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Friday, 21 February 2025

ENJOIN GOOD AND SHUN EVIL! Another Wake-up Call.


Another Wake-up Call

Enjoin Good And Shun Evil!

Stop Those Who Are Trying

To Destroy The World!

(M. Javed Naseem)

"For We assuredly sent amongst every nation

a messenger, (with the Command), ‘Serve Allah,

and shun Evil’. There were some whom Allah

guided, and some on whom error became inevitably

(established). So travel through the earth, and see

what was the end of those who denied (the Truth)."

(al-Quran 16:36)

Things are getting worse day by day as we are approaching the End Times. The rich and powerful have become too strong and powerful that they are now dictating the world. They have formed a fascist mafia to control and rule the world in the name of democracy. In fact, they are plundering the wealth of the world and the natural resources of the universe. No criticism or opposition is tolerated and the ‘guilty’ are neutralized. Their brand of democracy is being enforced by bombs and bullets. They are playing the game of death & destruction in the name of peace. And the worst part is that nobody seems to be trying to stop them. The Bible says:

We are commanded to enjoin good and forbid evil. That’s the only way to create a prosperous society based on social justice and equality. Islam advocates that kind of society and commands its followers to practice righteousness, maintain justice and peace, and help those in need. Islam means submission or surrender to the will of God and that is the religion as well as the way of life promoted by all Prophets and the Messengers of God. People might have named it differently in every era but practically it was the same. It was the norm of Heaven and all Prophets delivered the same message.

Allah the Almighty created only one ‘Deen’ (faith or religion) for mankind, and that is Islam. All prophets (messengers) brought the message of Islam to their respective nations. It started with Adam and was completed with Muhammad (s.a.w.). Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (s.a.w.) all preached and practiced Islam. It is only Islam – submission to God – that was introduced by the Divine through the Prophets/Messengers. Everything else is either from Satan or from pagans and is based on the beautiful lies!

Since the creation of the universe, Allah, the Supreme Creator, has been sending us the same universal message through different Messengers in different times that there is only One God (Allah) worthy of worship and He has no partners, no family, nor children. He is the Master of the Universe and one day we have to appear before Him for accountability. That’s called the Day of Judgment. The wicked man is not comfortable with the accountability notion, therefore, he fabricates his own notions, new religions and issues revised holy books. He goes out of his way to make things comfortable and easy for him in this world and forgets all about the Hereafter. Allah says:

“… The life of this world is but

comfort of illusion.”

(al-Quran 3:185)

And we buy illusion at the expense of reality – the real everlasting life of the Hereafter. Man, under the influence of Satan, distorted God’s Message through his corrupt ways, in every era. But eventually, it was truth that prevailed. Truth always comes from Allah and lies (or falsehood) from Satan (Devil). Devil buries the truth under the heap of filth so that nobody wants to dig it out. The dirty work demands a lot of patience, sacrifice, hard work and guidance. There are not many who want to do that digging. It requires the digger to be an honest, sincere believer and a true seeker who is ready to give all in the cause of Allah. Presently, Muslim Ummah is in desperate need of such diggers.

There’s a saying attributed to different saints, even the Prophet, that when there is too much of ‘Haram’ – corruption and evil practices – in a society and the people, who are capable (and responsible) of stopping that, do nothing about it, that society should wait for ‘azab-Allah’ – the wrath of Allah. That means that evil-doing and corruption bring punishment of God, the Almighty. That is a very natural course. If we open the Holy Quran, we’ll find the stories of previous nations who rejected the Message of Allah, deviated from the right path and rebelled against the Law of Allah. They were wiped off the land as if they never existed. The nations of Aad, Thamud, Noah, Nimrod, Lot, Shuaib, Pharaoh, etc., they all became part of the history and a lesson for the mankind. Allah says:ْ

We destroyed the generations before you

when they did wrong; and their messengers

(from Allah) came unto them with clear proofs

(of His Sovereignty), but they would not

believe. Thus do we reward the guilty folk.”

(al-Quran 10:13)

But did the mankind really learn any lesson? Today, we are in the same situation once again. Allah has extended the leash, given us plenty of time to repent and change our ways, but nothing has improved. On the contrary, the only change that we see, is the change for the worse – ‘Haram’ is spreading. We are chasing an illusion. We have ignored all warnings and have arrogantly defied the commands of Allah. The punishment is almost at our doorsteps. Now, it is just a matter of weeks or months. O Ummah! Wake up, it is coming! Can we still not see it? Then we must be blind, deaf and dumb! Prepare yourself for a rude awakening!ِ

Many are the Jinns and men we have

made for Hell. They have hearts wherewith

they understand not, eyes wherewith they

see not, and ears wherewith they hear not.

They are like cattle, nay more misguided;

for they are heedless (of warning).”

(al-Quran 7:179)

We have made our choices. We have sowed the seeds of injustice and corruption; the seeds of evil and transgression; and now is the time to harvest. We shall reap what we have sowed, that is the law of nature. If that happened to the nations of the old, it can happen to us too. NO exception!

This writing is just another wake-up call. It is not the ‘last’ call because there might be many more, not only from me but also from thousands of other concerned believers who see the disaster at our doorsteps. We are not sure who will listen and who will act wisely to join that small group of people who are trying to change things positively. But there is always hope. We have seen the warning signs – the fires, floods, storms and hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes. But we didn’t budge. The door of repentance is still open. There is very little time left but there’s still a chance. It might be the last chance to save humanity!

Satan was cursed because of his arrogance and disobedience to God, and was destined to Hell as a punishment. We are guilty of the same crime. Allah warned us not to follow him as he was an open enemy to us.

Did I not charge you, O you sons of Adam!

That you should not serve the Shaitan?

Surely, he is your open enemy.”

(al-Quran 36:60)

It is a pity that we don’t listen to Allah but listen and follow the Devil. Allah is the Truth and the Devil is a lie – full of deception. Allah wants us to go to Heaven but Devil leads us to Hell; and we accompany Devil willingly. Are we not concerned about the consequences of disobedience to Allah?ِ Disobedience merits punishment. Rebellion against Allah cannot go unpunished. O Ummah! Look at the history of mankind!ْ

Have they not seen how many generations

We destroyed before them, which indeed

returned not unto them?”

(al-Quran 36:31)

If we continue on the path of evil and injustice, it is not very difficult to predict the results. We are fortunate that the wrath of Allah did not hit us, in full swing, yet. We had only small scale warnings. Feel the urgency, please! Now is the time to revert. Let us repent and ask Allah for His mercy and forgiveness! We might still be saved from the bigger disaster. Here is Allah’s prescription for our salvation and prosperity:ْ

O you who believe! Bow down and prostate

yourselves, and worship your Lord, and do

good, that haply you may prosper! ………..

So establish worship, pay the poor-due, and

hold fast to Allah. He is your Protecting Friend

A blessed Patron and a blessed Helper!”

(al-Quran 22:77-78)

Allah’s help and guidance is there for us but it comes to those only who seek it and strive for it. A mother does not feed her baby unless the baby cries.


Friday, 14 February 2025




God’s Prescription For

Guidance And All

Human Ailments

(M. Javed Naseem)

O mankind! There has come to you a direction

from your Lord and a healing for the (diseases)

in your hearts; and for those who believe,

a guidance and a Mercy.”

(al-Quran 10:57)

The Holy Quran is the Word of God – the last one in the series of books/scriptures revealed to mankind for guidance and spiritual benefits. Allah sent those revelations from time to time through different Prophets and Messengers to teach mankind how to live on this planet earth with peace and prosperity. If there’s a doubt in your mind about the benefits of the revelations of Allah, the Almighty, He reassures you in the Holy Quran at many places:

We send down in the Quran that which is a

healing and a mercy to those who believe.

To the unjust, it causes nothing

but loss after loss.”

(al-Quran 17:82)

In the Holy Quran, we’ll find the stories of previous nations who rejected the message of Allah, deviated from the right path and rebelled against the Laws of Allah. They were wiped off the land as if they never existed. The nations of Aad, Thamud, Noah, Nimrod, Lot, Shuaib, Pharaoh, etc., they all became part of the history and a lesson for the mankind. Allah the Most Merciful is full of compassion and mercy for us. He sees us going astray and disobeying His commands, still He does not punish us. He keeps giving us more time to repent and revert to the right path. And if the respite from Allah is not taken seriously after repeated warnings, Allah finally strikes and punishes the rebels who refuse to take heed. Allah says:

We destroyed the generations before you

when they did wrong; and their messengers

(from Allah) came unto them with clear proofs

(of His Sovereignty), but they would not

believe. Thus do we reward the guilty folk.”

(al-Quran 10:13)

But did the mankind really learn any lesson from the history? Today, we are in the same situation once again, or even worse. Allah has extended the leash, giving us plenty of time to repent and change our ways, but nothing is improving. On the contrary, the only change that we see, is the change for the worse – ‘Haram’ is spreading. We are falling for temptations and lusts showing no concern or worry about the consequences of our evil ways. We are chasing an illusion. We have ignored all warnings and have arrogantly defied the Commands of Allah. The righteous few, the friends of Allah, have already received the signals of the coming punishment which is at our doorsteps. Now, it is just a matter of weeks or months. Wake up, people! It is coming! Can we still not see it?

Then we must be blind, deaf and dumb! Prepare yourself for a rude awakening!

Already have We urged unto Hell many of the

Jinn and humankind, having hearts wherewith they

understand not, and having eyes wherewith they

see not, and having ears wherewith they hear not.

These are as the cattle - nay, but they are worse!

These are the neglectful.”

(al-Quran 7:179)

We have made our choices. We have sown the seeds of injustice and corruption; the seeds of evil and transgression; and now is the time to harvest. We shall reap what we have sown; that is the law of nature. If that happened to the nations of the old, it can happen to us too. We are NO exception! We have seen the warning signs – the fires, floods, storms and hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes. But we didn’t budge. The door of repentance is still open. There is very little time left but there’s still a chance. It might be the last chance!

Satan was cursed because of his arrogance and was destined to Hell. We are guilty of the same crime. We are following the Devil and are not worried about the consequences. We don’t fear Allah’s wrath. Allah had warned us not to follow the Devil as he was an open enemy to us.

Did I not charge you, O you sons of Adam,

that you should not serve the Shaitan?

Surely he is your open enemy.”

(al-Quran 36:60)

It is a pity that we don’t listen to Allah but listen and follow the Devil. Allah is the Truth and the Devil is a lie – full of deception. Allah wants us to go to Heaven but Devil leads us to Hell; and we accompany Devil willingly. Are we not concerned about the terrible consequences of disobedience to Allah?

Most of them We found not men (true)

to their covenant; but most of them

We found rebellious and disobedient.”

(al-Quran 7:102)

Disobedience merits punishment. Rebellion against Allah cannot go unpunished. O Ummah! Look at the history of mankind! So many nations had come and gone before us. The evil-doing folks were always punished after warnings. They were, as a matter of fact, replaced by other nations.

Have they not seen how many generations

We destroyed before them, which indeed

returned not unto them?”

(al-Quran 36:31)

If we continue on the path of evil and injustice, it is not very difficult to predict the results. We are fortunate that the wrath of Allah did not hit us, in full swing, yet. We had only small scale warnings. Feel the urgency, please! Now is the time to revert. Let us repent and ask Allah for His mercy and forgiveness! We might still be saved from the bigger disaster. Here is Allah’s prescription for our salvation and prosperity:

O you who believe! Bow down and prostate

yourselves, and worship your Lord, and do

good, that haply you may prosper. ………..

So establish worship, pay the poor-due, and

hold fast to Allah. He is your Protecting Friend;

a blessed Patron and a blessed Helper…”

(al-Quran 22:77-78)

Allah’s help and guidance is there for us but it comes to those only who seek it and strive for it. A mother does not feed her baby unless the baby cries. Here is a recipe to seek Allah’s help:

O you who believe! Seek help with patient

perseverance and prayer; for Allah is

with those who patiently persevere.”

(al-Quran 2:153)

Patient perseverance means steadfastness (Istiqamat). It is the basic requisite of Islam. You believe in Allah, obey His commands, His messengers, and keep doing the right things; then ask for Allah’s mercy and forgiveness. He will surely bless you; but He will also test your faith, your honesty, your sincerity, i.e., your steadfastness. If you stay the course, of course with His help, you will be blessed. It is hard but worth trying. This is God’s prescription and it always works without fail!


Friday, 7 February 2025



Allah Wants You To

Purify Yourself From Evil

And Die As Believer

(M. Javed Naseem)

“Verily, he who comes to his Lord as a sinner

(at Judgment), for him is Hell; therein shall he 

neither die nor live. But such as come to Him as

Believers who have worked righteous deeds, 

for them are ranks exalted, Gardens of Eternity,

beneath which flow rivers. They will dwell

therein forever. Such is the reward of those

who purify themselves (from evil).”

(al-Quran 20:74-76)

To err is human! We all make mistakes and we all commit sins. As a matter of fact, all human beings are sinners – some more, some less. But the best sinners are those who repent and revert to God asking for His mercy and forgiveness. Allah is all Mercy, Infinite Mercy, and He likes to forgive (only when humans ask for mercy and His forgiveness). God is an ocean of compassion and mercy. He loves us more than our mothers. He wants our welfare. The Most Merciful forgives all our sins, again and again, every time when we repent and beg for forgiveness!


We are all sinners but the best sinners

in the eyes of Allah are those who repent;

seek Allah’s forgiveness; and revert.


Allah has created Life and Death to scare us so that we make good, reasonable and righteous decisions in this life, in preparation for the life in the Hereafter. Allah has also created Paradise and Hell as a reward for us, to show us the right path so that we make just and correct choices and don't go astray. It's all up to us. We decide where we should land as we make the choices. Allah has given us the liberty and freedom of choice for a certain period (our lifespan in this world) and at the end of it, we shall be questioned about our choices and decisions – our good or bad deeds. Every nation of every Prophet or the Messenger of Allah, was given a “How-To” manual; and the last of those manuals is called the Quran. The guidance is there; the code of conduct and ethics is there and the warnings are there too. If we pay attention to those instructions or commands, we cannot go astray – never! Allah tells us:

We have not sent down the Quran to you

to be (a cause) of your distress; but only as 

an admonition to those who fear (Allah).

(It is) a revelation from Him Who created

the earth and the heavens on high. 

Most Gracious (Allah) is firmly established

on the throne (of authority). To Him belongs 

whatever is in the heavens and on earth,

and everything between them,

and all beneath the soil.”

(al-Quran 20:2-6)

But we choose to rebel, to disobey and ignore those commands or that manual or code of conduct. We make our own rules to suit us because we want to enjoy total freedom with no discipline, no rules and no regulations. We want to enjoy power and authority without responsibility. Plus we don't want to hear about justice or accountability. That thinking comes from the Devil. The Devil was destined for Hell because of his disobedience to God and he wants to make sure that he takes as many humans with him as possible. Why so? Because the Devil (Satan) thinks that his downfall or demise was caused by Adam when he refused to prostrate in front of him. Allah cursed him and destined him to Hell because of his refusal based on arrogance and claim of superiority. He is man's open enemy but man is reluctant to admit it until it's too late.

The Devil (or Satan) is very powerful. We cannot fight the Devil without Allah's help or support; and that help or support comes only when we repent and strive for it. Our efforts cannot succeed without Allah's Grace and Mercy. Only His Grace and Mercy can save us from the Hellfire. He says:

But you turned back thereafter! 

Had it not been for the Grace and

Mercy of Allah to you, you

had surely been among the lost.”

(al-Quran 2:64)

The advocates of modernity and so-called 'democracy' of today, are promoting thoughts of unlimited and unconditional freedom. They ignore that everything needs a discipline, a system and a procedure. We see the slogans like “No Fear”, “Born-Free” and “Just Do-It”, etc., etc., without any reasonable definition and logical explanation. Everyday, there's some young man who goes out with a gun and starts shooting innocent people without caring. But the so-called 'experts' always look for solutions in the wrong places. They forget that upbringing and basic education, respecting humanity, plays a vital role in the life of a young man – who is being spoiled by the violent video-games, the star-wars and porn-infested movies of super-men. Everything starts at home, in the family! You shape the future life of your children.

Sinning is embarrassing but it is embarrassing only for the right-minded human beings who are taught decency, honesty, self-respect, compassion and social justice. When such a sinner repents and reverts to God, the Most Merciful Creator takes him into His care and bestows His mercy upon him. Thus the sinner is saved.

Allah likes us to die as believers who strive for righteousness. When we purify ourselves from evil-doing and corruption, the Almighty appreciates it and rewards us with bounties, blessings and favors. There is no other way for us to escape the Hellfire except the righteousness! Here's Allah's promise:

Allah accepts the repentance of those

who do evil in ignorance and repent

soon after. To them will Allah turn

in mercy; for Allah is full of

knowledge and wisdom.”

(al-Quran 4:17)
