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Friday 12 March 2021

MANUFACTURED WEATHER Is The New Lethal Weapon Besides Bio-tech.


Weather Warfare

Manufactured Weather Is

The New Lethal Weapon

Besides Bio-technology

(M. Javed Naseem)

For Total Power, Total Control,

And Hegemony of The World,

Geo-engineering is a Primary

Tool Used by The U.S.

It's brutal out there! Man has become the worst and the biggest beast in the world. He is destroying not only the planet earth but also the atmosphere and the space. The worst part is that he is blaming it on “climate change” to fool humanity and cover up his evil designs and experiments. He is using bio-technology to make weapons of mass destruction while at the same time trying to gain upper-hand with manufactured weather. If you control the atmosphere, you control the earth!

Pentagon bio laboratories exist in 25 countries

around the world. They are funded by the Military

Threat Reduction Agency under a $ 2.1 billion

military program. The joint biological interaction

program includes laboratories located in the

countries of the former Soviet Union, such as

Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and

Kazakhstan, as well as in the Middle East,

Southeast Asia and Africa.

As per Wikipedia, HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) began in 1990. Ted Stevens, Republican U.S. senator from Alaska, helped win approval for the facility, and construction began in 1993. In early May 2013, HAARP was temporarily shut down, awaiting a change between contractors to operate the facility.

HAARP was initiated as an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). It was designed and built by BAE Advanced Technologies (BAEAT).

The latest monster that has just appeared on the world scene, is the 5-G technology followed by Coronavirus that has killed thousands of people, and still counting. Some experts contend that the new technology generates radio-frequency radiation that can damage DNA and lead to cancer; cause oxidative damage that can result in premature aging; disrupt cell metabolism; and potentially lead to other diseases through the generation of stress proteins.

Manufactured Weather is the New Battlefield

(Published: Feb. 15, 2020, by GeoPolitics)

The US Military has become an entity with a mind of its own; despite efforts to curtail it’s expansion by activists and politicians, it continues to grow. Years ago a small problem arose that posed an existential threat to the system, the enemies were all defeated.

The real hero of the Cold War is Richard Nixon, and his mentor Henry Kissinger, who created a financial system whereby the US Dollar was backed by bombs only, which allowed the USD to expand its balance sheet with no accountability. This ultimately allowed the US to outspend the Soviets and other enemies into oblivion, and the strategy finally worked. With the elimination of real enemies, the strategy planners inside the DOD knew they needed to create more enemies, and thus the ‘terrorist’ was born. Now that terrorists have been defeated to the point of irrelevancy, we need new and modern enemies to fight.

Enter where we are now, an age of weaponized weather and bio-warfare, cyber-war and other forms of information war. Let’s first discuss Bio-weapons, and how it pertains to Coronavirus. The US Military has been spending billions on Bio-weapons (both offensive and defensive) for the last 20 years. Some estimates have it as high as $100 Billion over a period of 20 years. There are thousands of scientists working on various forms of bio-warfare.

But with Coronavirus spreading around Asia, a more deadly and more disruptive force is being overlooked: Weather modification. Climate Change is real but it’s not due to factors that are commonly believed (factories, traffic, cow farts). Climate Change is the scapegoat for what’s really going on: Weather Wars, weather modification, terraforming, and manipulation of the entire planet on a biological and chemical level. As you will see, this is intertwined with Coronavirus in ways you wouldn’t at first imagine.

The US Military spends billions on R&D development through front end organizations like Darpa, InQTel, Navy Research (ONR), just to name a few. You may be surprised to learn that they not only develop technologies, but also patent them, sell them at a profit, and even participate in Venture Capital. Inside Silicon Valley there has been a program since World War 2 that drip-leaks next generation technology to Silicon Valley after it no longer has Military use (or when it’s no longer a strategic advantage, such as the internet). One of the most well known operations is the Parc labs, currently owned by Xerox.

Technologies leaked to corporate America include the microprocessor, kevlar, lasers, fiber optics, the ‘mouse’ GUI system for personal computers, and many more.

The 90’s was a success not because of Bill Clinton, it was because of a number of global geopolitical factors such as the fall of the Soviet Union, and the deregulation of the internet and proliferation for civilian use.

Let’s look at some notable patents held by the US Military apparatus. The NSA has patented thousands of encryption technologies, but the most ironic patent held is SHA 256 encryption algorithm, the technology that is behind Bitcoin.

Or perhaps it’s not so ironic, perhaps the NSA was funding Bitcoin as a surveillance mechanism all along, as it has recently been revealed the CIA owned one of the world’s most well known encrypted communications services based in Switzerland, Crypto AG.

What other interesting patents are held by the US Military? To the point of this article, 20100072297 is a “Method for Controlling Hurricanes.” You can see a long list of weather related patents held by the USG at the end of this article. But if you want evidence of weather manipulation, just look up in the sky.

Ironically, for the past 30 years or so, US enemies have faced complete droughts, whereas farmlands in USA have received consistent rains. Let’s look at another ‘coincidence’ – North Korea faces food issues due to lack of rain:

The Rodong Sinmun newspaper said North Korea received just 56.3 millimeters (2.21 inches) of rain or snow from January to May 15, the lowest amount since 1917.

Rain is not the only weather weapon it’s just a bright example. Because God is the perfect alibi.

Also, it is possible to generate earthquakes by projecting energy via microwave beams at faults ready to rumble. This is most noticeable in Haiti, where there is evidence of a planned, coordinated attack using God as an alibi:

Since the late 1970s, the U.S. have made tremendous progress in their seismic weapons research and, according to these Russian sources, currently employ devices based on Pulse, Plasma, Electromagnetic and Sonic technology combined with shock wave bombs. The report further indicates that the ultimate goal of these tests is related to plans which foresee the destruction of Iran through a series of earthquakes designed to neutralize the current Islamic regime.

According to a previous report, the available data coincides with the one associated with the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Sichuan (China) on 12 May 2008, and which was also caused by electromagnetic waves emitted by HAARP.

That leaves us with the biggest of them all, Hurricanes. If you look the path of Dorian, which wiped out the Bahamas, it was headed exactly for Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, and then turned, went north, and didn’t destroy a single sandcastle in the US. Microwave towers in northern Florida can be seen blasting the storm away from US shores.

Hurricanes are not natural anymore, nothing is natural anymore. We’ve started geo-engineering the planet on a scale so large, we have started an irreversible process with unknown unintended consequences.

Now we have gone through the hows, let’s look at the whys.

The first simple answer is as any motive is likely to be: MONEY. But there is a second and perhaps more relevant motive, POWER. He who controls the skies, controls the planet (literally). Weather does play a role indirectly in the spread of Coronavirus.

Not only that, there is the possibility of using weather weapons either as an offensive (infecting) or defensive (inoculating) military strategy. He who controls the tools, wins before the battle begins.

This is about One World Government – in which China and Russia do not participate.

You can damage any nation if you control the weather. It’s undetectable, like the Coronavirus – and it is deniable. In a court how could anyone prove anyone released the virus by plane? Impossible. This is the new type of warfare.

Also, consider how it makes people feel – weather simply affects everyone in the ecosystem, even if you never leave your house! Snowstorms, floods, pollen, crops, transportation, the flu – it’s all from the weather. Weather can determine the price of commodities, can make or break a tourist economy, it can rain on your parade (side note, has anyone noted the amazing weather on Federal holidays last few years?)

Tanks are a thing of the past, the new battlefield is an information war (PsyOps), with overlay of biological/chemical warfare, mixed with geo-engineering.

This site is a great resource on the topic:

Dane Wigington

The extremely anomalous surface cool-down in Texas and other parts of the world are not just random acts of Nature. Global climate engineering operations are not just a proposal, they have been an ongoing reality for over 70 years. Erratic and unprecedented weather is radically increasing everywhere. Though there are countless forms of human activity affecting the equation, the global climate engineering programs are by far the single greatest and most destructive factor. The geoengineers are manufacturing winter weather scenarios on a scale that can scarcely be comprehended, such operations are nothing short of winter weather warfare. Ecosystems are being decimated by the climate engineering onslaught. No habitat, no humans. What will it take to bring the geoengineering issue to light, once and for all?

The photos above were just captured near Kerrville, Texas. The images clearly reveal the results and consequences of chemical ice nucleation operations. Patented processes of chemical ice nucleation for weather modification are a primary component of the climate engineering programs.

The climate engineers have also inflicted immense chemical ice nucleation damage to the forests of Northern California. In this third installment of “Into The Wild”, the consequences of engineered winter weather events are documented.

Video: Into The Wild:

Some people living in Texas have also posted videos online allegedly showing that when they tried to melt the snow, it burned and turned black, but did not melt:

The snow/ice would not melt! Video link:

Renata says: (Feb. 23, 2021)

Same happened in the Netherlands. We had 2 weeks of (engineered) heavy snow. It's scary how much they're spraying in here, everyday, many times a day… We are not able to see the sun anymore. The sun rises, then the planes come spraying… It has been few months that the sky is always fogy.

Jo Reynolds says: (Feb. 22, 2021)

Hi Dane, I have never witnessed such a bleak gray summer! I live in NSW on the east coast of Australia, summer is always hot to very hot with temperatures averaging between 30 celsius to 40 celsius and over at times, but not this year, we have had maybe a week of those temperatures for entire summer and this month of February has been mostly gray, with intermittent rain,as soon as the sun comes out and looks like it's clearing it blankets over again completely gray, I am catching rain water to get it tested, never knew about geo engineering until I seen a video on FB where a lady overseas, I think in Canada, sent some melted snow to get tested as her dogs couldn't walk on the ice, without lifting their paws every so many feet!

Tehch says: (Feb. 24, 20210)

Hi Jo. Same in Melbourne. Powers that be can't risk another big fire season as it will wake too many up, so they resort to massive chemical skies.

Kelly Dunn says: (Feb. 20, 2021)

What can we do?? I would like it to stop!! Here in Oregon they are spraying constantly and we rarely, if ever have blue sky, but instead streak after streak of chem trails that turn our sky white. It's a travesty.

What can we do to help??


From ‘Global Research’

Prof Michel Chossudovsky adds:

Rarely acknowledged in the debate on global climate change, the world’s weather can now be modified as part of a new generation of sophisticated electromagnetic weapons. Both the US and Russia have developed capabilities to manipulate the climate for military use.

Environmental modification techniques have been applied by the US military for more than half a century. US mathematician John von Neumann, in liaison with the US Department of Defense, started his research on weather modification in the late 1940s at the height of the Cold War and foresaw ‘forms of climatic warfare as yet unimagined’. During the Vietnam war, cloud-seeding techniques were used, starting in 1967 under Project Popeye, the objective of which was to prolong the monsoon season and block enemy supply routes along the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

The US military has developed advanced capabilities that enable it selectively to alter weather patterns. The technology, which is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), is an appendage of the Strategic Defense Initiative – ‘Star Wars’. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction, operating from the outer atmosphere and capable of destabilizing agricultural and ecological systems around the world.

Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, ‘offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary’, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes: ‘Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation,

fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.’


Dane Wigington is the lead researcher for today, investigating all levels of geo-engineering from stratospheric aerosol spraying (SAG) to HAARP. He assisted Michael Murphy with his acclaimed production of “What In The World Are They Spraying?” and has spoken extensively in a wide range of forums to explain the environmental dangers we face on a global level. Here are excerpts from his eye-opening article published by the Wake Up World:

U.S. Government Engineering The Climate To Control Populations                             By Dane Wigington, for Wake Up World

Climate Engineering and The U.S. Military

Climate engineering is the most powerful and most utilized weapon of the western power structure to destabilize and topple the countries and governments around the globe that it wishes to control. Geo-engineering is a primary tool that has been used to help force nations to allow U.S. or NATO occupation. If you don’t believe the U.S. military is concerned with the climate, think again. The military industrial complex has long sought to “control the weather” and historical documents prove that the U.S. has been heavily invested in climate modification for a very long time.

For details, see the United States Air Force (USAF) Center for Strategy and Technology (CSAT) document: Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025.

How many countries have U.S. military boots on the ground? There are at least 156 U.S.-occupied countries around the globe with some 900 bases. Does anyone really believe that all these countries just wanted the U.S. to occupy them? Is it a coincidence that many if not most of these countries endured some sort of climate cataclysm prior to the occupation being allowed? How many countries in Africa were subjected to record drought before being destabilized and occupied? Occupations that often began under “humanitarian” pretexts due to climate catastrophes?

And what about the Middle Eastern countries that have recently been destabilized? Many of these countries were not co-operating with the U.S. agenda before they experienced record drought — Is there a connection? Record drought in Syria preceded the recent destabilization — Was weather warfare used to help trigger the ongoing civil war? Yes.

How about Iraq; were they also a target of weather warfare to help trigger destabilization? Was the record drought in Iraq during the years prior to the invasion in 2003 a natural occurrence? Or was it also engineered? Were there plans to invade Iraq years ahead of time? If available data is examined, the answer is inarguably yes. The invasion of Iraq was planned well before the events of 9/11.

How many know there has been a crop-destroying drought in Russia and Ukraine? Just another coincidence? Certainly the whole world understands that Iran is also a current primary target for the western power structure, is it just bad luck for Iran that there is record drought there, too? Does anyone in the U.S. even know that the leaders from Iran have been on the floor of the UN openly stating that Western powers are causing the record drought with climate modification? Pakistan showed resistance to US policy in 2010, were the record floods that occurred there later the same year just an act of nature? Or were other forces in play? Record deluge is also a weapon used by the weather-makers. As the planet continues to warm rapidly, deluges will increase.

How are things in South America? Certainly we all know how the US power structure is constantly complaining about the BRIC countries. Brazil and Venezuela have been a source of aggravation for our government for a very long time. Brazil is experiencing devastating record drought, and yes, so is Venezuela.

I could go on and on about the countries that have been victims of the US/NATO weather warfare juggernaut of biosphere destruction, but let’s now consider the catastrophic and unprecedented drought being engineered in the U.S. West, should we ask ourselves what agendas are now being carried out on the US population? The laws of physics make clear that a natural warming world should bring more rain overall; the atmosphere can carry 7% more moisture for every degree of additional warming. Why is there so much drought in so many countries around the world when the laws of physics state there should be more overall rainfall on a warming planet, not less?

Now it seems that the power structure is sending us the message that they know the drought in the US West is only going to get worse. In fact NASA has recently stated on the record that the western U.S. states can expect “mega-droughts” in the coming decades — How do they know this? NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) has recently stated that even with a potential record El Niño event, there will be no relief for the completely parched state of California. Since when does El Niño not bring more rain to the West? How does NOAA know this?

It is important to remember that defense contractor Raytheon is involved in geoengineering programs, and also does the weather modeling for NOAA and the National Weather Service. Lockheed Martin (another defense contractor involved in weather modification) supplies the weather modeling for the FAA. The weather “predictions” are nothing more than the scheduled weather.

5 Western states are close to running out of water, and Lake Mead is is at record low levels. The states most affected by the engineered weather catastrophes (drought and deluge as has just occurred in Texas) are also the stated location of the upcoming “Jade Helm” military exercises — another coincidence perhaps? No. In reality, the weather warfare being waged against the U.S. population (and others) is continuing to escalate. And, due to the highly toxic fallout from geoengineering, weather warfare is also biological warfare as it affects the entire web of life.


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