False Prophets, Fake Preachers
Make Money And Fool People
In The Name Of God!
Every Religion Is About
Pleasing God, Not Yourself.
Love, Peace, Caring & Sharing Is
The True Spirit of Religion.
(M. Javed
Materialism has been spreading its ideology since long and
with media propaganda it has also seen a little success. But at the same time,
most people from the middle and lower classes feel disappointed by the
Capitalistic practices and corruption. The system works for the powerful few
and enslaves the majority of the population. It has miserably failed despite
its lofty claims because it is not based on social justice.
No system, whatever you may call it, can succeed unless and
until it is based on social justice, providing the masses with the basic
amenities and opportunities to make a decent and honorable living. Distribution
of wealth should be justified and constantly monitored by the honest
inspectors. Rules and laws should be respected and nobody should be exempt or
above the law, even if he is the president or prime minister of the country. If
you maintain equality and justice, your society will flourish and people would
be happy. That should be the goal of every government.
Today, everybody is chasing money; everybody wants to become
rich by hook or by crook, and as fast as possible. This has started a vicious
race where the stronger is trampling the weaker. Greedy rich are becoming
richer and richer because they can exploit and manipulate their connections or
influence. The poor are getting poorer and poorer day by day; while the middle
class is slowly disappearing. All prophets and messengers of God declared that
money was the cause of all evil. They emphasized the importance of pleasing
God, the Almighty, by serving the mankind – helping the needy and taking care
of the down-trodden. Greed for money/wealth is evil. The Bible says:
1-Timothy 6:10
the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it
have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”
James 5:3
“Your gold and your silver have rusted; and their rust will
be a witness against you and will consume your flesh like fire. It is in the
last days that you have stored up your treasure!”
I am using the word ‘priest’ in a general sense and it does
not only mean the Christian preachers but also includes the Muslim Mullahs, Jewish
Rabbis, Hindu Pundits and all other religious preachers. There are bigots and
hypocrites in every religious group because there are always dishonest humans
among us. The worst thing is to use the name of God, the Prophets, the saints,
or the religion itself to make money. The money collected in God’s name should
be spent in God’s cause – and that means spending on the mankind to eradicate
hunger and poverty. The Quran says:
“O you who believe! There are indeed many among
the priests and
anchorites, who in falsehood devour
the substance of men
and hinder (them) from the way
of Allah. And there
are those who bury gold and silver
and spend it not in
the way of Allah. Announce unto
them a most grievous
(al-Quran 9:34)
“On the Day when it
will (all) be heated in the fire
of Hell, and their
foreheads and their flanks and
their backs will be
branded therewith (and it will be
said unto them): Here
is that which you hoarded for
yourselves. Now taste
of what you used to hoard!”
(al-Quran 9:35)
It is ironic that people are turning into professional ‘preachers’
because it brings tax-free money – a lot of money. Preaching God’s word has
become a ‘profession’ and the Church is being used to fool the poor general
public. God’s name is being sold, one way or the other, and only the preachers
are benefiting from it, not the masses. Too much hypocrisy and bigotry is being
It is shocking to see that church-goers prefer to
financially help the priests and not the victims of poverty. They don’t care
about the homeless, the jobless, the refugees and the orphans created by the
Western illegal wars in Muslim countries. It’s a shame that humans are being
fooled or cheated in the name of humanity. Millions of dollars are raised to
help to those poor refugees and the homeless, but the money eventually ends in
the bank accounts of the rich elite. The poor remain poor. The Bible says:
Proverbs 1:19
“So are the ways of
everyone who gains by violence; It takes away the life of its possessors.”
Romans 2:9
“There will be tribulation and distress for every soul of
man who does evil, of the Jew first and also of the Greek.”
Job 15:20
"The wicked man writhes in pain all his days, and
numbered are the years stored up for the ruthless.”
James 5:1
“Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries which
are coming upon you.”
Here are a couple of examples from today's world of what’s
going on in the name of religion and how preachers are enjoying luxury lives
with other people’s money.
“Jesus wouldn’t be
riding a donkey!”
televangelist has asked his followers to help fund his fourth private jet -
because Jesus "wouldn't be riding a donkey".
Jesse Duplantis said God had told him to buy a Falcoln 7X
for $54m (£41m).
He added he was hesitant about the purchase at first, but
said God had told him: "I didn't ask you to pay for it. I asked you to
believe for it."
Although preachers owning private jets is not unusual, this
particular appeal has caused controversy. In a video address posted on his
website, 68-year-old Mr Duplantis explained:
"You know, I've owned three different jets in my life,
and I've used them and just burning them up for the Lord Jesus Christ. Now,
some people believe that preachers shouldn't have jets. I really believe that
preachers ought to go on every available voice, every available outlet, to get
this Gospel preached to the world."
The Bible says :
2-Peter 2:1-3
“But false prophets
also arose among the people,
just as there will be
false teachers among you, who
will secretly bring
in destructive heresies, even
denying the Master
who bought them, bringing
upon themselves swift
destruction. And many
will follow their
sensuality, and because of them
the way of truth will
be blasphemed. And in their
greed they will
exploit you with false words.
Their condemnation
from long ago is not idle,
and their destruction
is not asleep.”
The Biggest Scam of
Pastor Creflo Dollar
Will Get His $65 Million Luxury Jet
By Steve Siebold
Imagine what could be accomplished with $65 million! That’s a lot of money. Do you think Jesus would have wanted his earthly representatives traveling the globe in luxurious accommodations? Or do you think Jesus would have wanted to see that $65 million used to feed the poor, help the homeless, improve education, or just make some kind of huge impact to help humanity?
Changers Church
International said: “A long-range, high-speed, intercontinental jet aircraft is
a tool that is necessary in order to fulfill the mission of the ministry.”
But after all, God told him to buy the plane. Dollar said: “If
I want to believe God for a $65 million plane, you cannot stop me. You cannot
stop me from dreaming. I’m gonna dream until Jesus comes.”
(Courtesy: Huffington Post)
The Bible says:
Hebrews 13:5-6
“Keep your life free
from love of money, and be
content with what you
have, for he has said, “I will
never leave you nor
forsake you.” So we can
confidently say, “The
Lord is my helper; I will
not fear; what can
man do to me?”
Millionaire Pastor I.V.
Hilliard Asks Church
For “$52 Favor Seed” To
Upgrade Helicopter
From: Beginning & End
Prosperity Gospel preacher and false prophet I.V. Hilliard of New Light Christian Center Church in Houston, Texas, has come under fire for sending a letter requesting a special “favor seed” of $52 from church members in order to upgrade the church’s helicopter. Claiming he received a direct message from God regarding the situation, Hilliard’s letter, which promises all who “sow a seed” that they will automatically receive a “transportation blessing” in their own lives, is a stark example of the many heresies and false doctrines in the Prosperity Gospel movement that has corrupted much of the Christian church today. Hilliard and his wife, who live an extreme, lavish lifestyle comparable to multimillionaire rock stars, are a part of the apostasy – the prophesied falling away of much of the Christian church from Biblical doctrine to false preaching, in preparation for the coming Antichrist.
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(Bishop Hilliard, center, claims God told him it was time to upgrade his helicopter.) |
(Courtesy: https://beginningandend.com/millionaire-pastor-i-v-hilliard-asks-church-for-52-favor-seed-to-upgrade-helicopter/
The Quran says:
“It is He Who has sent His Messenger with
“It is He Who has sent His Messenger with
guidance and the
Religion of Truth, to proclaim
it over all religion,
even though the Pagans
may detest (it).”
(al-Quran 9:33)
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