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Friday 19 July 2024

ALLAH WON'T CHANGE YOUR CONDITION Unless You Change First What's In Your Heart!


Change Begins At Home

Allah Won’t Change Your Condition

Unless You Change First

What’s In Your Heart!

Muslim leaders have betrayed

their nations and brought misery

to the Muslim Ummah.

(M. Javed Naseem)

Muslims all over the world are going through turmoil and hard trials. Their leaders, in general, have betrayed them and brought misery to their lives despite all the money (petro-dollars) in the world. No Muslim leader is sincerely and honestly doing anything for Muslim Ummah. We have been whining and complaining for years but nobody has done anything to change the condition of Muslims. Our leaders are enjoying power and happy lives. They are least concerned about the daily life of a common Muslim living in their own country or abroad. We make no effort to change the plight of the Ummah and pray that Allah improve our situation. But Allah has already shown us the way:

Lo! Allah changes not the condition of

a people until they (first) change that

which is in their hearts…”

(al-Quran 13:11)

Let’s not allow these tragedies and mishaps or conspiracies stop us from moving forward! Just learn your lesson from them and move on with a new resolve! Life goes on and time never stops for any one. But time never forgives those who don’t learn their lesson. Open the history books and see the proof! Every nation goes through trials and tests but their honest and sincere leaders lead them to prosperity and success after sacrifices. Today, most people are driven by their lusts and personal interests. Their ambitions have made them blind and they cannot see beyond their own interests. Allah the Almighty does not guide such folks. On the contrary, they are warned of severe punishment. Wrong-doing or misguided people become fuel of the Hellfire.

But if they hearken not to you, know that

they only follow their own lusts: and who is

more astray than one who follow his own lusts,

devoid of guidance from Allah? For Allah

guides not the wrong-doing people.”

(al-Quran 28:50)

Today, the relations are judged on the scale of material ‘interest’. Everything is motivated by personal, political or financial interest. People go for material benefits. There are parents in this world who sell their children; some send their daughters to prostitution; some kill them. There are children who are only interested in their parents’ wealth and property; they don’t respect or serve them; there are those who even kill them. It’s like dogs fighting over bones. Values have changed because of the Devil’s education that promotes fake freedom, fake democracy and fake concept of success. In fact, it is the materialism that has been given some fancy names to fool the young generation. This is the End Time!

Different groups of people are criticizing each other and playing the blame game. Some are blaming it on the Evil Empire (US-UK-EU-Israel) and are claiming that they have installed puppets in power in Muslim countries. There are general ignorant people who are plainly accusing the West (US-UK-EU) for all the upheaval and bloodshed in the Muslim world. No matter what the situation is or the conditions are, the fact remains that no foreign power or element can do anything harmful to another nation unless and until the local people collaborate. Those locals sell their conscience and do the evil (terrorist) work against their own countrymen. They are the Munafiqeen (hypocrites) who are doing more damage to their own countries and nations.

These days, everybody is talking of change; but the change comes from within. Change starts from home. Everybody has to start changing himself/herself before he/she sets out to change the country or the world. If you try to change for better, the Merciful Allah will help you change your circumstances and your country. You have to take the first step and make an effort.

Allah’s help is there fore everybody but everybody should know how to ask Allah for help. If you want Allah answer your prays, you need to qualify first. And what is that qualification? Obedience! Yes, obedience to Allah. You have to show Allah honestly and sincerely that you submit to Him and surrender to His Will. Show your loyalty to your Creator! There is NO other way to get help from Allah the Most Merciful. Fortunately, the guidance/help is still there for those who seek it.


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