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Friday 5 July 2024


When You Pray,

You Whisper With God!

"Seek (Allah’s) Help In Patience

And Prayer!" -- (Al-Quran)

(M. Javed Naseem)

This is the Book! In it is guidance sure, without

doubt, to those who fear Allah; who believe in the

unseen; are steadfast in prayer; and spend out of

what We have provided for them; and who believe

in the Revelation sent to you, and sent before your

time; and (in their hearts) have the assurance of the

Hereafter. They are on (true) guidance from their

Lord, and it is those who will prosper.”

(al-Quran 2:2-5

Prayer is an integral part of the ‘Deen’ (religion) and is the best way to show Allah the gratitude and appreciation for all the favors and blessings He has bestowed upon us in this world. When you are praying, you are whispering with God. Praying has many physical as well as spiritual benefits. Allah says that prayer restrains us from evil and sin.

Jesus On Prayer:

Prophet Jesus, the son of Mary, told his disciples how to pray to God. Here is an excerpt from the Bible (the Gospel of Barnabas), Chapters 36-37:

Then Jesus said: ‘Truly I say to you, that he who makes not prayer, is more wicked than Satan, and shall suffer greater torments.’ Even as of such spoke the prophet David: “The fool has said in his heart, there is no God. Therefore are they corrupt and become abominable, without one of them doing good.”

Make prayer unceasingly, O my disciples, in order that you may receive! For he who seeks finds, and he who knocks to him it is opened, and he who asks receives. And in your prayer do not look to much speaking, for God looks on the heart; as he said through Solomon: “O my servant, give me your heart.”

Truly I say to you, that very few make true prayer, and therefore Satan has power over them, because God wills not those who honour him with their lips; who in the Temple ask (with) their lips for mercy, and their heart cries out for justice. Even as he says to Isaiah the prophet, saying:

Take away this people that is irksome to me, because with their lips they honour me, but their heart is far from me.” Truly I say to you, that he that goes to make prayer without consideration mocks God.… Yet no less does the man who goes to make prayer and prepares not himself. He turns his back to God and his face to Satan, and speaks well of him. For in his heart is the love of iniquity, whereof he has not repented. If one, having injured you, should with his lips say to you, “Forgive me”, and with his hands should strike you a blow, how would you forgive him? Even so shall God have mercy on those who with their lips say:

Lord, have mercy on us”, and with their heart love iniquity and think on fresh sins.”

The disciples wept at the words of Jesus and besought him, saying: “Lord, teach us to make prayer.” Jesus answered: “Consider what you would do if the Roman governor seized you to put you to death, and that same do you when you go to make prayer. And let your words be these:

O Lord our God, hallowed be your holy name, your kingdom come in us, your will be done always, and as it is done in heaven so be it done in earth; give us the bread for every day, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive them that sin against us, and suffer us not to fall into temptations, but deliver us from evil, for you are alone our God, to whom pertains glory and honour for ever.”

Holy Quran On Prayer:

You just read what Jesus said about prayers. Allah commanded Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and the believers to establish prayer. Here is a verse from the Holy Quran:

Recite what is sent of the Book by

inspiration to you, and establish regular

prayer; for prayer restrains from shameful

and unjust deeds; and remembrance of

Allah is the greatest (thing in life)

without doubt. And Allah knows

the (deeds) that you do.”

(al-Quran 29:45)

Allah, Who has created us, tells us that the greatest (or the best) thing in this worldly life is to remember Allah. And the best way to remember Allah is prayer and supplication. We must glorify Him as much as possible because He is the Creator of heavens and earth, and everything between them. He wants us to be consistent and steadfast in our prayers. This is an obligation that cannot be ignored:ً

And establish regular prayers at

the two ends of the day and at the

approaches of the night: For those

things, that are good remove those

that are evil: Be that the word of

remembrance to those who

remember (their Lord).”

(al-Quran 11:114)

Every good deed is beneficial to human beings; and so is the prayer. Those who remember Allah with their prayers, they’ll have no worries. There ‘shall be neither fear nor grief’ for them.ِ

Those who believe, and do deeds

of righteousness, and establish regular

prayers and regular charity, will have

their reward with their Lord; on them

shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.”

(al-Quran 2:277)


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