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Friday 24 May 2024

GLORIFY ALLAH'S NAME If You Want To Escape The Hellfire!



Glorify Allah's Name

If You Want To Escape

The Hellfire!

(M. Javed Naseem)


Lo! In the creation of the heavens and

the earth and (in) the difference of night

and day are tokens (of His Sovereignty)

for men of understanding.”

(al-Quran 3:190)

Allah the Almighty created us and before that He created the universe with all things in it. To Him belong the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them. Being His creation, it is only natural that we pay thanks to Him because He keeps bestowing upon us His blessings and bounties. He is the Best Provider. Praising the Almighty and thanking Him for all the blessings is due upon us without any argument. In the Quran, Allah promises us that if we thank Him, He will give us more. Therefore, it is only logical and reasonable that we glorify His name day in and day out. We need Him in our lives all the time, seven days a week. Without His mercy, we would be ruined and without His guidance, we would be lost.

Allah the Almighty likes those of us who are righteous and try to live their lives according to the Book of Allah. They are mindful of right and wrong, good and evil. They are the ones who always glorify the Most Merciful Allah, in every situation. Allah says in the Quran:

They remember Allah, standing, sitting,

and reclining, and consider the creation

of the heavens and the earth, (and say):

Our Lord! You created not this in vain.

Glory be to You! Preserve us

from the doom of Fire.”

(al-Quran 3:191)

Once, the army of the Prophet of Allah, Sulaiman – or Solomon – (a.s.), was passing through a valley. There were Jinns and Humans in his flanks, and the birds in the air were casting their shadows to protect them from the heat of the sun. A pious man was passing by and saw that magnificent view of Solomon's grandeur and majesty. He stopped and said to Prophet Sulaiman (a.s.):


Vow! Allah has blessed you with such a big kingdom and you even rule over Jinns, humans, beasts and cattle, animals and birds.”

Prophet Sulaiman (a.s.) smiled and replied:One word of Subhan-Allah” in the Record of Deeds of a Muslim, is better than this whole kingdom of Sulaiman. Because this kingdom is going to perish one day, but the reward ofSubhan-Allah” is going to stay for ever.”

Allah-o-Akber! What an assessment! All glory be to Allah! There is nothing better, bigger and more beneficial for us in the entire universe than the glory and praise of the Almighty Allah. We should be grateful to Him for all the blessings He bestows upon us despite our faults and sins.

Scholars have quoted many references from the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)

and concluded that the best words to utter (Kalima) as Zikr” (or Dhikr) areSubhan Allah, Alhamdo-lillah” andAllaho-Akber. The scholars of all four schools of thoughts also unanimously agree on the notion that the best Kalima (word or phrase) for Zikr (Dhikr) during the day or night, which is very easy and light on the tongue, but would be heavier in the scale of good deeds on the Day of Judgment, is:

Subhan-Allah wa-behamdeh,

Subhan-Allah il-Azeem.

The more you recite, the more rewards you get for your Hereafter. It is recommended that you recite it at least 100 times everyday, if not more. Some people recite it 100 times after each prayer (Salaat). If you cannot do that, then at least recite it after Fajr and Isha prayers. This phrase is considered very dear and favorite to Allah the Almighty.

Allah will shower His mercy upon you, Insha-Allah.

Establish worship at the going down of the sun

until the dark of night, and (the recital of) the

Quran at dawn. Lo! (the recital of) the Quran

at dawn is ever witnessed.”

(al-Quran 17:78)

Allah tells us in the Quran that we should always be 'mindful' of Him; fear His wrath and anger; and be grateful to Him in all situations, under all circumstances. Sometimes, it is very hard to do that but we have no choice. You can take or bear something with a smile or with a frown. Only smile looks not only better on our face but it also earns rewards for you in the Hereafter. It is a 'Hasanah' or 'Sadaqah'. The other thing is that we cannot change our situation but Allah can, as He is able to do everything. Our job is to do good, and He will reward us with a great prize or compensation.

Is the reward of good anything but good?”

(al-Quran 55:60)

Here is a beautiful excerpt from the Sufi works of Maulana Rumi: 

This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.


Welcome and entertain them all! 

Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,

who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture;

 Still, treat each guest honorably.

He may be clearing you out, for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,

meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent

as a guide from beyond.”


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