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Friday, 6 April 2018


We Are All Sinners
But The Best Sinners
Are Those Who Repent
And Turn To Allah!

(M. Javed Naseem)

The Bible says:
“Rich people who see a brother or sister in need,
yet close their hearts against them, cannot claim
that they love God.” – (1-John 3:17)

We are all children of Adam and Eve. Allah, the Almighty, has created us in different colors, shapes and sizes. But He bestowed upon all of us His mercy. He blessed us with inner and outer beauty. The biggest and the best thing He blessed us with, is the intellect or intelligence. He gave us the ability and power of reasoning so that we could evaluate and rationalize things on the scale of logic. We are equal but we are not the same. We have the rights over each other but we also have the responsibilities towards each other. Our status is determined on the basis of our character, judged on the scale of Good-&-Evil. Some are better than others, and some outperform all others!

“Say: The evil and the good are not equal
even though the plenty of the evil may attract
you. So fear Allah, O men of understanding,
that you may succeed!”
(al-Quran 5:100)

The Bible says:
“Learn to do right. See that justice is done — help
those who are oppressed, give orphans their rights,
and defend widows.” – (Isaiah 1:17)

That does not mean that we should start hating others, downgrading and demeaning others. There is good and bad in every. Some get lucky that they are brought up and educated by all means available to their parents. Others get less fortunate as their parents had to struggle through hardships, both economic and social. The best way to eradicate disparity in this world is to help others. Take those along who are slow and lag behind because of lack of opportunities. Less disparity means less problems/evil and more prosperity or more happiness.

We human beings easily forget that this universe was created by God and it belongs to God. We were installed here temporarily to make arrangements for our real life in the Hereafter. But due to lack of understanding, lack of good upbringing, proper education and true guidance, we get lost easily. We start thinking as if this is the only life we have so we try getting the maximum out of it, by hook or crook. This promotes injustice, apartheid, racism, discrimination and hate. Let’s repair our belief first!

“To Allah does belong the dominion of the
heavens and the earth, and all that is therein;
and it is He Who has power over all things.”
(al-Quran 5:120)

Once we realize the truth, our outlook changes. We tilt less towards evil and lean more towards compassion and forgiveness resulting in cooperation and harmony. We protect ourselves and our loved ones from injustice and evil. We organize groups and forums to promote Good and ward-off Evil. And that’s the way it should be!

“O you who believe! Guard your own souls!
If you follow (right) guidance, no hurt can
come to you from those who stray. The goal
of you all is to Allah. It is He Who will show
you the truth of all that you do.”
(al-Quran 5:105)

“To those who believe and do deeds of
righteousness, has Allah promised
forgiveness and a great reward. But those
who reject faith and deny Our signs will
be companions of Hell-fire.”
(al-Quran 5:9-10)

The Bible says:
“Suppose there are brothers or sisters who need
clothes and don’t have enough to eat. What good
is there in your saying to them, ‘God bless you!
Keep warm and eat well!’, if you don’t give them
the necessities of life?” – (James 2:15-16)

Remember the story of the two sons (Qabil or Cain and Habil or Abel) of the first man Adam? There’s a big lesson in that story for mankind.

“Recite to them the truth of the story of the
two sons of Adam. Behold! They each
presented a sacrifice (to Allah). It was
accepted from one, but not from the other.
Said the latter: ‘Be sure I will slay you’.
‘Surely,’ said the former, ‘Allah accepts the
sacrifice (offering) of those who are righteous.’”
(al-Quran 5:27)

“The (selfish) soul of the other led him to
the murder of his brother. He murdered him,
and became (himself) one of the lost ones.”
(al-Quran 5:30)

That means evil (to sin) is part of our character. But those of us who can overcome evil with good, and don’t submit to the Devil, they are successful. We cannot totally erase evil (or sin) from our lives but its reward (or punishment) can be forgiven by Allah, if we only repent and beg Him for mercy and forgiveness. Only He can purify us from sins by His mercy.

“Except for those who repent before you
over-power them. In that case, know that
Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
O you who believe! Do your duty to Allah,
seek the means of approach unto Him,
and strive with might and main in His
cause, so that you may prosper!”
(al-Quran 5:34-35)


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