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Friday 23 October 2020

LES MISERABLES: Macron & French Far-Right Are Promoting Racism And Islamophobia.


Les Miserables’

Macron & French Far-Right

Are Promoting Racism

And Islamophobia.

(M. Javed Naseem)

(Algerians were massacred in Paris/France on 17th October, 1961)

France is a racist country that hides its racism, bias/discrimination, Islamophobia and cruel injustice to the minorities under the glittering cover of its slogan “Liberty, Equality & Fraternity”. The last three consecutive governments of hypocrites, who claim to be secular socialists, have systematically flared, instigated, promoted and encouraged racism and Islamophobia in France. We are seeing the results these days with ever-increasing anti-Muslim incidents and the racist President himself making anti-Islam and anti-Muslim speeches. Macron is a small/mean man holding a job much bigger than his size and abilities.

There are millions of good French people – honest, compassionate, sincere, just, hard-working and peace-loving who enjoy good relations with the minorities but a small number of evil-minded far-Right extremists holding some influential government jobs are playing the dirty games. Biased French and Western media is pursuing its own agenda to make things worse. For a few decades now, France has become another ugly face of Israel in Europe. It victimizes minorities and when the minorities show any reaction, it cries foul and claims to be the victim!

Here’s an interesting quote from the Bible:

Thus says the Lord GOD, ‘Enough, you

princes of Israel; put away violence and

destruction, and practice justice and

righteousness! Stop your expropriations

from My people,’ declares the Lord GOD.”

(Ezekiel 45:9)

That was a quote from the Bible. It shows that things were not different during the age of the Prophets Moses and Jesus. Has the House of Israel improved on morals and ethics and its treatment of others? No; not at all. On the contrary, it has gone from bad to worse and still worsening by the day.

It does not matter how far Syria, Iraq, Palestine or Libya is from America, Britain or France; how far India is from Britain; or how far Middle Eastern oil-rich countries are from America and Europe, they are always easy targets. Those countries were always attacked, invaded and colonized by the white Americans and Europeans under one pretext (excuse) or the other. The history of the last two centuries tells the bloody stories of invasions, occupation and colonization. When the occupied nations show some resistance, they are labeled ‘terrorists’ and bombed. You are held prisoner in your own home and are not allowed to raise your voice in protest!

Famous French-West Indian political philosopher Frantz Fanon once said:

Two centuries ago, a former European colony decided to catch up with Europe. It succeeded so well that the United States of America became a monster, in which the taints, the sickness, and the inhumanity of Europe have grown to appalling dimensions.” ― Frantz Fanon (The Wretched of The Earth’).

Allah the Almighty told the believers in the Quran more than 1400 years ago that unbelievers had joined hands together and were constantly working against them. They (the forces of Evil) would continue spreading corruption, injustice and violence unless the forces of Good unite against them and try to stop their onslaught. Justice is the only way to peace. No justice, no peace! There is no other solution to the world’s problems and to peace!

The unbelievers are protectors, one of

another. Unless you do this, (protect each

other), there would be tumult and oppression

on earth, and great mischief.”

(al-Quran 8:73)

In his book about People of Shaam (Syria & Lebanon) Prof. Adil Abu Shanab tells the story of an Arab Sheikh who got into a discussion with one of the French occupation officers during the French occupation of Syria (the French, the Americans and the Europeans are in Syria again!). The French officer had invited some Syrian dignitaries to a dinner. One of the invitees was an old Sheikh with his white beard. When the French officer saw the old Sheikh eating with his fingers, he tried to ridicule him by asking him:

Why are you not eating like us?”

The Sheikh replied: “Do you see me eating by my nose?”

The French officer sheepishly answered: “I mean, why don’t you use fork and knife?”

The sheikh replied: “I am sure of the cleanliness of my hand, but are you sure of the cleanliness of your fork and knife?”

This shut the French officer up, but he made up his mind to get vengeance on the old Sheikh.

At the feast, the wife of the French officer was sitting to his right and the daughter to his left. The French officer, to spite the man of God, asked for wine to be brought, and proceeded to pour for himself, his wife and daughter. He started to drink in a way to annoy the Sheikh. But the old man did not show any reaction. Then the French officer asked him:

Listen O Sheikh! You like grapes and eat them, don’t you?”

To which the Sheikh replied in the affirmative.

The French officer pointed towards the grapes, hoping to beat the old sheikh, and said:

This drink is from these grapes, so why do you eat grapes, but keep away from the wine?”

All the guests looked at the old Sheikh, feeling that he would have no answer to that.

The Sheikh calmly replied:

This is your wife, and this, your daughter, is from her, right? So how is it that your wife is legitimate (Halal) for you in bed but your daughter is not?”

It is said that the French officer immediately ordered for the wine to be removed from the table.

Iraq and Syria were always under fire during the last 200 years, even before. The ancient Babylonian history tells us that one of the greatest battle between Good and Evil was fought between Nimrod and Prophet Abraham in the region which is called Iraq today.

The modern history of the world tells us that so-called Terrorism, Islamic Extremism, WMD, Taliban, Boca Haram, Al-Shabab, ISIS/ISIL/IS, Daesh, etc., are all lame excuses fabricated to invade the oil-rich Islamic Middle East – especially Iraq, Syria, Libya. The Anglo-American West invaded or attacked these countries in every century (many times in 20th & 21st centuries) with no mention of terrorism! There were always political and economic considerations. The region has been the battleground of Good & Evil for centuries. How ironic that in those conflicts, one party was always the arrogant white man of either Europe or America!

In the 20th century, the arrogant white man nurtured a bully (Israel) in the Middle East to plunder the petrol, gas and other natural resources of the region; and at the same time keep the resisting region under political control.


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