Jordan: The Land of Prophets
(Part 3 of 5)
As-Salt: Tomb of Nabi Shoayb,
Bethany: Where Jesus Was
Baptised By Prophet Yahya (John),
Son of Prophet Zakariah
Shoayb was the Father-in-law
of Moses.
He was from Midian (south of
(M. Javed Naseem)
Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)
Abraham was the head of the family of messengers of God. He
was from a country which is known as Iraq today. He also lived in Syria, Palestine
and Egypt
and preached there. His final destination was Arabia.
Abraham was one of those Prophets of Allah who had the privilege
of spreading the word of God along with other messengers from his family at the
same time. Lot was a messenger of Allah and he
was Abraham’s nephew. He preached in the central regions of Jordan. Abraham had two sons, the
elder son Ishmael (or Ismail) and the younger son Isaac (or Ishaq). Isaac
preached in Syria and Palestine. Ishmael
assisted his father Abraham in the Arabia and
helped him built the holy ‘Kaaba’, which is the centre of Islam today.
(The mosque and tomb of Prophet Shoayb (Jethro) in As-Salt.) |
Prophet Shoayb (Jethro or Yitro)
Prophet Shoayb
(Shoaib) – Jethro in Bible; Yitro in Torah; also called Reuel – was the
father-in-law of Prophet Musa (Moses). He was a shepherd and a well-known
priest in Midian or Madyan, a town in the south of Jordan. He gave his daughter Zipporah
(also called Rohaya) in marriage to Musa (Moses).
Note: Some say that
Jethro was not Shoayb; he was another saint who preached in the same area but
centuries after Shoayb’s era. Allah knows best.
Prophet Musa’s (Moses’s) Father-in-Law
Prophet Shoayb’s daughter, Zipporah (or Rohaya), became
Moses's wife after Moses had fled Pharaoh’s Egypt, having killed an Egyptian
who was beating a Hebrew slave. Having fled to Midian, Moses intervened in a
water-access dispute between Shoayb’s seven daughters and the local shepherds.
Consequently Shoayb invited Moses into his home and offered him hospitality.
However, Moses remained conscious that he was a stranger in exile. He named his
first son (Shoayb's grandson) “Gershom”, meaning "stranger there".
Moses is said to have worked as a shepherd for Shoayb for 40
years before returning to Egypt
to lead the Hebrews to Canaan (now in Israeli
territory), the "promised land.” Prophet Shoayb (Jethro) is mentioned in
the Bible in Exodus.
Shoayb, Moses' non-Hebrew father-in-law, is a central
figure, particularly in the rites and pilgrimages, of the Druze religion.
Jethro is revered as the chief prophet in the Druze religion. They believe he
was a "hidden" and "true prophet" who communicated directly
with God and then passed on that knowledge to Moses, whom they describe as a
"recognized" and “revealed” prophet.
Shuayb's mission is often mentioned in the Quran with the
mission of Noah, Hud, Saleh and Lot. Scholars
have pointed out that these five Prophets exemplify the early prophetic missions:
The prophet would be sent to his community; the community would pay no
attention to his warning and would instead threaten him with punishment; after
years of preaching, God would ask him to leave his community and his people
would be subsequently destroyed in a punishment. Scholars interpret the listing
of the five prophets to be chronological, with Noah being the only prophet in
the list who preached before the Great Flood. He was also a descendant of
Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham).
Shoayb was selected by Allah as his messenger for the people
living in the region of Madyan, south Jordan. They lived in an area surrounded
by thick forests. Their general occupation was trading – buying and selling.
But they were not very honest people. They often lied to each other and cheated
in their trade. They were like merchants from Hell. They opposed Shoayb’s
teachings and kicked him out of town.
When Prophet Shoaib
and his followers left the township. there came the commandment of Allah to
pass. One night a big blast struck the inhabitants of Madyan and by next
morning they were lying there, under the debris of their houses, lifeless, as
if they had never lived. Allah narrated their account in the Holy Quran:
“So the earthquake seized them,
and morning found them prostrate
in their dwelling-place. Those who
denied Shoaib became as though
they had not dwelt there. Those who
denied Shoaib, they were the losers.”
(al-Quran 7:91-92)
Prophet Loot (Lot)
Lot was the nephew of Prophet Abraham and he preached in the
regions that, geographically, are part of Jordan and its surrounding
countries today. The big towns of Sadom and Gamorrah were situated on the east and west sides of the River Jordan, and are inside of Jordanian and Israeli territory today. Lot was
selected as a Messenger of Allah for the people who were extremely perverted.
They loved naked lewdness. They went lustfully after the young men instead of women.
In today’s language, they were ‘gay’ or ‘homosexuals’.
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(Town of Sodom destroyed by rain of Fire and Brimstone.) |
God commanded Lot to tell
his people to give up their sinful habits and perversion; and fear Allah. But
those people were not ready to listen to him. They jeered at Lot.
They called Lot and his family ‘the
despicable’ and decided to get rid of them. So, they started demanding the
expulsion of Lot and his family from their
neighborhood. Eventually, they chased Lot and
his followers out of the township.
And then came the Commandment of Allah to pass. The towns of
Sadom and Gomorrah
were destroyed by the rain of fire – the burning brimstones.
According to the Torah, the kingdoms of Sodom and Gomorrah
were allied with the cities of Admah, Zeboim, and Bela. These five cities, also
known as the “Cities of the Plain” (from Genesis in the Authorized Version),
were situated on the Jordan River plain in the southern region of the land of Canaan.
Daily Mirror, UK, adds:
Biblical sin city Sodom
FOUND in Jordan,
claim archaeologists
after decade-long dig
A dig in the Middle Eastern country could have unearthed
ruins from the notorious metropolis of vice. The ancient biblical city of sin Sodom may have been found
in Jordan, a team of archaeologists claim. Experts excavating the site, in Tall
el Hammam, say they have discovered a Bronze Age city-state that matches
"every Sodom
According to the Bible, book of Genesis, God consumed Sodom and neighboring Gomorrah with fire and brimstone due to their
resident's depraved behavior.
"When we explored the area, the choice of Tall el-Hammam
as the site of Sodom
was virtually a no-brainer since it was at least five to 10 times larger than
all the other Bronze Age sites in the entire region."
The site is in the Jordan
valley, close to the Dead Sea. It appears to
have consisted of an upper and lower city - where inhabitants would live
according to their wealth/standard.
The Dead Sea: The
Lowest Point On Earth
The Dead Sea has a very strategic and religious location. It
has become a ‘Holy
Sea’ since the historians
found the Dead Sea Scrolls there. So many Prophets of God passed by it. Most
Prophets who traveled from the south (like Egypt
or Arabia) to the north (Syria,
Jordan, Palestine, etc.) passed by it. Similarly, the
Prophets traveling from the northern areas to Egypt,
also passed by the Dead Sea. It touched the
lands of Egypt, Palestine, and Jordan;
but today its west coast is occupied by Israel.
The Dead Sea, lying 1,300 feet below sea
level, is the lowest and most mineral-rich body of water in the world. A
significant landmark, too salty to sustain any marine life, the Dead Sea is famous for the water’s mysteriously buoyant
qualities which allow people to float across the top of the water, without
needing to swim.
(The author at Dead Sea, Jordan) |
(The Dead Sea, south Jordan.) |
According to the Biblical narrative, when people hear that
Lot was hosting two young guests, the residents of Sodom surrounded his house, angrily demanding
that they are released from his protection. The angels then revealed their true
nature to Lot, urging him and his family to
flee the city before the incoming apocalypse. However, they cautioned Lot and his wife not to turn back and watch the city’s
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(The pillar symbolizing Prophet Loot's wife after destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.) |
The Dead Sea Scrolls are Biblical manuscripts, dating back to the third Century BC. They were first found by a Bedouin shepherd called Muhammed edh-Dhib in 1947, who was examining the Qumran Caves, which are located near the northern bank of the Dead Sea. This discovery prompted a full-scale archaeological dig in the caves and many additional parchments were later found.
Today, the Dead Sea Scrolls collection is housed in the Shrine of the Book Monument in the Israel Museum.
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(The Dead Sea scrolls, now kept in an Israeli museum.) |
Bethany: Prophet
Yahya (John) Baptizes Jesus
The Spot Where
Christianity Was Born
Bethany Beyond Jordan is the place where Jesus was baptized by Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist) in the River Jordan. In Jordan it is known by the Arabic name of Al-Maghtas. It is near the Madaba city. Jordan River is the border between Jordan and Palestine – actually between Jordan and Israel. The Baptism Site is the spot where Christianity was first borm.
{River Jorder separating Jordan from Palestine (now Israel), at Bethany where Prophet Jesus was baptized by Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist)}. |
(Exact spot where Jesus was baptized by John in the River Jordan. The river has changed its course during time and flows a few meters away now.) |
In the Bible, the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan has
been described in three of the gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke).
The site of Al-Maghtas (Arabic word meaning: baptism or
immersion) on the East side of the River in Jordan has been deemed the earliest
place of worship. This site was found following the UNESCO-sponsored
excavations. Al-Maghtas was visited by Pope John Paul-II in March 2000, and he
said: "In my mind I see Jesus coming to the waters of the River Jordan not
far from here to be baptized by John the Baptist."
Prophet Yahya (John The Baptist) Was Beheaded
John the Baptist, well-known for baptizing Jesus in the river Jordan, is commonly referred to as the precursor or forerunner of Jesus. They both preached about repentance and the Kingdom of God and criticized the religious leaders of their day. Additionally, they were both considered martyrs persecuted by officials of the Roman Empire.
According to the gospels of Matthew and Mark, John the Baptist (Prophet Yahya) had been imprisoned because he condemned Empror Herod Antipas for divorcing his wife and unlawfully taking Herodias, the wife of his brother Herod Philip-I. On Herod's birthday, Herodias' daughter, Salome, danced before the king and his guests and Herod was so pleased that he promised to give her any request she desired. Out of revenge for criticizing her marriage to Herod, Herodias told Salome to ask for the head of John the Baptist on a platter. Although Herod was dismayed by the request, he reluctantly agrees to have John executed in the prison of Machaerus. His head was presented to Salome in a platter.
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(Umayyad Mosque -- or Umwi Masjid -- in Damascua, Syria, where the head of Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist) is buried in a tomb. His body is buried in Samaria/Sebastia, Palestine.) |
The tomb of Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist) is situated in the Umayyad Mosque (Umwi Masjid) in Damascus, Syria. His body was buried in Palestine at Samaria, now called Sebastia. According to Christian tradition, (legend had it that) Saint John's head was buried there. Ibn al-Faqih relays the story that during the construction of the mosque, workers found a cave-chapel which had a box containing the head of St. John the Baptist, or Yahya ibn Zakaryah in Islam. Upon learning of that and examining it, al-Walid-I ordered the head to be buried under a specific pillar in the mosque that was later inlaid with marble.
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(Tomb of Prophet Yahya or John the Baptist in the Umayyad Mosque (Umwi Masjid) in Damascua, Syria.) |
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