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Friday 7 June 2024

ALLAH IS RAHMAN & RAHEEM. "Your Lord has prescribed mercy for Himself."


Allah Is Rahman & Raheem

(The Benevolent, The Merciful)

Your Lord has prescribed

mercy for Himself.


(M. Javed Naseem)

When we start something positive and good, we start by saying: “In the name of Allah, the Benevolent, the Most Merciful.” The Most-Merciful Allah is Wise and Knower of everything. He knows human beings very well because He is the One Who created them. He knew that most people would not listen to His messengers and would follow Satan (the devil). Still He commanded the messengers to deliver His message and do their job. He says in the Quran:

You can only warn him who follows

the Reminder (the Quran), and fears

the Most Beneficent (Rahman) unseen.

Bear you to such one the glad tidings

of forgiveness, and a generous

reward (i.e. Paradise).”

(al-Quran 36:11)

Generally, the prophets were chosen from the modest families. They impressed people with their exemplary conduct, good moral character, honest dealings and humble talk. They never impressed others with their wealth, material possessions or status. That was the reason that the most influential or powerful people of their times did not listen to them and opposed the message they brought. They did not consider them ‘important’ as important for them were the tribal leaders, the rich and wealthy. Allah refers to that in the Holy Quran:

They (people of the town) said:

You are only human beings like

ourselves, and the Most Beneficent

(Rahman) has revealed nothing;

you are only telling lies.”

(al-Quran 36:15)

Allah wants humans to believe in Him as He gives them the proof of His might, grace, power, capability, mercy and forgiveness. He does not ask for ‘blind faith’. He wants us to reflect upon His Creation, His signs, His revelations and His message that He conveyed through His messengers. He

asked us many times in the Quran: “Why don’t you think?” or “Why don’t you reflect?” or “Why don’t you ponder upon the verses of the Quran?” He wants us to believe in Him using reason and logic, not the blind faith, as most Mullahs would emphasize. The Almighty asks:

Who has created the seven heavens one above

another? You can see no fault in the creations

of the Most Beneficent (Rahman). Then

look again! Can you see any rifts?”

(al-Quran 67:3)

Do we ponder over His miraculous Creation? Do we ever think about heavens and the earth and whatever is in- between? Do we reflect upon ourselves? When we walk around in His universe, do we ask ourselves: ‘Who created all that and what for what purpose?’ Or ‘What is the purpose of my creation? What am I suppose to do in this world? And if that is not enough, he asks again:َ

Do they not see the birds above them,

spreading out their wings and folding

them in? None upholds them except

the Most Beneficent (Rahman). Verily,

He is the All-seer of everything.”

(al-Quran 67-19)

The Almighty wants to convince us with reason and logic because He has created us as intelligent beings. There are hundreds of verses in the Holy Quran on this subject with better examples, but I have selected only those wherein Allah refers to Himself as Rahman, hence the title of this article. He is the One Who helps and supports His faithful slaves in times of trial:ْ

Who is he besides the Most Beneficent

(Rahman) that can be an army to you to help you?

The disbelievers are in nothing but delusion.”

(al-Quran 67:20)

Allah is the Supreme Creator. There are millions of signs of his might, mercy and generosity that we humans, as intelligent being, cannot ignore. Despite all those signs, revelations and proofs, if someone is still in doubt and does not believe in Him, then he is in error:

Say: He is the Most Beneficent

(Rahman), in Him we believe, and

in Him we put our trust. So you

will come to know who is it that

is in manifest error.”

(al-Quran 67:29)

For such a person, who gives a deaf ear or a blind eye to the signs of the Almighty, there is no guidance. When he turns away from Allah, Allah also turns away from him. Therefore, he continues living in delusion or sin.ِ Allah’s guidance is the light that destroys the darkness of ignorance. That guidance is available to all human beings free of charge; but you have to seek it and strive for it. It cannot be given to you without any effort on your part. And those who ignore the signs of Allah and don’t seek guidance, they are left in their ignorance and arrogance.

And whosoever turns away (blinds

himself) from the remembrance of the Most

Beneficent (Rahman), We appoint for him Satan

(the Devil) to be an intimate companion to him.”

(al-Quran 43:36)

All good comes from Allah and all virtues lead to Him. His compassion has no limits. Allah is Infinite Mercy. His kindness and mercy encompasses everything. It’s boundless. He declares it in the Holy Quran:

Your Lord has written Mercy
for Himself.”

(al-Quran 6:54)

Another translation says: “Your Lord has prescribed mercy for Himself.” Here is the complete verse:

When those who believe in Our Ayat
(proofs, evidences, verses, lessons,
signs, revelations, etc.) come to you,
say: Salamun Alaikum (peace &
blessings be on you); your Lord has
written Mercy for Himself, so that,
if any of you does evil in ignorance and
thereafter repents and does righteous
good deeds (by obeying Allah, then
surely He is Oft-Forgiving,
Most Merciful.”
(al-Quran 6:54)

Allah the Almighty warns people of His punishment but at the same time He is merciful to them too and provides them with food to eat, water to drink, air to breathe and an environment that sustains. Imagine that certain people don’t even believe in Him the way they should; they don’t even thank Him but He still gives them provision and grants them life. That is Raheem, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

He said: (as to) My punishment,
I afflict therewith whom I will, and
My Mercy embraces all things.”
(al-Quran 7:156)


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