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Friday 24 November 2017

THE BEST TRIBUTE TO THE PROPHET: Follow his teachings and lifestyle!

The Best Tribute To The Prophet:
Follow The Teachings
And Lifestyle of Prophet
Muhammad (s.a.w.)!

The Prophet Or
His Companions Never
Celebrated Birthdays!

(M. Javed Naseem)

Today’s man is the champion of hypocrisy (Munafiqat). You’ll find these hypocrites in all religious groups, including Islam. Islam is not a part-time religion (a weekly or bi-weekly affair) as some might portray it. It’s a complete package – you have to take it as a whole or leave it. You cannot accept only the parts that you like and discard the rest. As a matter of fact, Islam is NOT a religion, although religion is a small part of it. Islam is a ‘DEEN’ and ‘Deen’ means ‘a way of life’, a system of life. Everything we do – talk, walk, eat, drink, sleep, dress, work, trade or deal with others, buy or sell, teach or learn, choose our representatives, form a government, enforce fair-play and justice – all is done according to the teachings of Islam of which the Quran is the prime source. How can you call all that merely a ‘religion’?

Islam covers every aspect of our daily life in the fields of trade, social justice, legal or judicial system, education, finance, politics and government,  upbringing of children, marriage & divorce, inheritance, right of the neighbors or the community, citizens’ responsibilities, human rights, etc. Nothing escapes! The unbelievers are afraid of the Divine laws and limits, therefore, they put a label – religion – on Islam. In the next step, they promote the separation of religion and the state; and that’s how they trap Muslims in every discussion at every forum. That’s how the push you away from the Quran and Islam. Don’t fall in the trap of ‘religion’!

Following Prophet’s Sunnah

He took one meal per day and his breakfast
used to be 1-3 dry dates with a glass of water.
He fasted every Monday, every Thursday and
every 13th, 14th and 15th of the month. He didn’t
eat a hot meal in weeks. Most of the time his
meal would be a piece of dry coarse bread
with olive oil, or vinegar or plain water,
except when he was invited by some.

He was truthful and trustworthy; 
he never lied in his entire life; never
cheated, deceived or betrayed anybody.

He believed in honesty, sincerity, social
justice, compassion, good manners,
honorable and respectful conduct.

He respected women, helped the needy,
the poor, the weak, the orphans and the
sick. He was kind and merciful to all
(Muslims and non-Muslims). He was
a great husband and a great father.

He promoted peace and harmony,
and justly resolved people’s disputes.
He didn’t allow sects in Islam.
He enjoined good and forbid evil.
He preached equality and God’s sovereignty.
Above all, he was a faithful servant of God
and he showed that by his actions.

That was the way (Sunnah) of the Prophet.
If you don’t do that, you shouldn’t even be
talking about the Sunnah of the Prophet (s.a.w.)!


Here’s what Allah commands you on this particular subject. In this verse Allah is telling the Prophet (s.a.w.) to convey to people the message of Allah (i.e., if you love Allah, follow the Prophet!):

“Say (O Muhammad): ‘If you do love Allah,
Follow Me! Allah will love you and forgive
you your sins; for Allah is Oft-Forgiving,
Most Merciful’."
(al-Quran 3:31)

Muhammad (s.a.w.) never lied in his entire life. Before the advent of formal Islam, he was known as ‘Sadiq’ (Truthful) and ‘Ameen’ (Trustworthy) among the pagans and the Quraish tribes. He was the best model of Islamic conduct, manners and morals. He upheld social justice. Even the Almighty God praised his conduct and declared him a role-model for the mankind. We should take pride in following him.

“And you (O Muhammad) are on an
exalted standard of character”.
(al-Quran 68:4)

Allah tells the believers in the Quran to follow the Prophet (s.a.w.) as he is a designated role-model for the mankind. His life is the perfect example of how to live ‘by the Book’ as per commands of our Creator, the Almighty God.

“You have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a
beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose
hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who
engages much in the praise of Allah”. 
(al-Quran 33:21)

Allah prescribed Islam as the ‘Deen’ (the way of life) for the mankind and He chose Muhammad (s.a.w.) as His last Messenger for the entire universe. The most important single most element of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)’s character was his truthfulness. He never told a lie in his entire life. Long before declaring his prophet-hood, he was called “Sadiq” (the Truthful) by the pagans, idol-worshippers and non-believers of Makkah. Even his enemies attested for his truthfulness and never called him a “liar”. Abu Jahl, who was one of the harshest enemies of Islam, said:
“O Muhammad! I do not say that you are a liar! I only deny what you brought (Islam) and what you call people to (One God)”.

Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) himself said:

"God has sent me to perfect good manners
and to do good deeds”.
(Sahih Bukhari & Ahmed)

And that statement of the Prophet (s.a.w.) was confirmed by God in the Holy Quran:

"And indeed, you (O Muhammad) are
of a great moral character".
(al-Quran 68:4)

"Say (O Muhammad): Indeed, my prayer, my rites
of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for God,
Lord of the Worlds. No partner has He. And this
I have been commanded and I am the first
(among you) of the Muslims.”
(al-Quran 6:162-163)

“We sent you not, but as a Mercy
for the worlds (all creatures)”.
(al-Quran 21:107)

As  Muslims, we should be very careful when we share sayings (Ahadith) of the Prophet (s.a.w.). There are many fake Ahadith mixed with the authentic ones and sometimes it is impossible to sort them out. Today, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to verify the authenticity of the words that were spoken 1400 years ago, and mostly those words were not recorded. On the other hand, the verses of the Quran were immediately recorded when revealed to the Prophet (s.a.w.).

Facebook preachers should be extra careful while sharing religious material. They should verify it before sharing; and if it cannot be verified, it should not be shared. Simple as that! Don’t commit blasphemy!

Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) said:
“Whoever ascribes to me what I have not said
then let him occupy his place in Hell!”
(Sahih Bukhari, Book 3, No: 109)


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