Chasing Life Of This World
Is Like Seeking Hell!
The Worldly Life Is
A Test, An Illusion!
(M. Javed Naseem)
“What is the life of this world but play and
amusement? But best is the home in the
Hereafter, for those who are righteous.
Will you not then understand?”
(al-Quran 6:32)
The life of this world is just a game that gives us an opportunity to earn some bonus points to get the ticket to Paradise. We are given a Book of rules and are advised to play wisely and carefully without forgetting the real target or objective. But the journey is so beautiful and tempting for some that they get lost in the way. They wake up only on the death bed. Then it is too late to do the good work to earn the ticket to Paradise. It is now or never. Chasing the luxuries of this life is like chasing Hell but we always look at others who enjoy luxury lives and want to emulate. Rich and famous don’t seem to bother about the Hereafter or the simple life. Even the corrupt practices are ‘normal’ things for them.
Most politicians in this world are corrupt and selfish because they seeks power to have control over others as well as control over all the material/financial resources of their country. They fool people with empty promises, lies and deception. They all work for themselves and for the benefit of their families or friends. During election time, the candidates try to expose other candidates. Corruption is brought to light; secret love affairs or marriages are disclosed; black-money and off-shore accounts are discussed; malpractices are publicized and candidate’s own good points and achievements are highlighted. Every candidate condemns the failures and evil practices of the opposition. Everybody tries to get the best publicity and exposure in the media using all his financial, social and political resources. Unfortunately, people are so stupid and naive that every time they fall into the same trap and compromise with corruption and evil.
We are all sinners but the best sinners are those who repent and ask Allah for forgiveness. The Most Merciful always forgives us if we honestly and sincerely beg for His mercy. But the worst sinners are those who, in their arrogance and ignorance, don’t repent and keep doing evil. They don’t remember that one day they’ll be standing in front of their Creator to answer question. That will be the Day of Justice or Judgment.
We love to blame the system and the society for all evils. In fact, we are part of the problem. We are trying to accumulate as much wealth and material property as possible – and as quickly as possible too – by all means (Halal or Haram). In the process, we don’t care about how much misery, pain, trouble and discomfort we bring to others – as long as it is not happening to us. And on top of it, every one of us is complaining about the corruption and injustice in the world, as if only others are responsible for that. We have become irresponsible hypocrites.
You are one step away from the grave
(death)! You have very little time to work
on your Hereafter! Try to please Allah
with your good deeds and maximum
charity before Death knocks you out!
Today, people run for public office because of its material benefits, clout, power or authority, perks, luxury life and above all chances of making endless money. People fight for that fiercely and put their lives at stake too. This worldly life is so important to them that they would go any length (even killing people) to achieve it. They are misguided souls. They did not learn any lesson from history, from life, from books, from their parents’ lives, nor from the society. They are in the bad business and on the Day of Judgment, they would have to answer questions about corruption, about every misdeed, every injustice and every transgression.
“These are the people who buy the life
of this world at the price of the Hereafter.
Their penalty shall not be lightened,
nor shall they be helped.”
(al-Quran 2:86)
There is a very beautiful small chapter (Surah) in the Quran on this subject and it is called al-Takathur (or at-Takassur), meaning: Rivalry in material accumulation, or competition, or hoarding. It has only 8 short verses. In those verses Allah wakes you up and shakes you up by saying:
“The mutual rivalry for piling up (the good things
of this world) diverts you (from the more serious
things), until you visit the graves. But nay, you
soon shall know (the reality). Again, you soon
shall know! Nay, were you to know with certainty
of mind, (you would beware!) You shall certainly
see Hellfire! Again, you shall see it with certainty
of sight! Then, shall you be questioned
that Day about the joy (you indulged in!).”
(al-Quran 102:1-8)
The Bible says:
“You adulterous people! Don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.” – (James 4:4)
“The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” – (1 John 2:17)
“What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” – (Mark 8:36)
As a matter of fact, it is our greed that is responsible for all our problems. Allah the Almighty has created this world with plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains and other foods. It is more than enough for our consumption. But we monopolize the food business to starve one community or one country to get richer and richer. Greed knows no bounds.
God is infinite Truth and He is also the infinite Love – pure and incorruptible! So, He likes His world pure and without corruption. The Almighty sent different Prophets and Messengers during different eras to eradicate the evil of ignorance and spread the enlightenment so that people follow the path of piety and righteousness. The last Prophet, Muhammad (s.a.w.), appeared with the same mission like his predecessors to guide people to the right path. In the Quran, Allah commanded the man on many occasions with plain and simple words: “And don’t spread corruption (or mischief) in the earth!” Unfortunately, the man proved, on every occasion, that he is disobedient and ungrateful to God; he is ignorant, unjust, corrupt and dishonest. He loves wealth and his own family and does not mind hurting and killing other people/families for the purpose of his own material gains.
People appreciate simple life but nobody wants to live a simple life. We chase luxuries of life and try to copy the ‘rich and famous’ to impress others. Most of us talk but don’t care about the Hereafter, nor do we work for that. Allah the Almighty reminds us in the Quran:
“Your wealth and your children are
only a trial; but in the presence
of Allah, is the highest reward.
(al-Quran 64:15)
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