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Friday, 6 December 2024

THE MESSAGE IS DELIVERED. The Ball Is In Your Court Now!


The Message Is Delivered.

The Ball Is In Your Court Now.

Act Wisely To Avoid Punishment!

(M. Javed Naseem)

اگرچہ بت ہیں جماعت کی آستینوں میں

مجھے ہے حکم اذاں ، لا الہ الا اللہ

(علامہ اقبال)

(‘Although there are hypocrites among the Ummah,

I am commanded to proclaim (the Truth) that

there is no god but Allah’ – (Allama Iqbal)

Thinker of the East and the poet philosopher who gave the idea of a Muslim homeland (Pakistan) to the believers of the Sub-continent – Dr. Mohammad Iqbal – regretfully expressed his concern in the above verse. But he was an optimist and saw the potential in the Ummah. He was very steadfast in his effort and despite all odds followed the same path which our Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was commanded in the Holy Quran to follow: Deliver the message!

“And We have not sent
you (O Muhammad) save
as a bringer of good tidings and a warner unto all
mankind; but most of mankind know not.”
al-Quran 34:28)

“And our (
Prophet’s) duty is but plain
conveyance (of the Message).”
al-Quran 36:17)

“You are (O Muhammad) but a warner.”
al-Quran 35:23)

“O Prophet! Lo, We have sent
you as a witness
and a bringer of good tidings and a warner. And
as a summoner unto Allah by His permission,
and as a lamp that gives light.”
al-Quran 33:45-46)

“But the messenger has no other charge
than to convey (the message) plainly.”
(al-Quran 24:54)

The duty of the Messengers of Allah had been to convey the divine Message to the mankind. All of them did that to the best of their abilities. It was up to us, the people, to accept the Message and follow the path prescribed by the Creator of mankind. The Prophets are not responsible for the actions or deeds of the people and they will not be asked by Allah about that. We are responsible for our own actions and only that will decide our fate. We have to carry our own burden. The Prophets conveyed the Message and told people how to follow the commands of Allah. They led by example. Those who
followed them successfully, they were the winners in the Hereafter. But those who didn’t follow them, and rather did mischief/evil, they would face the wrath of Allah. We cannot deny the revelations of Allah and escape from Him. There is nowhere to go!

“Lo, this Quran is a Reminder.
Let him, who will, then choose
a way unto his Lord.”
(al-Quran 73:19)

The Almighty Allah says that Quran is a Reminder to the mankind. And all preachers are making an effort to remind you of the Holy Reminder (The Quran). If we want to succeed, we need to bring Allah back into our lives. It requires a strong determination, honesty and sincerity – and sacrifice, of course. It is very important and at the same time very rewarding too. It is very difficult but that is the way. As a matter of fact, there is no other way. We don’t have a choice – we have sort of a choice between Heaven and Hell, but who will choose Hell over Heaven?

Hypocrisy (‘Munafiqat’) has been the dilemma of Muslim Ummah for centuries. There are always a few who will sell their conscience, their faith or Iman, their motherland, their honor and their dignity for petty material gains. They try to win the comforts of this world in exchange to the Hereafter – and eventually end up losing both of them.

Bear unto the hypocrites the tidings
that for them there is a painful doom.”
(al-Quran 4:138)

“Lo! The hypocrites (will be) in the
lowest deep of the Fire, and you will
find no helper for them.”
(al-Quran 4:145)

The Almighty Allah told the Prophet (s.a.w.) that his job was to convey the message to the mankind. It is up to people whether they accept the divine message, believe in One God or not. This is actually called ‘Dawah’ in Islam. All Prophets of Allah did that and Dr. Mohammad Iqbal followed the prophetic tradition. He always tried to remind Muslims of the divine message in a meaningful
way. This little article is part of a wake-up call to the Ummah so that they revert to Allah. The forces of evil are once again all around us and are determined to destroy the Muslim Ummah. It is time to wake up and stand up to them. We need to get united, find a common goal and adopt a common strategy to thwart this malicious attack. Mind it, it is getting late! The time is running out! Open the Book (Holy Quran) to find the solution to the problems we are facing today.

The forces of evil are controlling the media and all other sources of information or education. They are misleading simple people by their crooked ways, lies, false propaganda and deception. It is our responsibility to find out the truth, dig out the reality and do the research for our own good. Nobody else will do it for us. The evil-doers are strong and have all the resources of the world to their disposal. These resources are being used to mislead those who want to follow the ways of Allah. They forget that it is Allah Who is controlling the Heavens and the earth and whatever is between them. He gives people enough time to correct their mistakes, repent and revert to the right path. If they choose not to, then they will be the greatest losers in this world as well as in the Hereafter.

“Who debar (men) from the way of Allah
and would have it crooked, and who are
disbelievers in the Hereafter. Such will
not escape in the earth, nor have they any
protecting friends besides Allah. For them
the torment will be double. They could not
bear to hear, and they used not to see. Such
are they who have lost their souls, and that
which they used to invent has failed them.
Assuredly, in the Hereafter they will be the
greatest losers.”
(al-Quran 11:19-22)

When we accepted the Message and said “La ilaha illa Allah” (There is no god but Allah), we, in fact, agreed to abide by the rules and regulations prescribed for us in the Holy Book (Quran) by Allah. Then how dare we violate the laws of Allah? At so many places in the Holy Quran, the Almighty reminds us of our obligations and codes of ethics. Why don’t we pay attention?

“Lo, Allah enjoins justice and kindness,
and giving to kinsfolk, and forbids
lewdness and abomination and wickedness.
He exhorts you in order that
you may take heed.”
(al-Quran 16:90)

“Confound not truth with falsehood,
nor knowingly conceal the truth! Establish
worship, pay the poor-due (Zakat), and bow
your heads with those who bow (in worship)!”
(al-Quran 2:42-43)

“Eat and drink of that which Allah has
provided, and do not act corruptly,
making mischief in the earth!”
(al-Quran 2:60)

There is absolutely no confusion or ambiguity in these commands of Allah. They are as clear as sunlight. Nobody, in his right frame of mind, can say that he did not get the message or did not understand it. The sins we commit unintentionally or intentionally, can be forgiven by Allah, if we repent and don’t repeat them. But the evil deeds we commit intentionally, cannot go without reprimand or punishment unless we repent and seek forgiveness. The Almighty Allah has warned in the Holy Quran. These warnings cannot be ignored.

And whoso among you does wrong, We
shall make him taste great torment.”
(al-Quran 25:19)

We destroyed the generations before you
when they did wrong; and their Messengers
(from Allah) came unto them with clear
proofs (of His sovereignty), but they
would not believe. Thus do We reward
the guilty folk.”
(al-Quran 10:13)

Can there be any warning clearer than that? No, absolutely not! Then why don’t we pay attention and correct our ways? Nobody wants to go to Hell. Logically, it is very difficult to understand why should people choose the ways to destruction? Everybody knows that so many nations and generations of the old had been destroyed because they chose the evil ways of living. They violated the divine laws and they got what they deserved. What guarantee do we have that it won’t happen to us if we continue to follow the path of evil?

Because of their sins they (the tribes
of Noah) were drowned, then made to
enter a Fire. And they found they had
no helpers in place of Allah.”
al-Quran 71:25)


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