We Need God,
God Doesn’t Need Us.
If We Reject Him,
He Will Reject Us.
He offered us a win/win deal,
An all-profit and no-loss trade!
Lessons From Surah al-Fatir
(The Originator, The Initiator)
(M. Javed Naseem)
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(Arabic caligraphy: La ilaha illa-Allah - There's no god but Allah.) |
Most of the chapters (Surahs) of the Holy Quran are not
confined to one particular subject. They are rather multi-subject narrations.
This way, if a non-Muslim (stranger to the Quran) gets hold of a chapter, he
can benefit from the narrations that cover a range of subjects.
Surah al-Fatir is the 35th chapter among the 114
chapters of the Quran. The Arabic word ‘Fatir’ means the Originator, the
Initiator. And that refers to the Supreme Creator – Allah!
He Is The One. Acknowledge
Allah created everything – everything meaning the things we
have seen and the things we have not seen or even cannot see. As His creation,
it is only logical that we glorify His name as everything in the universe does
“Praise be to Allah, Who created (out of nothing)
the heavens and the
earth, Who made the angels,
messengers with wings
- two, or three, or four
(pairs). He adds to
Creation as He pleases,
for Allah has power
over all things.”
(al-Quran 35:1)
He reminds us that there is no power besides Him who can run
the affairs of this universe and sustain all creation.
“It is Allah Who sustains the heavens and
the earth, lest they
cease (to function); and
if they should fail,
there is none - not one –
who can sustain them
thereafter. Verily
He is Most Forbearing,
(al-Quran 35:41)
Be Grateful For His
If we realistically look at ourselves, we would immediately
know that we survive with His mercy and blessings only. He is our
sole-Provider. Therefore, He merits all praise and glory. We are His humble
“O mankind! Call to mind the grace of Allah
unto you! Is there a
creator, other than Allah,
to give you
sustenance from heaven or earth?
There is no god but
He. How then are you
deluded away from the
(al-Quran 35:3)
His Promise Is True!
We better believe Him when He tells that our life on this
world is like an illusion. The real life is in the Hereafter and we should be
striving for that. The only person that hinders our path is the Satan (Devil).
“O mankind! Certainly
the promise of Allah
is true. Let not then
this present life deceive
you, nor let the
Chief Deceiver deceive you
about Allah.”
(al-Quran 35:5)
Satan Is Our Enemy!
Satan (the Devil) became the enemy of mankind since the day
God created Adam. For his disobedience, God destined Satan to Hell but was
given respite till the Day of Judgment. Until then, he is trying his best to
prove his point that it is not only him who disobeyed God but man is also
disobedient to God. And we all know how far he is right!
“Verily Satan is an enemy to you, so treat
him as an enemy! He
only invites his adherents,
that they may become
Companions of the
Blazing Fire.”
(al-Quran 35:6)
Don’t Deny Him!
He is the Creator, the Cherisher, the Sustainer, the
Provider, the Beneficent and the Merciful. So, pay Him His due! If you reject
or deny Him, you will be rejected and denied!
“For those who reject Allah, there is a terrible
Penalty but for those
who believe and work
righteous deeds, is forgiveness,
and a
magnificent Reward.”
(al-Quran 35:7)
Don’t Plot Evil For
He is the Most Merciful and He loves that His Creation
(Humans) are merciful to each other too. He likes piety and righteousness and
He rewards for that generously. But if one tries to hurt fellow human beings,
he will be punished.
“Whoever seeks glory and power (should know)
that to Allah belongs
all glory and power. To Him
mount up (all) good
words. It is He Who exalts
each deed of
righteousness. Those who lay plots
of Evil, for them is
a Penalty terrible; and the
plotting of such will
be void (of result).”
(al-Quran 35:10)
You Are Dust, So Be
Always remember what you are and who you are! You were
created from dust and to dust will you go back. Be humble and treat others
“And Allah did create you from dust; then from
a sperm-drop; then He
made you in pairs. And
no female conceives,
or lays down (her load),
but with His
knowledge. Nor is a man long-lived
granted length of
days, nor is a part cut off from
his life, but is in a
Decree (ordained).
All this is easy to
(al-Quran 35:11)
Glorify The Supreme
You know that He is the Supreme Creator but you really don’t
know how much and what else, apart from your own world, He has created. Travel
to see His creation!
“Nor are the two bodies of flowing water
alike - the one
palatable, sweet, and pleasant
to drink, and the
other, salt and bitter. Yet from
each (kind of water)
do you eat flesh fresh and
tender, and you extract
ornaments to wear; and
you see the ships
therein that plough the waves,
that you may seek
(thus) of the Bounty of Allah
that you may be
(al-Quran 35:12)
You Need Allah, He’s
Free of Needs!
He is the King of the Kings and we are the beggars, no
matter how much we accumulate. We always need Him because He is our Sustainer
and Provider.
“O people! It is you that have need of Allah
but Allah is the One
Free of all wants,
worthy of all praise.
If He so pleased, He
could blot you out and
bring in a new creation.
Nor is that (at all)
difficult for Allah.”
(al-Quran 35:15-17)
Call On The
The Dead Can’t Hear
Need help? Call on Him, any time, any day, anywhere! Ask Him
and not his creation, especially the dead saints! A dead man can’t help the
“Nor are alike those that are living and
those that are dead.
Allah can make any
that He wills to
hear; but you cannot make
those to hear who are
(buried) in graves.”
(al-Quran 35:22)
Rejection Merits
Allah sent His Message to the mankind through Messengers and
Prophets. Many people, in every age and era, rejected those Messengers and
Prophets and denied His clear signs. Such deniers and rejecters merit
“And if they reject you, so did their
predecessors, to whom
came their
messengers with clear
signs, Books of
dark prophecies, and
the Book of
Enlightenment. In the
end did I punish
those who rejected
Faith; and how
(terrible) was My
rejection (of them)!”
(al-Quran 35:25-26)
The Key To Success!
You want success in this world and in the Hereafter, then here’s
what Allah tells you to do.
“Those who rehearse the Book of Allah,
establish regular prayer,
and spend (in
charity) out of what
We have provided
for them, secretly
and openly, hope for
a commerce that will
never fail. For He
will pay them their wages, nay, He will
will pay them their wages, nay, He will
give them (even) more
out of His Bounty,
for He is
Oft-Forgiving, Most Ready
to appreciate
(al-Quran 35:29-30)
Hellfire For The
If you don’t appreciate what Allah gave you in this world,
you are ungrateful. Allah does not like ungrateful people because they deny His
blessings and favors. And that’s rejection! A severe punishment awaits those
who reject signs of Allah.
“But those who reject (Allah), for them
will be the Fire of
Hell. No term shall be
determined for them,
so they should die,
nor shall its Penalty
be lightened for them.
Thus do We reward
every ungrateful one!”
“Therein will they cry aloud (for help): Our
“Therein will they cry aloud (for help): Our
Lord! Bring us out! We
shall work righteousness,
not the (deeds) we
used to do! "Did We not give
you long enough life
so that he that would,
should receive
admonition? And (moreover) the
Warner came to you.
So taste (the fruits of your
deeds), for the
wrong-doers there is no helper."
(al-Quran 35:36-37)
Allah’s Way: Good Is
Rewarded With Good,
Evil With Evil.
Good is rewarded with good and evil is punished. That’s the
law of Allah and He never changed it. Be afraid of Him if you commit evil.
“They showed their arrogance in the land
and their plotting of
Evil, but the plotting
of Evil backfires on
those only who make it.
Now are they but
looking for the way the
ancients were dealt
with? But no change
will you find in
Allah's way (of dealing);
no turning off will you
find in Allah's
way (of dealing).”
(al-Quran 35:43)
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(There were nations that carved houses in the mountains) |
Travel And Learn From
Travel is education! You get the first-hand experience and
knowledge of things that have been mentioned in the Scriptures. Go places and
learn from the ruins!
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(Petra of Jordan - Nations of Aad and Thamoud lived there) |
“Do they not travel through the earth, and see
what was the end of
those before them, though
they were superior to
them in strength? Nor is
Allah to be
frustrated by anything whatever in
the heavens or on
earth, for He is All-Knowing,
(al-Quran 35:44)
The Merciful Always
Gives You A Break! Another Chance!
At the end of the day, it’s you in front of Him! Be prepared
for that. He knows that you always falter. But He reminds you that never
despair His mercy! If you regret and repent, He will forgive you. He’ll give
you a break. He always gives you a second chance because He is the infinite
“If Allah were to punish people according to
what they deserve, He
would not leave on the
face of the (earth) a
single living creature But
He gives them respite
for a stated Term.
When their Term
expires, verily Allah
has in His sight all
His Servants.”
(al-Quran 35:45)
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