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Friday 17 November 2023

PALESTINE IS BLEEDING And The World Is Watching The Genocide.


Palestine Is Bleeding And

The World Is Watching The Genocide.

Evil Empire Is A Party To The Conflict.

You Have No Friends Or

Helper But Allah!”

(M. Javed Naseem)

 “… and Fitnah (tumult and oppression) is

worse than killing. And they will never cease

fighting you until they turn you back from your

religion (Islamic monotheism) if they can.”

(al-Quran 2:217)

The Believers, especially Muslims, should know and understand how the Unbelievers are trying to wipe them out. They are bringing death and destruction to their dwellings. Even the schools and the hospitals are not spared. The hypocrites got united for Ukraine but they are not doing anything to help the oppressed Palestinians. Therefore, in response, Muslims should also get united, put their act together and start a concerted effort to thwart all oppressive campaigns. Allah has commanded them:

“The Unbelievers are protectors, one of another.

Unless you do this (protect each other), there

would be tumult and oppression (Fitnah) on

earth, and great mischief.”

(al-Quran 8:73)


The fake Zionist Jews of Khazaria, who are settled on the Palestinian stolen land (they were put there by the Evil Empire), are a very racist and evil group of people. They want to kill all Palestinians and confiscate their territory which they claim is a part of the “promised land”. The Evangelist Christians are with the Zionists and are helping them in the genocide. The Believers (Muslims) should bear in mind that they cannot count on the support or help of the Unbelievers. Nobody would be with them in the fight against injustice and oppression – except Allah. If they have faith, they will succeed. Here’s what Allah the Almighty promised to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.):

“O Prophet! Rouse the Believers to the fight.

If there are twenty amongst you, patient and

persevering, they will vanquish two hundred;

if a hundred, they will vanquish a thousand

of the Unbelievers; for these are a people

without understanding.”

(al-Quran 8:65)

O Muslims! Count on yourselves, on your Faith and the Mercy & Grace of Allah in your noble mission. Don’t count on any help from the Unbelievers (America and Europe). They have the same agenda to control the entire world, and they are pursuing it as one nation. They consider Islam and Muslims as an obstacle, therefore, they are doing their best to remove that obstacle. Allah has already told you clearly in the Quran that you have no friends in this world but Him.

“They will not find that they have any

friend or helper other than Allah.”

(al-Quran 33:17)

”You cannot escape in the earth, for

besides Allah you have no protecting

friend nor any helper.”

(al-Quran 42:31)

Allah declared in the Quran: “Fitnah (tumult or oppression) is worse than killing!” But that Fitnah (killing and oppression) has been going on in Palestine and many other Muslim countries for more than 70 years. It is about time that Muslims put an end to it and enforce justice. They need to get together and fight the evil jointly so that justice prevails in Palestine and in all other Muslim countries under Western invasion. There cannot be peace without justice!

Tumult and oppression can only be eliminated by force. It demands sacrifices but it can be done. It’s a long process though. The blacks in South Africa and in the United States have shown that it is possible. But it depends on the minorities as to how bold and courageous they are; and how much they want to sacrifice. If they are afraid of the majority or the numbers, they’ll never achieve success. They must have courage, resolve and fighting ability to take on the armed state goons. They should bear in mind that death comes only once and the time for it is fixed. Why fear then? If they don’t fight back for justice and their own survival, they would be killed anyway – as is being done for the last 70 years or so!

The Muslim believers should get the inspiration from the Quran and from the first war of Islam – Badr – when 313 devoted believers destroyed more than 1000 oppressors. Injustice should be fought back with all the force. Allah commands them.

“And fight them on until there is no more

tumult or oppression (Fitnah) , and there

prevails justice and faith in Allah altogether

and everywhere; but if they cease,

verily Allah does see all that they do.”

(al-Quran 8:39)

It is time for Jihad and the Commandments of Allah are very clear in situations or the conditions like today. Unfortunately, Muslim leaders of today are not Muslims in the true sense. They are plain hypocrites (Munafiqeen). They are corrupt, crooks and are playing puppets in the hands of their colonial masters just to stay in power. They are responsible for bringing misery, destruction, bloodshed and civil wars in many Muslim countries. They are helping the Zionists to destroy Muslim countries. Their pay-back time will be coming soon.

The prevailing question for the fake and coward Muslim leaders of the world is:

On The Day Of Judgment

How Would You Answer Allah?

Did you enjoin what is right?

Did you forbid what is wrong?

Did you fight injustice, oppression?

Did you help the victims of aggression?

Don’t you know that silent spectators

are partners of the oppressors?

You better prepare some answers now!

You can't simply blame the unbelievers or non-Muslims for the cruel game of 'death & destruction' being played in Palestine and Syria. Muslims leaders of the world are equally responsible for these atrocities. Allah commanded them to fight evil, maintain peace & justice and enjoin righteousness. Similarly, the Jews and the Christians were also commanded by the Almighty God to stand up for justice and obey God's commands. Unfortunately, they also failed mankind.

The Bible says:

They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny Him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.” – (Titus 1:16).


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