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Saturday 11 March 2017

CHILD VACCINATION: 'Unavoidably Unsafe'

Child Vaccination
Are Vaccines Harmful?

In America,
Vaccines Are Legally Defined As
‘Unavoidably Unsafe’

(M. Javed Naseem)

Last Sunday, March 5, 2017, was the “Empty Stroller Walk” Day (or A Day of Remembrance) in memory of those children who lost their lives to the vaccines. Parents and grandparents came out in big numbers to participate in the rallies and to remember their children. Due to the ‘vaccine awareness’ campaign of some grieved parents and activists, the movement has picked up momentum. Empty Stroller Walk day was observed in every main city of many countries including USA. People are demanding an environment free of mandatory vaccinations.

In some countries (including Pakistan and India) some anti-vaccination protests have turned violent and have resulted in the damage of public and private property. In some cases, the medical staff and volunteers were physically attacked, injured and even killed.

Vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe” and contain
“unavoidable” viruses, phages (viruses that infect
bacteria), and contaminants. No other drug or
medical product is similarly manufactured – if
contaminants are found in them, the product
is recalled. The FDA even recalls food
when contaminants are found.


The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends getting 29 doses of 9 vaccines (plus a yearly flu shot after six months old) for kids aged 0 to six. No US federal laws mandate vaccination, but all 50 states require certain vaccinations for children entering public schools.
Vaccination has become very controversial topic over the last few years. Parents have some really genuine concerns about these vaccines, especially when they are given to the healthy babies in shockingly huge number within weeks and months of their birth. There seems to be no justification except the ‘presumption’ that these vaccines MIGHT save children from those diseases they never got in the first place! They say that these vaccines can protect children (newly born babies?) from diseases. That’s a supposition with no substantial evidence.

At the same time, these experts ignore all those incidents where children suffered from the reaction from these vaccines. Vaccines pros and cons are debated all the time but the advantage goes to the authorities who mandate these vaccines. Every year, more and more vaccines are added to the list, bombarding little kids (newly born babies) with shots (injections) and shots! But the ‘pro’ group (mostly govt. doctors) claim that vaccines are safe and don’t contain harmful ingredients in large quantities.

“Trump says, ‘Too Many Too Soon’ regarding Vaccines.
He says, ‘Vaccines Cause Autism’. He is the FIRST
President to speak these DANGEROUS Truths.
Support him or prepare to be vaccinated!”

Vaccination is a very complicated issue and due to the lack of authentic data, real honest research results and the proof beyond reasonable doubt, it is very difficult for the parents to make the right decision. No parents want to see their children get sick with or without vaccination.
On the other side, the Big Pharma has also lost the trust of general public due to its profiteering and greed for money without caring about humans. They don’t tell people the truth (the whole truth) about their medicines/drugs. They lie or try to hide behind the ‘fine-print’ on every package cautioning people about the side-effects or harmful effects of most of the drugs they sell. They know fully well that their antibiotics have caused many deaths, deformities, disabilities and new diseases.

I, along with my other brothers and sisters) was never vaccinated because it was not the practice in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. My two children were born in Pakistan and I got them vaccinated for smallpox, hepatitis-B and one more thing (I don’t even remember … lol). It’s funny that we (parents) are still healthier and stronger than our young children who were vaccinated. But in our time, food items (especially milk, yogurt, wheat, corn, fruits and vegetables) were not (or less) contaminated than they are today. GM foods (Genetically Modified or altered) were not known to us, and life was much simpler for us than it is today.

I am quoting some arguments from both sides (pros & cons). Please study them carefully! Get first-hand information from family and friends who went through such situations and then make up your mind!


The Dangers of Vaccines & Vaccination:
Vaccination is a medical treatment administered to an otherwise healthy individual. Virtually all other invasive medical interventions occur only once someone has fallen ill. Vaccination, like most medical treatments, can involve some risk. And therefore it should be undertaken only after careful consideration of its risks versus its benefits.
The dangers of vaccines are real, can be substantial and life-long, and for some, life ending. Additionally vaccines:
  • have not been subject to toxicity studies for many of the ingredients such as aluminum and mercury, which are known neuro-toxins
  • have not been studied for adverse effects in the combinations in which they’re given (multiple shots in a single day for infants and children)
  • cannot be guaranteed to provide the benefit of immunity for which they are given
  • are used to “prevent” benign childhood diseases, diseases which actually “teach” the immune system how to work properly
Vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe” and contain “unavoidable” viruses, phages (viruses that infect bacteria), and contaminants. No other drug or medical product is similarly manufactured – if contaminants are found in them, the product is recalled. The FDA even recalls food when contaminants are found.
Some of the viruses contaminating vaccines have a known effect, as in the case of the simian virus SV-40 that causes cancer (see Cross-Species Contamination below). Other effects are unknown. In 1975 Gena Bari Kolata wrote an article[i] in the journal Science in which scientists at the FDA admit that all live virus vaccines are “grossly contaminated with phages,” even though it was against FDA regulations at that time. Rather than recall the vaccines, the FDA changed the rules so that a recall wouldn’t cause undue concern for parents. In 1987 the FDA decided this about vaccines: “seed virus used in manufacture shall be demonstrated to be free of extraneous microbial agents except for unavoidable bacteriophage.”[ii] Bovine (cow) serum is a frequently used vaccine growth medium and the most frequently contaminated animal serums with bacteriophage.
Vaccines have many other agents as well as the viruses and contaminants that can cause significant injury (see the full list below) to a child or adult. These injuries include brain swelling and permanent brain injury, seizures and convulsions, blood disorders, and even death. Since 1988 over 3.4 billion dollars in compensation has been paid by the federal government to vaccine victims. And yes, they have paid for autism. Studies have definitively shown that vaccines can result in autism, a disease that has increased from 1 in 10,000 in 1990, to 1 in 150 in 2000, to the current rate of 1 in 68 children. According to the CDC, the most recent numbers breakdown to 1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls diagnosed with autism.

Vaccines Are Unavoidably Unsafe

According to the US Food and Drug Administration, safety assessments for vaccines have not often included toxicity studies because vaccines have not been viewed as inherently toxic. Yet vaccines are legally defined as unavoidably unsafe.
It is not just childhood vaccines that come with substantial risk. Influenza vaccines, vaccines for sexually transmitted diseases, and others contain similar risks for adverse events. Also troubling is that vaccination is recommended now for pregnant women, even though vaccine package inserts clearly state they have not been tested on pregnant women, so the effects on the fetus can’t be known.
In the 1960s only a handful of childhood vaccines were given. The current CDC recommended vaccine schedule for children now has over 30 vaccines by the time a child turns 6 and an additional potential for up to 30 more by the time they reach 18. Could this increase be linked to our declining health? For example, currently:
  • One in six children in the US has a learning disability
  • Over 50% suffer from some type of chronic illness.
  • Cancer is the leading cause of death in our children
  • Autism rates have soared from 1 in 10,000 in 1990 to 1 in 68 today
Since genetic mutations change slowly over generations, we must look to environmental causes for these changes. While other environmental toxins certainly are at play in these statistics, disregarding the potential role to the amounts of toxin injected into children through vaccines is not only bad public policy, it is bad science. By disregarding the role of vaccines in our statistics for infant mortality and chronic diseases, we could be doing more harm than good in mandating, or even advising, them.

Vaccine Adverse Effects: Known Risks

The list of adverse side effects for vaccines is long and troubling. A quick scan of the Vaccine Injury Table kept by the Health Resource Center for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reveals that compensation for injury is possible from a variety of the most common vaccines given to children.

Vaccine Damage Awareness
“Empty Stroller Walk” March 5, 2017

The most horrible experience any parent, and even a grandparent, can experience is the death of a beloved child, especially an infant and toddler.  The death is even more overwhelming when one realizes the child had succumbed following a vaccine or series of vaccinations given at ‘well baby’ visits, a time when pediatricians push vaccines.
Too many infants, toddlers and children of all ages experience extremely serious adverse reactions to vaccines, which the medical profession says are “coincidental” and “hushed up.”
Infant Ian Gromowski suffered a severe reaction to the Hepatitis B vaccine and you can see what happened to poor little Ian’s body here.
Sunday, March 5, 2017, will be observed as a Day of Remembrance to remember those children lost to vaccines by parents and grandparents participating in the “Empty Stroller Walk” down Main Street USA and in every town or city wherever you live around the world.  This is a global remembrance.
This Walk is the idea of grieving GRANDMOTHER Sherry Frady, who lost her granddaughter Bella to vaccination.  Sherry tells Bella’s story on “The Mary and Sallie Show.”
More information about the “Empty Stroller Walk” can be found at   and…

The Pro View:

In August 2011 the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a report that examined eight childhood vaccines and potential side effects. It found that vaccines are largely safe and that side effects are usually very rare and minor.
Expert medical bodies including the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) urge parents to vaccinate their kids against 16 diseases. The CDC schedule for childhood vaccinations, which relies on recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and is endorsed by APP, is drawn up based on data detailing when the body’s immune system will mount the best response to the vaccine and, secondly, balanced against the need to protect kids at the earliest age possible. There is no scientific data suggesting a medical benefit from spacing out vaccines over a longer period than the official recommendations.

Proponents say that vaccination is safe and one of the greatest health developments of the 20th century. They point out that illnesses, including rubella, diphtheria, smallpox, polio, and whooping cough, are now prevented by vaccination and millions of children’s lives are saved. They contend adverse reactions to vaccines are extremely rare.

From: PublicHealth
CDC-Recommended Vaccinations:
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) maintains three schedules for recommended vaccinations: one for children 0-6 years old, another for children 7-18 years old, and a third for adults 19 and older. At first glance, the recommended vaccines can seem like a lot, but many are required to enroll in public schools and colleges, and there is a good reason for each one.
See below for the current CDC vaccination schedules, as well as information on each disease the vaccinations are protecting against.
DTaP: This vaccine helps prevent three diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis.
  • Who should get the vaccine? Everyone. A five-dose vaccine is available for children between the ages of two months and six years; teenagers should receive their next DTaP vaccination at age 19, and then every 10 years for the rest of their lives.
Diphtheria: An airborne infection caused by the Corynebacterium diphtheriae bacteria.
  • Transmission: The disease is spread person-to-person, usually through “respiratory droplets” secreted during a cough or sneeze. It may also spread from sores or lesions on the skin, as well as clothing or other items that have been contaminated from the discharge of lesions or sores.
  • Prognosis: Complications from diphtheria include airway blockage, cardiovascular damage, nerve inflammation/polyneuropathy, paralysis, lung infection, and death. One out of ten diphtheria patients who receive treatment do not survive the infection; without treatment, the disease has a mortality rate of 50%.
Tetanus: An infection caused by the Clostridium tetani bacteria.
  • Transmission: The tetanus bacteria lives in the soil, and is transmitted to humans through cuts or burns rendered from physical contact with contaminated surfaces or objects.
  • Prognosis: Complications from tetanus include laryngospasm (involuntary vocal chord contraction), fractured or broken bones, arterial blockage, pneumonia, and difficulty breathing. The mortality rate for tetanus is 10 to 20%.
Pertussis: An airborne respiratory infection, also known as whooping cough, caused by the Bordetella pertussis bacteria.
  • Transmission: The disease is spread person-to-person, usually through respiratory droplets from sneezing or coughing.
  • Prognosis: Although anyone may become seriously ill due to pertussis, infants are especially vulnerable. One in four young victims will develop pneumonia, one in 100 will die, and one in 300 will develop encephalopathy (brain swelling). In teens and adults, some of the most common complications include extreme weight loss, chronic nausea, and rib fractures caused by harsh coughing.
Hepatitis A: The vaccine for an acute viral disease that primarily affects the liver.
  • Transmission: Hepatitis A is transmitted through ingestion of fecal matter, usually from person-to-person contact or exposure to contaminated food and drink items.
  • Prognosis: The mortality rate for hepatitis A is relatively low, although liver failure is common among lifelong carriers.
Hepatitis B: The vaccine for an acute liver disease caused by exposure to the hepatitis B virus.
  • Transmission: Hepatitis B may be spread through blood, semen, vaginal fluid, or other bodily liquids; transmission most commonly occurs through sexual intercourse, childbirth (mother-to-child), and sharing of needles, razors, or other instruments that draw blood.
  • Prognosis: Although some people infected with hepatitis B will shed the disease as quickly as six months, others will develop lifelong chronic conditions; generally, younger victims are the most susceptible to developing chronic infections.
Hib: Haemophilus Influenza Type b: This vaccine helps prevent meningitis, pneumonia, bacteremia, and other infections caused by the Haemophilus influenzae type b bacteria.
  • Transmission: Hib is transmitted person-to-person through respiratory droplets secreted during sneezing or coughing.
  • Prognosis: Certain Hib strains can live within the body for extended periods of time without causing an infection; major complications occur when the infection enters areas of the body usually free of germs, such as the blood or spinal fluid. Advanced complications include mental deterioration/brain damage, loss of limbs, and death.
HPV: Human Papillomavirus: A sexually transmitted disease linked to cancers in the female reproductive system.
  • Transmission: HPV is spread through sexual contact, usually through the genitals or anus.
  • Prognosis: The immune systems of roughly 90% of carriers will suppress HPV within two years. But as stated above, male and female carriers may develop serious infections (such as cancer) from exposure to HPV.
Influenza: The vaccination for an airborne infection commonly referred to as ‘the flu.’
  • Transmission: Influenza is a highly contagious airborne illness caused by the influenza virus, and is spread by exposure to infected individuals who are coughing, sneezing, or simply speaking.
  • Prognosis: Most individuals who contract influenza will experience a period of severe sickness that can last up to one or two weeks. High-risk populations, including the elderly, infants, and individuals with chronic diseases, are susceptible to advanced symptoms, which include death.
MMR: This vaccine helps prevent three diseases: measles, mumps, and rubella.
  • Measles: A highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the measles virus.
    • Transmission: Measles is an airborne disease spread through exposure to infected individuals who are coughing, sneezing, and/or breathing.
    • Prognosis: If untreated, measles can lead to ear infection, pneumonia, and death.
  • Mumps: An airborne disease caused by the mumps virus.
    • Transmission: Mumps is spread person-to-person through saliva or mucus in the nose, mouth, or throat.
    • Prognosis: If untreated, mumps can lead to swelling of the cheek and jaw, as well as inflammation of the testicles, ovaries, breasts, brain tissue, and spinal cord.
  • Rubella: An acute viral infection, also known as German measles, that can cause a serious rash.
    • Transmission: Rubella is usually spread through exposure to respiratory droplets secreted through coughing or sneezing by infected individuals.
    • Prognosis: Pregnant women who contract rubella may produce children with birth defects (including deafness, cataracts, and mental retardation).
Meningococcal: The vaccine that helps prevent the respiratory disease known as meningococcal meningitis (also known as meningococcus), which is caused by the Neisseria meningitidis bacteria.
  • Transmission: Meningococcal is most commonly spread through saliva during kissing and sexual activity.
  • Prognosis: Meningococcal meningitis is often treated with antibiotics if detected right away, and a lumbar puncture (or ‘spinal tap’) treatment may follow; in many cases, however, the disease will have spread throughout the body by the time antibiotics are administered. Long-term complications include brain damage, loss of limbs, and death.
Polio: This vaccine helps prevent polio, an infection caused by a virus that originates in the throat and intestinal tract.
  • Transmission: Polio is spread by person-to-person contact, although it is rarely encountered today.
  • Prognosis: If untreated, polio can lead to permanent disability, partial or full paralysis, and death.
PPSV: Pneumococcal Polysaccharide: This vaccine helps prevent 23 different strains of the Pneumococcal bacteria.
  • Transmission: Pneumococcal is spread person-to-person through mucus, saliva, and other respiratory fluids.
  • Prognosis: Although most cases are mild, advanced complications may include hearing loss, brain damage, and death. Young children and the elderly are considered especially vulnerable.
Rotavirus: This is the vaccine for rotavirus, a disease that causes gastroenteritis (a painful inflammation in the digestive system).
  • Transmission: Rotavirus is transmitted from person-to-person via the feces or stool of infected children and adults.
  • Prognosis: Dehydration is the biggest concern with rotavirus; many patients are required to obtain IV treatment at a hospital. Infants, young children, and individuals with pre-existing medical conditions are considered to run the greatest risk for rotavirus.
Shingles: This vaccine helps prevent shingles, a skin condition caused by the herpes zoster virus that has been linked to exposure to varicella (chickenpox).
Transmission: Shingles cannot be transmitted from person-to-person, but herpes zoster can, and is usually spread through the fluid of herpes zoster blisters.
  • Prognosis: The most common complication of shingles is postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), a persistent pain where shingles blisters once occurred. Shingles may also lead to vision problems, pneumonia, brain inflammation, and death.
Varicella: This is the vaccine used to treat the condition varicella (also known as chickenpox).
  • Transmission: The virus is spread person-to-person by mucus, saliva, or fluid from chickenpox blisters.
  • Prognosis: Serious complications of chickenpox can include pneumonia, infections of the joints and bones, inflammation of the brain, and toxic shock syndrome. Adults may also acquire shingles later in life due to exposure to chickenpox.

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