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Friday 21 June 2024



Choosing Allah Or

The Devil (Satan)

As Your Guide

Is Like Choosing

Paradise Or Hellfire

In The Hereafter

(M. Javed Naseem)

And yet among men there are such
as dispute about Allah, without
knowledge, and follow every evil
one obstinate in rebellion! About
the (evil one) it is decreed that
whoever turns to him for friendship,

guide him to the penalty of the Fire.”
(al-Quran 22:3-4

Prophet Jesus, the son of Mary, said:

No man can in any wise serve two masters that are at enmity one with the other; for if the one shall love you, the other will hate you. Even so I tell you in truth that ye cannot serve God and the world for the world lies in falsehood, covetousness, and malignity. Ye cannot therefore find rest in the world, but rather persecution and loss. Wherefore serve God and despise the world, for from me ye shall find rest for your souls. Hear my words for I speak unto you in truth.” (Gospel of Barnabas).

The Devil is very powerful and can influence humans easily. He puts silly ideas in human minds; whispers in their ears; and people accept them without questioning. When Devil was expelled from the heavens, he said that he’ll misguide humans and send the sons of Adam astray to prove his point that humans are evil-doers; they create mischief in the Earth. So far, he has been very successful. It has always been a small minority of humans who remain faithful servants to their Lord, the Creator. The majority get carried away.

Allah sent His Messengers to the world to guide humans to choose the right path. They all promoted and preached Islam – the Faith Allah chose for the mankind. Those who, after receiving the true guidance from the Prophets, knowingly make the wrong choices and defy Allah and His Messengers,

they earn the wrath of Allah. All those people who follow the Pagan teachings and customs, make that category. They are not true believers. The Almighty warns us:

If anyone contends with the Messenger

even after guidance has been plainly

conveyed to him, and follows a path

other than that becoming to men of

Faith, We shall leave him in the path

he has chosen, and land him in

Hell – what an evil refuge!”

(al-Quran 4:115)

There’s a clear choice – either the ways of Allah or the ways of the Devil! One path leads to Heaven and the other leads to Hell. You become the friend of Allah or the friend of Satan. There is no middle way, there is no gray area. It’s all black and white – clear, very clear! It is up to us to choose the ‘light’ or the ‘darkness’. When we make our own choices, we have no right to complain or whine. Everything has been fully explained to us. It is our duty to investigate and research before making a choice. Still, if we call on our Creator, He guides us and helps us; Satan does not – and cannot -- help us in any situation! Allah tells us clearly:

They invoke in His stead only females; they

pray to none else than Satan, a rebel whom

Allah cursed, and he said: Surely I will take

of Thy bondmen an appointed portion, and surely

I will lead them astray, and surely I will arouse

desires in them, and surely I will

command them and they will cut the

cattle’s ears, and surely I will command

them and they will change Allah’s

creation. Whoso chooses Satan for a

patron instead of Allah is verily a loser

and his loss is manifest.”

(al-Quran 4:117-119)

The term and the concept of ‘those who try to change Allah’s creation’ (reshape or reform/deform creatures) has a very large scope. It covers all those ‘masterpieces’ of genetic engineering and mutilated genes. All those scientists and engineers fooling around with human/animal DNA or genes and promoting stem-cell technology to serve humanity, fall into that category. They are trying to create a ‘super’ or a ‘perfect’ human being. And until they achieve this objective, they will keep lying to people about their true intentions. Just like those who developed ‘atom bomb for peace and service to humanity’, and were the first ones to use it too, to destroy humanity. Now they don’t want others to acquire that capability. Man becomes a monster evil when befriended with Devil! He kills humans to serve humanity, and destroys God’s creation to establish God’s Kingdom on earth! What a logic?

It is the Faith alone that can save humanity from destruction and bring peace. And the only faith acceptable to Allah is Islam as it was the Creator Himself who designed that for us. Islam is the Truth from Allah and He created the universe in Truth. So, Islam has been declared as the Faith of the universe – the Faith of His Creation! He warns us:ُ

And whoever seeks a religion other

than Islam, it will never be accepted

of him, and in the Hereafter

he will be one of the losers.”

(al-Quran 3:85)

We need to bring Allah back into our lives otherwise it is all lost. We are suffering not because the guidance did not reach us, but because we are ignorant and stubborn. We are reluctant to accept the truth and repent. Here is a very stern warning from our Lord:

Those who reject Faith and keep off

(men) from the way of Allah, have

verily strayed far, far away from the

Path. Those who reject Faith and do

wrong, Allah will not forgive them

nor guide them to any way – except

the way of Hell, to dwell therein

for ever. And this to Allah is easy.”

(al-Quran 4:167-169)


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