The Last Reminder
Creator's Command:
"Follow The Revelation!"
Many nations and towns were
destroyed for their sins!
(M. Javed Naseem)
The Quran is the last Reminder to the mankind from the Supreme Creator, Almighty Allah. If we ignore His signs and the Reminder, we will be doomed not only in this world but also in the Hereafter. The fate of the earlier nations is the proof scattered all over the world; and that invites those who believe in God to reflect and ponder upon their existence.
Here are the first 10 verses of Surah al-Araaf (Chapter 7) of the Holy Quran. The Almighty tells us:
“(It is) a Scripture that is revealed unto you
(O Muhammad); so let there be no heaviness in
your heart on that account – that you may warn
thereby; and (it is) a Reminder unto believers.”
(al-Quran 7:2)
That revelation is a Scripture (the Quran) which has been sent down to the mankind to remind them to be God-conscious and be warned in case they disregard God’s signs and commands. Allah, the Almighty, reminds us every day, in every phase of our journey and in every sphere of life that He is running the show; He is the Master of Ceremony and He is the Supreme Controller. Whatever is in the heavens, on earth and in-between, belongs to Him; and to Him belongs the sovereignty of the universe. He has no partners and there is nobody else who could save us from any disaster, any catastrophe or death. There is no king or president or premier that was appointed as God's deputy on this earth. Humans have rights and obligations; and nobody has the right to enslave them.
“Follow (O men!) the revelation given unto
you from your Lord; and follow not, as friends
or protectors, other than Him! Little it is
you remember of admonition.”
(al-Quran 7:3)
Today, on TV news, I watched the reports of terrible floods and destruction in Sicily (Italy). There was another report of burning lava destroying the island. There was an earthquake in one part of the world and the forest fires in the other. Apart from that, there were deaths from the bad reactions of the vaccine in addition to the injuries to the millions. Both American and European databases report thousands of deaths and millions of injuries due to the poisonous vaccines. Of course, there were also other 'usual' disturbing news of killing from Palestine, Sudan and Syria; heavy rains and floods in Southeast Asia, etc., etc.
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(Vaccine-related deaths in Europe) |
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(Vaccine-related deaths in USA) |
These are the warning signs from God, the Almighty, Who is telling us that He alone is running the show and He is not pleased with us. If we don’t repent and seek His forgiveness; and don’t fix what needs to be fixed to serve humanity better, we better be prepared for bigger disasters which we have no means of controlling at all. The Elite mafia – Dajjal's servants – is busy tightening its grip on the countries and independent governments of the world. They have an evil agenda to establish the Devil's government on earth. There are the puppet rulers of many countries – Muslim and non-Muslim alike – who are obediently serving the Devil. They should be aware of their end and the grave punishment. Here is a reminder of Allah's warning!
“How many towns have We destroyed (for
their sins)? Our punishment took them on a
sudden by night or while they slept for
their afternoon rest.”
(al-Quran 7:4)
“When (thus) Our
punishment took them, no cry
did they utter but this: "Indeed we did wrong."
(al-Quran 7:5)
Yes, we are going to realize it one day that we were wrong but then it would be too late – way beyond the possibility of fixing it. The time to act is now. It is now or never! The Evil Empire, controlled by the Devil, has been destroying the countries of the world, one after the other, to exercise its total control and show its super powers to the corrupt, dishonest and coward world leaders who have no courage, nor plans to stand up for justice, honesty and democracy – actually humanity. They are all (Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc.) trying to please the Evil Empire only to stay in power in their own countries. It’s a shame that the world has come to that point today! People are showing their moral bankruptcy with a bold face!
Today, believers are believers in word only, not in practice. Those hypocrites say something else but do something else with a cunning smiles on their faces. They use lies and deceptions to start wars and kill innocent people because those people refuse to obey them. But God is watching them all and every action of theirs is being recorded. On the Day of Judgment that book of records will be thrown on their faces. And eventually, the justice will be delivered by the Supreme Judge.
“And verily, We shall recount their whole
story with knowledge, for We were never
absent (at any time or place).”
(al-Quran 7:7)
Allah tells us in the Quran that justice will be delivered – every good deed will earn good rewards and every bad/evil deed will be punished. Those in the corridors of power today, are following the Devil’s plot. They don’t want to hear about Allah, God, the Scriptures or the Quran. They are lost in power and wealth. They’ll come to their senses after losing that power. And it’s going to happen soon – maybe very soon!
Now is the time for checks and balances; preparing the profit-&-loss accounts and clearing all dues. Once the term-limit is over, the game will be over! We should worry about our scales – the scales of good and bad deeds!
“The balance that day will be true (to nicety):
Those whose scale (of good deeds) will be
heavy, will prosper.”
(al-Quran 7:8)
“Those whose scale
will be light, will be their
souls in perdition, for that they wrongfully
treated Our signs.”
(al-Quran 7:9)
No Super Power will be able to protect the evil-doers, whether they are kings, presidents, prime ministers or Emirs in this world. They will all be begging for mercy on the Day of Justice which is approaching fast. If they want to avoid all humiliation and burning in the Hellfire, they better change their ways NOW, or else!
The King of the kings is reminding us again that all power belongs to Him and He alone bestows it upon whom He wills. But those who are given authority or power, they will be questioned about its use.
Power and Authority mean responsibility. Most of them seem like drifting towards Hellfire though – because they are not only wrong-doers and unfair, they are also ungrateful to the Almighty, Who gave them the power in the first place.
“It is We Who have placed you with authority
on earth, and provided you therein with means
for the fulfillment of your life. Small are the
thanks that you give!”
(al-Quran 7:10)
There’s still time (maybe very little time left) to reflect and put the house in order, if we are serious and honest about it!