever humans as given responsibility, they take it as 'authority' or 'power' over others and start ruling them as if they were slaves. That misconception creates all kinds of problems. To avoid that, and to remind humans that there is God above, Allah created death and diseases. Humans only remember Allah when they are in trouble.

Blessed is the One in Whose Hands rests

all authority. And He is Most Capable of

everything. He is the One Who created

death and life in order to test which

of you is best in deeds. And He is

the Almighty, All-Forgiving.”

(al-Quran 67:1-2)

There are signs of Allah’s Creation everywhere, around us, on us, below us, within us and above us in the skies. Only the deniers cannot see them (because they don’t want to see them). Denying these signs means denying or rejecting Allah, and those who deny or reject Him, their abode is Hellfire. How in your right mind can you revolt against your Creator? The equation is very simple. It is 'tit for tat'. If we remember Allah, He will remember us and bless us.

So remember Me; I will remember you!

And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me!”

(al-Quran 2:152)

Power or authority not only makes man corrupt but also arrogant. It is very difficult to remain humble while having authority or power over others. One feels superior and above others; even above law. And that's what causes his downfall. Belonging to big families or famous clans and having lots of wealth cannot avail man against his sins or crimes. He needs to follow the guidelines or the path revealed to him by his Creator, for a successful life. But man measures his success by the scale of wealth and family clout.

Those who reject Faith, neither their possessions

nor their children will avail them aught against

Allah. They are themselves but fuel for the Fire.”

(al-Quran 3:10)

Allah invites us to ponder over His signs; he tells us to think and reflect; use our brains and intellect. Today, when modern scientific research is exploring the universe, unearthing the secrets and producing the undeniable solid evidence to the fact that God (Allah) exists and He is the One Who is running the show, there is no logic or reason to deny Him. All power, glory and praise is due to Him. So why don’t we think; why don’t we reflect?

And He has subjected to you, as from

Him, all that is in the heavens and on

earth. Behold, in that are Signs indeed

for those who reflect.”

(al-Quran 45:13)

Here are a few verses (42-45) of Surah an-Noor (the Light) from the Holy Quran for your review. Hopefully you’ll see the light and get the guidance. Insha-Allah.

Yeah, to Allah belongs the dominion

of the heavens and the earth; and to Allah

is the final return (of all).”

(al-Quran 24:42)

“See you not that Allah makes the clouds

move gently, then joins them together, then

makes them into a heap? Then will you see

rain issue forth from their midst. And He

sends down from the sky mountain masses

(of clouds) wherein is hail. He strikes therewith

whom He pleases and He turns it away from

whom He pleases; the vivid flash of His

lightning well-nigh blinds the sight.”

(al-Quran 24:43)

“It is Allah Who alternates the Night and

the Day. Verily in these things is an instructive

example for those who have vision!”

(al-Quran 24:44)

”And Allah has created every animal from

water. Of them there are some that creep

on their bellies; some that walk on two

legs; and some that walk on four. Allah

creates what He wills, for verily,

Allah has power over all things.”

(al-Quran 24:45)

We are supposed to glorify the name of Allah through His remembrance and prayer. It was an obligation for the previous nations (Jews and Christians) and by the same token it’s an obligation for us Muslims too. Even the preconditions are the same: Honesty, sincerity and devotion.


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