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Friday 17 May 2024

ALLAH PROTECTS THE RIGHTEOUS. Those Who Fail To Hear or See The Truth ...


The Story of Noah

Allah Protects The Righteous.

Those Who Fail To Hear

Or See The Truth,

Will Be Punished

(M. Javed Naseem)

They will never frustrate Allah on earth,

and they will have no protector besides Allah.

Their punishment will be multiplied, for

they failed to hear or see the truth.”

(al-Quran 2:20)

Noah was chosen by Allah as a Prophet for his nation. He told his people that there was no other deity worthy of worship except God, Who is One and Only. Therefore, they should stop worshiping all those gods and idols otherwise they would face the fury of God and would be punished. He asked his people to serve Allah, keep their duty unto Him and obey Him. He would forgive their sins and might give them respite until an appointed term. He advised them to repent and seek pardon of their Almighty Lord as He was surely ever-Forgiving. 

The people, when they heard the message, started laughing. They ridiculed and humiliated Noah. They challenged him to bring out whatever punishment he was referring to. They did not take him seriously and refused to abandon the religious practices of their forefathers. The leaders of tribes and the elders of the community told Noah that he was just an ordinary man, like others. They did not believe that he was a Prophet of God as they did not see anything special in him. Some of them even accused him of being an impostor. It was very frustrating for Noah but he continued to do his duty. He kept on delivering the Divine message, warning people of grave consequences if they did not believe in Allah. He said:

O my people! I am not asking of you any money or any reward. My reward is with Allah. I am just a warner. I am not going to thrust away those who believe. One day all of you are going to meet your Lord, the Creator. But I see a lot of ignorant people among you. I am not claiming that I have treasures of Allah, nor I have the knowledge of the Unseen. I am not saying that I am an angel. Don’t misunderstand me. I have a clear message from Allah. Worship Him, obey Him and don’t scorn or talk bad of those who believe in God. Allah knows best what is in your hearts.”

The leaders of the tribes said: “O Noah! You have disputed with us. We don’t accept what you say. Now, you bring upon us that (punishment) which you have been threatening us with. We want to see how truthful you are.”

Noah replied: “Only Allah will bring it upon you, if and when He will, and you will, by no means, be able to escape. So, repent and seek His forgiveness and He would bless you with wealth and sons.”

The people, however, refused to listen to him and every time he wanted to talk to them they put their fingers in their ears, or covered their heads, and walked away. They continued to oppose him. Their elders and leaders started telling people not to abandon their existing gods and stop listening to Noah.

The situation got very frustrating for Noah. Eventually, out of desperation, he told Allah that He had conveyed the divine message to them but nobody listened. They opposed him, insulted him and refused to hear anything about One God. Therefore, he begged Allah to punish them so that they could learn a lesson.

Disobedience to Allah can cut off your blood

relations. Noah lost his disobedient son because

he didn’t submit to the will of Allah.

God consoled Noah and told him not to be distressed. He then commanded him to build a ship (ark). Allah said: “Build the ship under Our Eyes and by Our Inspiration, and speak not unto Me on behalf of those people who do wrong. Lo! They will be drowned.”

As Noah was constructing the ark, the elders as well as the people, whenever they passed by, mocked him. Noah told them not to mock him as they were themselves going to be mocked. They were in for a ‘lasting doom’. They would see who was going to have the last laugh.

Then came the Hour that Allah had decreed. The waters gushed forth and flooded the earth. Noah was told to load two of each kind (male and female) of all living creatures, his family and all the believers, who were not many in number. Even Noah’s own son refused to board the ark. Noah said:
“O my son! Come ride with us and be not the one with the disbelievers.”
But his son replied: “No. I will climb the mountain and that will save me from the water.”
Noah cried out to his son: “This day nobody can protect anybody from the wrath of Allah except those who receive mercy from Allah.”

Noah called out to his Lord, saying, “My Lord!

Certainly my son is ˹also˺ of my family, Your promise

is surely true, and You are the most just of all judges!”

(al-Quran 11: 45)

Allah replied, ‘O Noah! He is certainly not of your

family—he was entirely of unrighteous conduct. So,

do not ask Me about what you have no knowledge of!

I warn you so you do not fall into ignorance.”

(al-Quran 11:46)

Then the mighty waves, as high as mountains, came gushing forth and swallowed Noah’s son along with all the non-believers. The evil-doers met their doom. Thus the disbelievers and their towns were destroyed. When Allah’s commandment was fulfilled and the water subsided, Noah’s ark came to rest upon a mountain called ‘Al-Judi’.

It was said, ‘O Noah! Disembark with Our peace

and blessings on you and some of the descendants

of those with you. As for the others, We will

allow them ˹a brief˺ enjoyment, then they will be

touched with a painful punishment from Us.”

(al-Quran 11:48)

Noah prayed and thanked God; then asked for His forgiveness. This is briefly how the story of Prophet Noah and his nation has been narrated in the Quran for the information of the last Prophet (Mohammad, s.a.w.) and his followers called Muslims. Allah says:

This is one of the stories of the unseen, which we

reveal to you, O Prophet. Neither you nor your

people knew it before this. So be patient! Surely,

the ultimate outcome belongs only to the righteous.”

(al-Quran 11:49)

Noah and his people in the ark landed safely. God granted them grace and His bounties. And they flourished in the earth. Life on earth started anew with the landing of Noah’s ark. It restarted with a handful of people, animals and birds and then multiplied into millions, as we see them today.

(From the verses of the Quran, Surah Hud or Houd (Chapter 11).


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